Tuesday, August 2, 2022

God is GREAT All The Time

 Just to show you how very great God is (at all times) I decided to blog about what has happened to me on the employment front recently.  I typically go into my prayer closet, which is a literal closet in my room, and I take my dog Ginger with me. She likes to pray too. I take my rock, the same one I've held in my hands now for more than 28 years; there's nothing special about it other than it reminds me to pray with my heart.  In the Bible, God tells us that if we forget to praise Him the rocks will call out His name. I don't ever want to hear my rock speak! I want to remember to always call out to God and to praise Him for all of the tiny and big things He does for me.

    So about a month ago I decided to go back into the classroom if that was the way God was leading me. I sort of felt that it was since the doors seemed to be opening and I seemed to be hired immediately when I went on the first interview. The place I went was run by our government, it's not a typical school. I was hired, and I was excited about it because I work well with the "tough kids" or the kids that others seem to think don't need to help because people think these kids don't want help. They do. They have a hard time expressing that they need help, but they do need and they do want help.  

    Well, after I was hired, I was told I couldn't work there because the State of Oklahoma hadn't given me my teacher's license that I had renewed. The State said they were 8-12 weeks behind in processing those licenses. I thought it was ridiculous since I had renewed the license and had the receipt, but there they were rescinding my offer!  No worries, I thought, I can just use the same license receipt and go to a public school to apply. That is exactly what I did, and again, because of my experience and willingness to work in an urban setting, I was hired immediately. Sounds great right? Not so fast. The State has now decided that I need to take yet another test to be considered fully licensed.  It seems the tests I've taken in the past in other states aren't good enough for this state. I'm so sick I could spit about it, but it won't do me any good. I have more hoops to jump.

    Oklahoma is the LAST STATE in the rankings now for education. There are 50 states and we are NUMBER 50 folks.  For years we were ahead of Mississippi, Louisiana, and often Arkansas, but NOT NOW. We are dead last and they want to treat certified licensed and experienced teachers like this.  It's a shame just waiting to happen.  With more and more teachers literally walking out the door refusing to put up with administration, parents, and below-grade-level students, I don't blame the teachers for wanting smaller classes, more pay, and to separate students who can't speak English. We LOVE our foreign students, that's not the problem. The problem is that the State and the Nation throw in the restricted learners with all the others and they rank us!  Try teaching the REQUIRED Romeo and Juliet to 9th graders who come from another country and speak and/or read at the 2nd-grade level. Try teaching it to native learners who speak and read at the 3rd or 4th-grade levels because in Oklahoma that is what we have! My best 9th graders read at 8th-grade levels, I had 3 out 110 students who did that. The average of the native learners was 4.7 grade (4th-grade 7th month) and the foreign learners were hovering around 1.9 or 1st-grade last month.

    Well, today I was told by the district that they couldn't get the State to play ball by giving me an extension so I can get their requirements completed. Does the State expect a teacher to get those requirements without being in the classroom? It's impossible. This is the sort of thing we deal with in this state, and I am about to say it again - - NO ONE EVER ASKS ME to be in charge because if they did people would have to actually do their job! We have about 70% of our state workers at home NOT WORKING and they wonder why we have such a backlog! It's hard to get people to work when they are at home lounging about, bring them back to the office and make them do their work! That's just me being right, and I know I'm not going to be popular with some for saying it. TOO DAMN BAD. 

    So, this morning, after being told that I would not be returning to the class, I went to the closet to pray and ask God where He wanted me.  Not kidding, within an hour I had an interview lined up with a recruiting office that I work with from time to time. They needed an actual recruiter, so I went in with my resume and talked to the people who usually find me work when I need it and call upon an agency. I only use one agency in the city because they've always found me good connections.  I go into the interview and before we got started the recruiter said, "You know what, I do have an opening outside of this office that pays more and they'd love you! You're just what they need and want, I think!"  I asked her what that meant.  She said I had a bubbly personality, I got my work done, and I take over to make sure everyone else is on task as well - - Bingo! Hit the nail on the head with that one.

    Tomorrow I have an interview with the company the agency mentioned. The agency told their client they recommend they just hire me directly since I know the software and have had years of experience in both human resources and managing offices.  I think I'll get the job!  I'm not going to SAY I have it, I'll wait for them to say so first.  The thing is, I let God have it, and I didn't do much crying or worrying over it. I was upset, sure, who wouldn't be? I knew my worth and thought these school districts need not only reform, but they also need an OVERHAUL and it needs to start at the top! I really wouldn't mind if the state put me in charge of that particular assignment. I could get so much done, but I don't know how would look in Kevlar!

    God is good! God is GREAT. I am super excited and expectant. I think my hours will be something really crazy like 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, and that's going to take a minute to get used to, but I can still do my trading and I can still wear my casual clothes, drink my coffee, and bake cookies for the team when I feel like it. I  hope they say yes - - I'll keep you posted. As for teaching? Well, if they can't figure out that they're throwing out the good educators, they get what they pay for; a bunch of young fluff-headed newbies who won't know what to do when a kid spits in their face or pushes them down a flight of stairs just because the teacher was stupid enough to walk in front of them. You learn these things as time goes by. Let them learn! Growing pains are called growing pains for a reason!

    Keep praying! It works. 

Photo Credit: The Chalk Shoppe! 

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