Monday, May 2, 2022

Fitness Goals for 2022.

 This one won't be that long (at least I think it won't be. I realized I put my last Spring Fitness 2022 blog up without stating any goals. Goals are really very very important in every aspect of my life. I wake up knowing I have goals to meet before I sit down to write in my journal. I don't call them chores, I call them goals because it is my hope to do them, and I don't HAVE to do them, I want to do them. I own pets so when I get up I walk one, then give treats, feed and water them all, and I put Laura's dog out and in, then back out and back in.  It's a thing now.   I have other goals for the day, but today's blog is about the goals I'm setting for the Spring Fitness 2022. 

    I am about 30 pounds over the target goal that I want to weigh, but my doctors like to say that I don't need to be that light. They like to say that I need to be this or that weight, but I know I have heavy dense bones and muscles and I don't want to carry around extra skin either. My belly is still a bit larger than it should be and some of that is extra skin that is sagging from when I lost the bulk of my weight in 2020. I am going to meet my 30 pound goal by losing 20-25 and then I'm having surgery to remove the skin under my belly area to both flatten it and to ease another 4-5 pounds off the total.  Another 3 or 4 pounds (maybe 5-6 if I have my way) is to have my breasts reduced and lifted; hopefully at the same time I have the tummy tuck so that I can be in pain all at one time and I won't have to take off work more than once.

    With the walking, diet, other exercise such as boxing, battle ropes, jump ropes, and dancing, I should be hitting my first phase of 10 pounds a month in May and 10 pounds a month in June.  I will likely taper off a bit in July and August as the last 5-10 is the hardest to lose. I'm taking it EVER so slowly so that it stays off, and I want to make a permanent decision with the surgeries for physical and mental reasons. I know I'm stable minded, but the extra care will help my confidence and my morale. I'll think of it as a way to be the best I can be and continue to encourage anyone who is willing to work hard for a goal too. There is nothing wrong with cosmetic surgeries in my book as long as you're not addicted to them, or they are being used to make you look like someone else.  I think being the best you (in my case, me) is a good thing. Bodies don't bounce back easily at my age. 

    There really isn't a food goal other than to eat well, cut the carbs when I can without trying to go all KETO on myself. It doesn't work for me to do that. I have been in that ring a few times, and the bells just keep sounding off for me to throw in the towel.  I am not one to give up something I really love just to see a pound drop and come back with vengeance!  I love my chocolate. I love bread. I don't eat much bread, but I won't give it up entirely either.  I eat smaller portions, lots of proteins, and I drink great enormous amounts of water - - probably close to 150 ounces a day easily. This will happen!! I will make it happen. It will be a great and glorious Spring and into Summer. I'll keep you posted.

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