Sunday, April 4, 2021

Red Light, Green Light - - Well, Blue Light too!

 It's been a minute, but a few weeks back I decided I wanted to try the new red light treatment using infrared light therapy on my entire body, as I have been using it on my face for about three months now. I really enjoy the results I've seen from the simple lighted mask that covers my neck and face; so why not try the entire body wrap too? There aren't many things I won't try as long as they're safe, legal, fun, and/or inexpensive -- did I say inexpensive? Well, the treatments are NOT necessarily inexpensive, but I want my investment(s) in myself to reflect that I am not only saying I'm worth it, but showing I'm worth it too. I won't spend a dime on myself if I don't think it could be helpful.  The reviews, comments, and testimonials online about the light treatments were valid and for the most part, they came from reputable places; not just advertisements including discounts to show up for a trial session.  

Facebook did have an advertisement on one of their health pages in my area, and it was for an inexpensive first trial session for what would have been a $149.00 experience, I could pay less than 1/3 of that and have a free consultation with the nutritionist to see if the light treatment therapy was a good fit for me and my lifestyle - - what that really means is, it gives me a chance to say no it's too expensive, and it lets the nutritionist know whether or not I can afford the sessions and just how many sessions she thinks I can afford before realizing that it may or may not be doing what is actually advertised. It's a game. We all know it's a game, but the treatments do actually show results and the only game part of it was the costs...or lack of costs. I had the upper hand.

I spoke openly with the nutritionist and decided to let her know I was an author, I was writing a blog, and I would be writing about my experience with the red light treatments and I would not be biased. I would tell the truth; if they worked, I would blog about it, if they did not work, I would still blog about it. I would probably throw in a lot more detail if they didn't work.  She let me have the session for $49 as promised, and if I agreed to try her ChiroThin supplements with the light treatments, she would (and was) willing to let me have 8 treatments and the supplements for $599, which is supposedly a $1000 savings (since I was blogging about it, and she hoped to be able to use my testimonial).  That was about what I expected to pay for the treatments alone, so yeah, I agreed to do it. 

I began my trial session with her measuring me and getting a baseline so we could see how much if anything was reduced after the first light treatment. She marked all over my body with a red marker before the lights, then afterwards she remeasured me and marked me with a purple marker so I could see there was in fact a difference. I watched her. There was in fact a real noticeable difference.  She was expecting me to lose between 15 and 20 inches all over my body after 8 more treatments. I was hoping to lose anywhere from 10-12 inches, but yeah, I'd take 15-20 - thank you.  She was also hoping I'd drop at least 11-15 pounds in just 4 weeks which is not unheard of; if you're losing 3 pounds a week, it would be common to see 11-12 pounds lost, right?  But that didn't happen. It may or may not have been my fault because I simply would not and could not follow the ChiroThin platform to the T. Nope. I'm not ashamed to say it either; I just could not do what they asked me to do which was to cram over 5000 calories into my body for two straight days as a LOAD period -- not going to happen. 

The ChiroThin diet has 3 parts: The first 2 days are LOAD days, and they expect you to put literally 5000 calories in so your body has a complete shock of calories to work with. I have been disciplined to only eat around 1200 calories since August 2020, so that was not going to be realistic. I could see myself taking on 2500 calories a day, maybe, that's adding things I won't eat now like donuts, ice cream, and fatty cake burgers and fries. I can go to Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy and load up yeah, but that's again, maybe 2500 and there's no way I could stomach doubling that - - but I did do the 2500 and I did do the less than 600-700 calorie diet for the 2nd phase, which takes place days 3-32 I think. I've just ended that so I'm now introducing more protein (6 ounces rather than 4) and I'm adding back a bit more fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, and peanut butter, but the ChiroThin doesn't allow for dairy products, nuts, seeds, etc during the day 3-32 and yeah, I cheated ... a lot.

I don't even remember what the last part is, days 33-39, and the reason I don't know is I threw the booklets away. I had no intention of doing it. I just wanted the light treatments. I don't mind being disciplines and yeah, I took their little cell salt drops which they claim are proprietary and they won't tell you what's in them - - I found the ingredients through another source, and they're safe. I can buy them at a health food store for virtually nothing, but ChiroThin claims that they are in fact proprietary and therefore they get away with charging an arm and a leg apparently, but I didn't pay anything extra for them so I won't complain. They're nothing special, nothing that you can't find at the GNC or Akins. I used them correctly, they helped, but so does BHB powder, so does lemon juice in water, so does Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon with honey. It's all the same to me and to my body. I did lose weight, but was it because I exercise, diet well, sleep well, drink a ton of water, or was it because I was on their special liquid magic drops? You decide.

After the last treatment, which was Friday, this is Sunday. I was measured one last time. I lost a total of 14.76 inches and I lost a total of only 8 pounds; still, I consider it a win. Eight pounds in a month is not bad and nearly 15 inches off my entire body is a good start really. I'm going to keep using red light therapy, but I bought a band from Sharper Image and will use it around my waist and belly every day for 30 or 40 minutes when I do my face and neck mask. I use red light for weight loss and wrinkle removal, the red light stimulates collagen and helps with the reduction of fat cells, which is my primary reasoning for using light; but there are other reasons to use light for a better and healthier you.  The blue light helps with PTSD, depression, anxiety, and inflammation. The purple light also helps with inflammation and it works on your circulatory system. The light blue light, one I use now and again, helps with metabolism and keeping the weight in control or at least the cravings to eat when you're not really hungry.  I don't use the other colors really, the yellow, the green, and the amber -- basically, they help with moods and clarity of thought processes. I feel that I'm pretty clear on what it is that I want and think about. I need the wrinkle reduction and the fat cell sucker outer - - that's what I need, but it's nice to know I have options. 

I don't know how I feel about the ChiroThin, to be honest with you -- it's not bad, it's not great, it's nothing to write home about, and certainly nothing to pen down or pin down either. I will say what I say and leave it at that. Could it have helped if I had been willing to follow it more closely? We'll never know, I think it could and should be modified to be healthier and have a better foundation for those who are not disciplined in their diet. There's no way a person who normally eats 3000 calories a day could safely go to 600 and expect to stay focused - - drops won't help with that. It takes time to get your body and your mind wrapped around the fact that you're not going to be eating between meals, after 6 p.m. and before noon - - yeah, ChiroThin wants you to skip breakfast 100% and wait to eat until noon! They want you to intermittent fast, and that's cool, but people who have never prepared themselves to do that are simply not going to follow those guidelines. It takes a long time to adjust your body and mindset to that life change - - it really does.  I eat from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. now and have since August, but again, they wanted me to forego my morning green smoothies - - Oh, heck no!  I gotsta have my green smoothies. Sometimes I even use Brussel sprouts!  Yum.

So there you have it, my experience with the infrared light on the table at the clinic was powerful. I drove 28 miles one way to do it, and I did it two times a week for four weeks. I didn't feel like making the drive and paying the fees she was throwing out at me once my initial treatment program had finished. She wanted to charge me $399 for six sessions or $499 for eight.  Nope.  I decided Sharper Image will get my money ($268) for a strong infrared belt that I can wrap around my belly, my butt, my thighs, my arms....yeah, it will take longer, but I'm OK with that too - - I have time. I'm a Lowlander, I'm eternal (people think it's the Highlanders that are, but no, that's what WE want you to think. Smiles.)

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