Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Walk it Off!

 I've already written a blog today, but I don't mind spinning another. I can do that. I like writing. It's my thing really.  Lately, and I do mean LATELY, my thing has been walking a 10K every day or at least as many days as the weather will let me.  I can't run. I wish I could run, but my knee refuses to cooperate. It doesn't mind boxing, riding, dancing, or even power walking, but it will not allow me to run. I've tried a number of times. The breast have been rather nasty about it as well. Some days I wish I could bind them up so that they are never seen again. I could be as flat as a preadolescent boy and not be upset about it; but the simply fact is, I have big breasts and they remind me of the perils of running. Sad face.

    Walking has always been my go to for summertime weather exercise. I can't say I'm a fair weather walker because I will walk in the wind and light rain, just not when it's pouring outside or when God decides to bless us with lightning. Nope, not gonna see me hoofing it with the bolts all around the sky! I will keep my happy feet inside!  I do often times box, dance, or even just shuffle in place when the weather is bad, and now that I think about it, I can keep my watch on to see if I can pour out a 10K inside the house as well as outside on the pavement. 

    I started the new Spring 2002 Fitness Goals on April 2 and I have successfully walked or shuffled a 10K every day since. This is the 5th, so 4 days in a row. Tonight my little Ginger puppy decided to take the last 2 miles with me. I don't slow down, and I don't stop for her to sniff the grass when I do that. She knows it, I know it, we all know it, and there I am pulling dog, clicking at her to make her move! Neighbors have taken to laugh at us and click back at me when I pass by their unit!  It's our thing now, I guess.  I've been showered with garden hoses, water balloons, even popcorn!! Our geese don't mind the popcorn so there are three neighbors who will stand out by the pond and toss bread at me too. I'm telling you, these crazies are my crazies. I love them. I can't get any one of them to agree to power walk with me. A number of them start out with me on occasion then they fall off after 200-300 steps. My steps range from 22 inches to 39 inches in strides. Just depends on the music I'm blasting in my ears at the time. Could be Steph Macleod, could be .38 Special. Believe it or not Mercy Me can get your heart pumping!

    I clocked 12398 before 8:45 p.m. which is when I come in and rest until the 10:00 p.m. dog letting. I will do another mile when we go back out. I tend to stick closer to my own unit at that hour, but  one or two of my neighbors are always out at that time draining their dogs as well - - it's another thing. We have things. It's rather nice to have a complex with such wonderful weirdoes who don't mind coming out to cheer you on and toss moldy bread at you. I think Big Richard even balls up the bread to try and hit me. I've seen it! (We call him Big Richard because he's the older one, and Little Richard is 41 I think. They're both U.S. Army veterans; we have a few here. We take care of our own, too. 

    I am online now looking at a new pair of Ryka walkers. I think I want a new style for the Spring and Summer walk seasons. I think I need something really edgy and fun.  I only wear Ryka. They feel really good, fit just perfectly, and they are breathable. Gotta have the best for the feeties. Take care of your feet, they take care of you!  I was told that so so many years ago, and I believe it.  I think walking a 10K every day (or dancing, and/or boxing to the same) will burn about 500 calories, which isn't as many as I would want to burn, but it is 3500 a week, and that's a solid pound of fat each week. I could just do that and be 1/2 way to the goal.  I'm also eating well and doing the sort-of-not-really-Keto thing, where I eat less carbs and less sugar, but I'm not killing myself over it.

    We'll see where I am in June when Spring turns to Summer and the Summer 2022 Fitness Goals start.  The Spring 2002 Fitness Goals are to lose 20 pounds and go from a certain size to another certain size. I want to drop 4 jean-sizes. Dresses don't count, the hips count. You can easily squeeze into a smaller dress if it's flowy - - I want to be a perfectly rounded, hard-muscled, tight-ended, show off! Let the pockets tell the story, that's the goal. We'll see if I can make it happen.  If not, I have all summer to keep it going. Fall 2002 Fitness Goals are to maintain, bulk the arms and shred the thighs. I think by my birthday in November I would like to be on the aerial hammock....watch me!

Photo Credit:  Getting Inverted

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