Sunday, April 25, 2021

"There's This Woman" (It Always Starts out That Way)

You know it's going to be a great story when a guy leads off with, "See, there's this woman," and then the next thing he inevitably does, without even realizing that he does it, he shakes his head just a little, pulls his pointed finger into a clenched fist, shakes that too, and he says something else. You know the story will take a dive when he stops shaking his head and stares straight at you - - she pissed that man straight off, and he's about to tell you all about it. Grab another hot strong cup of coffee friend, you're gonna need it. 

She lives under the same moon as you and I do. She's there every night, and it doesn't matter where she actually lives, she lives rent-free in his mind. She's inside of him, she's all over him, he can't break away, and really deep down, maybe he doesn't even want to. He just needs to tell you all about her and why she drives him absolutely bonkers! She's bonkers! That's why he's feeling so angry - - he's in love, but he doesn't really want to be; at least that's what he tells himself and I guess, now he's telling anyone who will listen to him rant. 

Chris Isaak has a song about her too - - Wicked Games; goes something like this:  

"The world was on fire and no one could save me but you 
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do 
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you 
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you" 

Yes, what a wicked thing she did, she made him fall in love. What a wicked dream, a wicked chase, a wicked thought, but is it really all that wicked? Maybe it's true; maybe it's just that burning so deep and so completely consuming that hatred for himself is what he's really feeling; she has very little to do with it, but his imagination (his desire) for her does have everything to do with the way he comes back to the same story he started a dozen times but just couldn't quite finish because every time he does come to the base point, another thought about her springs up and takes him completely by the throat. She won't let go. He won't let go. He can't let go. She may already have - - let go. 

Funny, I'm thinking back on all the conversations I've had with men and with women, and without an exception, I can say it's never been the other way around. There hasn't been a single time when someone with passion and fire in their voice pointed at me and said "You know what, there's this man."  No, it's never been that way. I wonder if it even can change? She is the subject of so many songs. She is the vaper that slips away, she is the twinkle in the stars, she is the lining of the casket, the poison in the drink, the fire in the hearth, and she is the very breath he inhales; he may never be quite able to exhale completely again. 

There's this woman, she's a little crazy, I mean, she's just not right -- something; there's something...and the next line is often never mentioned, but you can read it in his eyes, she's one step over the line, but she isn't apologizing, and he's not really blaming her either. She is where she will be, and there's not a damn thing he can do about it, and if he thought about it, he wouldn't change a thing; unless he was able to convince her to stay a little longer. That may be what he wants to change.  

The next time you hear those words ask yourself, is he the lucky one for having being forced through whatever it is he's being forced through right now, or are you the lucky one for not being so tormented? Whatever it is that she is, or she does, she will remain the power behind the subconscious cognition. She is the one that remains in control as long as you both use and hear those words; "There is this woman", yes, there is, and she knows exactly who and what she is. 


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