Friday, August 5, 2022

Time to Get Real (By Pretending)

 We do it all the time, we fantasize, play mind games, make-believe, and/or pretend that something is in some way different,  or somehow we're more than what we are. It's always fun to be famous and have the best of times in our dreams, isn't it? Most of the time we do this, it's harmless and it doesn't come to anything. I know that for me, often times I'll play out a possible conversation I'm thinking of having with someone. I'll say what I'm going to say, then pretend that they say something. I work out all the ways it could go, and I usually (always) win the prize! C'mon, it's my fantasy, right?

    I found out last week that a friend of mine was given crushing news when he was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.  I think he was diagnosed last year with what they thought may be diabetes, but now he was told it was confirmed. He at least has the symptoms of pre-diabetes and he's been instructed to change his diet drastically in order to remain non-insulin-dependent. Wow! I would not even begin to know how to take that information. I cried with him, I prayed for him, and I think I have decided to do more. I can't do anything for him really, not unless we were in a different set of circumstances, but I can at least empathize. I can try to understand what it is that he's experiencing so that I can better understand our conversations going forward.

    As my friend is a proud man, and won't ask for help, he won't need to worry about how he would be treated at my home. I've decided to do a bit of pretending but in a good way, in a more constructive (adult) way. I've decided to live, for a while, as if I have been given that same diagnosis. Why? Why would I do that? Well, for one, it's got to be scary doing this sort of thing all by oneself. If he (or anyone else) wanted to talk to me about it, I would have some knowledge of what it was like because I would be taking on the diet, the exercise program, and the researching into the condition(s) to know what to expect both mentally and physically. It can't be just a body thing; with a diagnosis such as that, it would be all-encompassing and it would affect the body, the mind, and the spirit as well.  It is time to get thinking!

    First, I know my friend said he realized that he had some issues (physically) a few years back when his feet became numb. He went to the doctors and found out he had an issue with his veins not getting enough oxygen and though he was tested for diabetes at that time, nothing was found. I think there is some diabetes in his family, but I'm told depression and anxiety as well as a history of alcoholism can and do often lead to Type 2 Diabetes in the middle to later years of life. I don't drink, and I've never had issues with blood transmission, but I can find out what I would need to do if it were to happen. I don't need to wear the compression socks if it could lead to other issues, but I can think about the need to do so. I wear compression yoga pants when I work out and I would assume the socks one would wear for the legs would feel something like that. 

    As for the diet part of my journey, I went through my kitchen cupboards just about an hour ago and I was shocked at how many things I have in my cupboard right now that would need to be thrown out if I were considered a diabetic! My daughter lives with me, so I won't throw out her things, but I am going to start buying those foods I should and would eat if I actually had diabetes. To be 100% open and honest about it, I think this is going to be really good for me. I do avoid most of the sugary things my daughter has sitting about in the cupboards, but I'd be a liar if I said I didn't nibble a bit on some of it now and again every day. I don't eat a lot of it, but according to the research I've done I'd be overdoing it if I just do what I do now.  That stops tomorrow. (I will miss the ice cream)

    Since about August 2020, I've been really pretty firm with myself when it comes to dieting, but I do have my cheat days. You can't really cheat with diabetes. You can't fad-diet, you can't binge diet, it's a life change. It's a life challenge! I think I'm up for it. I can't say that I'll continue the process long-term, but I would if someone I loved (who lived with me) was diabetic. I would be that person who surrendered completely to showing my loved one that I was fighting this fight with them so they didn't have to open a cupboard to see a chocolate bar, a bag of cookies, or even crisps or chips that have too many carbs! I had NO IDEA that as a diabetic you can't have more than about 100 carbs a day, and you shouldn't have more than about 30 at each meal. It's not just the amount on a daily basis, but on a meal basis. I'm learning. I have about six friends that come to mind who have been living with diabetes. Some are insulin-dependent, and some are not.

    I already eat good meats, good vegetables, only the lower carb fruits, and fewer carbs.  I need to work on lowering the carbs further, giving up rice, pasta, again, sadly, ice cream, and I'll need to think about the fruits. I put raisins and cranberries in things, but I see they have more concentrated carbs than their original fruit due to the hydration stage. A raisin has 4 times as many carbs as a grape! OMG! I didn't know that. I'm learning. It hurts, it really sucks, but I'm learning. I think the end result of this experiment and journey will be that I will probably lose some weight, which is great, but I'll gain empathy for my friends and perhaps not be so careless when I offer them a piece of cake or something. 

    Many of you know that I don't eat refined sugar. I've used Stevia in all of my baking since about 2020, even before I was "dieting".  I just thought sugar makes people edgy, so I stopped using it for the most part. Now, I'm thinking I'll need to find other food subs for pasta, bread, and of course rice. Noodles are a no-go, and for someone who loves noodles, that's really a slash to the heart! I keep thinking to myself that in Heaven there will be all the things we wanted and couldn't eat, and they won't make us fat. Now, I have to think that there will be all the things we wanted to eat that didn't kill us! Then again, if it killed me I'd then be in Heaven...wait, that's not quite how it works. I will have to wait until the Rapture for my new body, so I'll just hold off on the going-to-Heaven-to-eat plan for now.

    For my friends who may be experiencing anything remotely like numb feet, numb hands, spots on the body that you can't feel, or if you're legs swell (or turn darker in color); you need to see your doctor!  Don't wait, and please don't say it's a family thing and will pass. I know it's really scary to find out things you don't want to find out. I know that some are worried about insurance not covering it, or they don't know how they'll manage to pay for it. Your health is too important to let slide.  Jesus will help you find a way to cover the cost; ask! There are programs out there. At the very very very least, you can do a bit of research on how to diet and exercise and get that part of it going. Maybe a bit more oxygen to the veins can help more than you expected it to. Losing weight is KEY to keeping your body healthy and with the body in better condition, the mind and spirit will follow. (Prayer helps. Meditation on His words and prayers.)

    I don't know how long I can go on this journey. It may be a few weeks, it may last longer. If I can do it, and it's benefiting me, I'm going to try to keep doing it. It can't hurt me. We all know that much. I think they make sugar-free ice cream at Braum's! If they don't, someone else will make it. I'm determined to be the best long-distanced friend and supporter to a would-be friend that I can be. He may not have anyone else to support him through this; and since I'm willing and available, maybe he'll reach out to give me a few tips on how I can improve my experience(s). That would be great. I'm all about learning and taking in new thoughts.  If you have tips and/or suggestions for me you can join me on Instagram at  and message me. I don't "chat" to date people or get to know them, but if you want to chat about diabetes, health, diet, exercise, and all that, I'll be happy to respond - - right up to the time when you (if you) try to flirt....I don't tolerate it. NOPE.

    Be of good cheer! Jesus is returning soon!!  This will not matter!! (Smiles)

YEA!! Bryers makes it!!

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