Saturday, April 2, 2022

Spring 2022 Goals.

 Today is the first day of the Spring 2022 Fitness Goals for myself. I was going to start yesterday, but it was April Fool's Day and I didn't want anyone to think I was teasing. I did have a good April Fool's Day really. I pretended Jeannie and I were in Edinburgh. It was fun. I had a few people ask me to meet up at this or that cafe. Some of the ones asking me (us) to meet up were no closer to Edinburgh than we were, and it was fun to exchange "photos" we stole offline to keep the jest going. Fun!  Today is April 2, however and all foolery has been set aside.  It is now time to get the butt (quite literally) in gear, so that I can lose the needed weight, tone up the needed belly, lift the needed breasts, and feel the needed fire inside of me again. I have been FAR too lazy over the winter.

    August 3, 2020 was the day I decided to make it a very permanent change in my life to be fit. I have managed to do just that but over the past six or seven weeks I've let a few things go and I'm definitely feeling it. I've gained about seven pounds back and I know where each and every one of them have landed. I'm not happy about it, but it is a good place to start. The best thing for me (maybe not everyone else) is to stretch 10-15 minutes, do the vibration plate for 10-15 minutes while I lift a 10 pound bar or the 15 pound bar and do squats. Then I walk about 2-3 miles a day, that will increase to 5 miles as the summer approaches, and I have a jump rope that looks like King Kong should be using it. Believe me when I say I can literally only do it about two minutes before I fall flat on my face. 

    I did buy (and haven't set it up yet) a 30 foot 1-1/2" thick battle rope.  I have the necessary gear I need to attach it to the fence post outside. I was sort of waiting on that to come in before setting it up, and I was also waiting on the wind to die down, and the rain to stop. If there is no lightning I will continue to work in the rain, but I have to set it up first. I have a loop to put around a particular fence post that stands in front of my daughter's car so I can be somewhat shielded from the viewing eyes of the would be spectators. It's really not that big of a deal, but until I get really good at it and demand an audience, I may want to sort the thing(s) out a bit. I know it will also be a two minute work out until I get the arms in shape and try to build that up a bit as well. Today is the day I do that, perhaps.

    Breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the past few weeks have included carbs. I'm going to have to cut that out as well. I will absolutely miss my bread, but I will also be happier in the end. I will reserve bread for cheat day - - and it will be glorious.  Tomorrow, when I shop for food again, it will be the warrior in me that passes the bread isle and there will be more meat! There will be fat! There will be oil! There will be protein! There will be fruits and veggies. I'm such a huge veggie fan. I have this really cool machine that twists squash and zucchini into little spirals. LOVE IT. When I do that with an apple I put cinnamon and honey over it - - oh, don't get me started. I am really about ready to find that thing, and rinse it off so I can start tomorrow early.

    The goal is 27 pounds and 4 sizes of jeans. I'm not upset with what I am now, but I could be better. I have that little pouchy thing sticking out over my waistband again, and that is NOT acceptable to me. For about a year I've been able to say I was nearly flat bellied, then WINTER happened, and I was studying to take the Series 66 exam, so I didn't work out, I ate terribly, and I just let it go so I could focus. Now, starting Monday, which is in two days, I will work full time from home, which will give me plenty of ME time to do the stretching before work, the walking at lunch time, the vibration plate on my break, and the boxing and dancing - - which were not mentioned before, in the evening. I don't watch TV so there's no worries of me missing a show. I can catch a re-run online if I need to. I think the TV comes on fifteen times a year and thirteen of those are when I'm watching OU football and once or twice maybe when the tornadoes are about to touch down near my house!

    In Oklahoma we have four seasons like anyone else. We have Hot, Cold, Football, and Tornado seasons. They aren't always scheduled on a rotating calendar. We have had all four seasons in one day. No worries, we can pray, we can also sit in a closet and watch the game if we need to. Some folks have rooms and basements for that sort of thing. I have a little coat closet. God knows where I am. Back to the Fitness Goals...I do get distracted from time to time, and that happens when I'm working out as well. I can have a nasty thought of seeing myself going to Braum's for an ice cream sundae right in the middle of a power walk! I have been known to just throw caution to the wind and scratch that itch too. It doesn't do much for the scores and tallies for the goal, but it does make sense if you live in this part of the world. Braum's is a staple really - - it's there to keep you humble.

    I have a YMCA right across the street from me, and last week or so I rejoined it. Then about two days later I remembered why I don't go there, and I canceled my membership. I won't wait on a machine. I just won't do it. I went into the gym again and there were too many folks standing around talking while standing or sitting on the machines I wanted to use. Rather than being rude and saying "Ya'll need to move or start working out", I decided to do the easy thing and leave. They can keep it. I'm OK with the power walking, the lifting, the boxing, the dancing, the diet, and yeah, the 100+ ounces of lemon water as well as 50+ ounces of green tea. I do pee a lot, not gonna lie about that. It's a great feeling though because I know I'm killing off parasites and bringing about a really good balance of good bacteria with the probiotics I take. Did I mention that every night (mostly) I drink about 10 ounces of cucumber juice with an apple and either carrots or cinnamon?'s great. I do that just before I go to bed. This fat doesn't have a chance really. It's going to come off and it's going to stay off.

    That's it. I'm about to take a shower after walking the first 2 miles today. I walk about 1998 steps in one mile, my stride is literally 29.9" and I average 3.2 mph. It takes me a while to get the miles packed away, but I break it up when I can and do two sets a day. The evening can find me either catching up whatever I need to make my 5 miles, or I'll blow past it if the weather is good and I have nothing else to do. I don't use the Strava app such as my good friend Tex Newington uses. Nope, when you wear a watch that tells the app exactly where you live, that could be an issue for other complex dwellers. I just walk in circles basically anyway - - I may stray off to the parking lots of the medical buildings from time to time, but that's about it.  I could use a few mountains, hills, even parks to look at, but nope, just the little lake, geese, dirt, and smiling faces of my crazy neighbors who take to sitting on their patios and porches to cheer me on every day!  I'm so happy to be their cheap entertainment! 

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