Wednesday, April 7, 2021

I Don't Have a Penis, I Should Be Fine.

 Whew! It's a good thing I don't actually have a penis because if I did I would have to worry about taking the new dietary supplement that was suggested to me for weight loss! The supplements I've been taking are in liquid form and I'm about to run out of them - - I called the nutritionist who sold them to me about a month ago and she informed me that she can't sell me another bottle without me first agreeing to go through her program again; which if you read my other posts about ChiroThin, you'll know I wasn't a fan. I was, however, a fan of the liquid drops that helped me stave off cravings and keep me from cheating too badly -- which of course, if you think about it, having a penis does not always stop one from cheating, now, does it? But we're no longer talking about dieting - - I digress!

The nutritionist is in it for the money, I get that. She's a sweetheart, and I love the stuffing out of her, but she's more interested in the bottom dollar than she is really helping me get the fat off my gut - - if she really wanted me to be thinner, and knew or thought that the drops really worked, she would find a way to sell them to me; but it's OK, I get it.  I really do understand the concept of needing to make a killing, I mean, a living off of drops that probably come in pill form somewhere.  Even if I have to find out what the ingredients are, and then buy them either in combination(s) of two or three of said ingredients, or just individually, which may or may not require me to score (cut in half) the pills! I can do that. I own a knife. 

Well, that is EXACTLY what I ended up doing. I contacted a new friend, a person I met online through blogging and researching about ChiroThin; there are many of us who were wondering what the drops were made of since we were being obedient test subjects and loading them into our bodies every day, three times a day - - one should never really trust (blindly) anyone so well as to do that without first knowing the base ingredients.  I found out that the two noted ingredients were both cell salts or amino acids, and they were (respectively) L-Arginine and L-Citrulline.  You can go search for yourself what they do, but basically, in a nutshell, one is turned into the other naturally in our bodies, and they aid the blood flow in our veins to allow nitrite oxide to increase; here is what the Women's Health Network had to say about it:

"L-arginine is an amino acid that has several jobs in the body, two of which are especially important. The first is to build specific proteins, like other amino acids. The other is to increase the amount of nitric oxide, a powerful neurotransmitter, in the bloodstream. More nitric oxide circulating through your system relaxes the blood vessels, which improves blood flow. You can actually feel the positive effects!"

By "positive effects" they're talking about what it may do to my penis! I don't have a penis, as I mentioned earlier, but if I did have one, it would be positively affected by these amino acids. The question then becomes, am I still wanting to take it knowing I don't have a penis, and there may or may not be any "positive" effects? I have to assume my lady parts will be blessed or at least think they're being blessed by these gentle encouraging supplements; but how does that equate to weight loss, which is my goal? Apparently, the opening of the veins for blood flow will assist with the increased amount of nitrite oxide, which in turn will allow more oxygen (I'm paraphrasing what I read) and the greater amount of oxygen flowing in your bloodstream while you're working out is going to also have a positive effect on your...well, your weight loss! WHO KNEW? (Obviously, the makers of these supplements knew, the doctors who tell us about them, other people who take them, and the cashier at the pharmacy! But I did NOT know this until this week.) The best news is, I can lose weight without having to go out and get a penis because my kids would have a real fit if I did that! They think I'm nuts as it is; I don't need to prove it to them!

Besides the L-Arginine and L-Citrulline, I also bought something called Boiron Natrum Phosphoricum which if you have to ask what the hell it does you're exactly like me. I had to look it up and be sure I wasn't going to need anything "special" for that purchase too! Boiron Natrum Phosphoricum is a homeopathic medicine used for bloating and gas build-up - - OK, that means the nutritionist's magical drops have a way of breaking down gases so I can release it; like baking soda in water! I'm telling you, there's no reason to go out and spend $$$ on drops that promise the Moon when really all you need to do is a bit of research, put two and two together, come up with a solution that mimics their product, and don't overdo it to the point that you end up with more supplement than you need - - there may be Math involved. Be very careful - - there may be MATH involved. Use that knife accordingly. If you don't have to cut, don't cut, if you need to cut, do so.

Last but not least, I bought a probiotic that had the two most likely ingredients to be found in the most powerful and/or effective probiotics. I think I paid $9.88 for 120 pills, or a 60 day supply, and not $90.00 for a 30 day supply at the clinic. Go figure. Again, I get it, they're in it for the money. The other ingredients in the clinic's pills were raspberry and elderberry extracts, green coffee bean extract, and fillers. If I take the probiotics with my morning coffee and my afternoon tea I should have the caffeine needed -- and as for the raspberry and elderberry extracts? Hey, they come in gummies!! I do gummies!! 

So yeah, my cupboard has something like 14 bottles of pills and gummies that mimic and mirror the two expensive supplements I could have and did purchase once from the nutritionist - - but I think I have something like 60, 90, and 180 day supply of the respective supplements and I still have most of my money in the bank where it belongs!  As for any hopes of me ever getting a penis, only God knows! I have lived without one this long, maybe it's not necessarily something I have to have. If I do get one I can always test it out on the two amino acids and see if the article was telling the truth. I'm into research, and I'm into truth(s).  It's a thang! I'll pencil that into my 2021 Planner and see what happens. I just have to find a good penis on sale because I am not paying full price for one. Nope, that is not happening, but you know at this point a million or so men have just read my blog and are darting down to the drug store and/or Walmart to pick up a bottle of these positive little pills!  Happy trails, boys! (Oh, and just so you know, KSM-66 Ashwagandha also helps with testosterone and semen strengthening. I didn't even know they exercised!) 

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