Saturday, April 30, 2022

Spring Fitness - Phase II (2022)

 So, Spring Fitness 2022 did get off to a great start earlier in March of this year, but then, like a big ol' dummy, I over did it with my power walking and (Bam!) I hurt my freaking right knee to the point that I really couldn't exercise at all for about two weeks. I was really upset about it too. I went another week just nursing it and maybe stretching before allowing myself to get back into the walking but I did have to rein it in a bit and skip the part where I try to out do my last time and distance. I have to really work on not being too competitive with myself. I'm really not that competitive with anyone except me. I can let anyone pass me or go faster, longer, harder, maybe climb higher or something, but if I slack off I get really upset about it. I need to think about how hard I am on myself. I'm worth loving, too.

    Here it is April 30, and it's only Day 4 of the new beginning. I have so much time to make up, and so many calories to burn because not only was I not working out, I was actually comforting myself with more chocolate, more cookies, more ice cream, and less grapes and veggies.  I knew it wasn't the best thing to do, but there I was being really not-so-good at being healthy. I also told myself that I deserved a break from all the healthy stuff because I was applying for a new job, and finally found a great one. I was then in training, and you know, I needed the extra boost of energy from all that sugar. Wrong! I lied to myself.

    It's OK though, all is good.  Today is the last day of April, and tomorrow is not only a great new day, it's the start of a new week and a new month! I have this in the bag.  I can do it.  Tomorrow starts the new eating portion of Spring Fitness 2022; and it will be a really goodly planned out season, that's for sure. I plan very well, and when I take the time to plan things out I usually sink my heart and soul into it, and I make it happen. I rarely fail myself when I plan something.  I'll set the goal to an attainable and more reasonable number and I'll make it.  I think 10 pounds a month is doable if I can eat properly, work out, walk, box, dance, and jump rope. I just have to explain all this to my right knee so it's ready to join in with all the festivities. I forgot to mention the battle rope!! I have that too. I need to dig it out and do that tomorrow. It's in the truck of my car so I can easily get it, hook it to a fence post outside and work it for three to four minutes.

      The battle rope is amazing, and if you haven't ever done it, you may consider it. It is a full body work out and in only three to four minutes you really do feel it.  I know the extra hanging skin under my arms is tighter now and I have more of a core resistance line because of it. You may want to think about them. I think I paid $40 for mine which is really not bad at all. It was on Amazon, and it's covered in a light material; the grips are wrapped in red electrical type tape.  It is 30 feet long and 1-1/2 inches in diameter. Great work out. I bought a little anchor for it too and a D-hook thing to secure it to the fence post. You'll find picture of it on YouTube and when you order it. Make sure you buy the anchor too.

  It takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose one pound of fat.  You can do that by eating less calories of course, and by working out and burning calories too.  It's best to do both so that you are balanced. It is really hard to just stop eating and think it's going to be healthy for you. You can lose weight that way, sure, but it's not good on the overall system(s) in the body. They can actually shut down, close off, do funky things if they think you're starving yourself. Moderation! Moderation!  Walking briskly (around 3.5 mph) for 1 hour burns about 450-500 calories depending on your size; I wear two-pound wrist weights to add another 100 calories to that. It helps. Everything helps. It's all about the numbers.

    Basically, the plan is simple. Throughout May and June I want to lose 10 pounds each month. Then in July and August I want to really work on the toning and specific body shaping so that when I do have my surgery to remove excess skin around my belly in the fall, I will have as much tone and muscle as possible which can assist in the healing process. I'm probably going to have a breast reduction and lift at the same time so that I can be in a better overall shape,  feel better about myself, bring more confidence to the picture, and basically feel that all this hard work has been for a good result. I'm not trying to look 22 again, though that would be really fun, but I would like to have a really shapely body that is stronger than it's really ever been and the way to do that is to start with the right mental picture of what that should look like.  Dieting and exercise should be replaced with a healthy lifestyle, not a fad or something you do for a few weeks to get into a particular part of jeans.

    Another form of Spring Fitness 2022 took place today when I went through all of my clothes and gave away anything and everything that I don't wear. I had 87 tee-shirts and admittedly I do wear about 1/2 of them, but I still managed to give away 51 and keep only 36.  I went through the bookshelves too, and next week I'll find other things to free myself of so that I can streamline and clear out unnecessary junk in my life. I won't ever put anything in storage. If I don't use it I don't need it. I just really don't want to drag that sort of baggage around with me. It collects dust in reality and in my head. I deserve to be free and I'm going to make that happen. 

    That is. The numbers for today were 4.1m of walking, 22.8 inch strides, 3.4 mph (but I actually walked almost exactly 1 hour to the minute and walked 4.1 miles, so that's odd to me) and I ate well today, not over doing it with calories. I also bought a bag of grapes, eggs, cheese, sausage, strawberries, tuna, and carrots for the start of this week's menu planning.  It's all in the planning!!  Happy trails.

Photo Credit: Cymax  (mine is 30 feet with red handles)

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