Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Power of Green Smoothies! Go Green! Go Green!

 You can make a smoothie out of just about anything you want really, as long as you add enough water, milk, or some sort of liquid to bring it to that smoothie stage. It's not called a slushy, it's a smoothie, so it does need to be smooth without running out of the blender like an emerald disaster; which you would still need to drink to save both money and face. I'll tell you what I do, and if you choose to do that you can. I have always been successful in creating the perfect smoothies because I listened to the experts at the juice cafe several years ago, where I first heard about the majestic, most powerful, antioxidant, and detoxing drink known on the planet! Yes, you will poop. Count on the poop. It will happen.

As you know, or maybe you didn't know, everything in life boils down to having an amazing poop. If you didn't know that, and this is the first time you're hearing it, you need to pay really close attention, and go straight to your refrigerator and make yourself a green smoothie. If you don't have the ingredients or the blender to do this; go now and spend that money if you can. Get it done. Make it happen. You and your poop need to become

So, what's in a green smoothie anyway, right? Well, obviously, it would be green things. What could be in your fridge right now, that isn't molding, that is green? Mine? Well, we have spinach, zucchini, pears, frozen avocado, asparagus, cucumbers, olives, parsley, beet greens, romaine lettuce, and just behind the carton of milk, there's a bit of bell pepper left from last Friday's chili cook-off. I'm not a huge pepper fan, but you can add a little to a smoothie for a kick that will send your tastebuds into orbit! (nix the olives they don't really blend well.)

One of the main ingredients every single time is greens powder. You can get it at any drug store or health food outlet. You can buy them online, you can pick them up, either way, but I use a brand called Amazing Grass - I typically buy the Green Superfood with chocolate but sometimes just the regular too. The ingredients will be posted in a picture at the bottom of the blog.  Sometimes I add an egg or yogurt to the mix for both protein and to make that smooth texture, but if I'm adding an avocado I don't need to do that.  Each and every vegetable or fruit has its own benefits, its own power, its own healing abilities, and together they make a heck of a punch to the colon - stripping out the excess ugly poop that's been hanging around in your intestines for no good reason.  

Let's start with the recipe I had today, and see what benefits and goodies were packed into an 8-ounce (I tend to make enough for 2) drink that was both thick, sweet, raw, and full of power to both detox and builds muscle at the same time! Talk about weight loss! Drinking a green smoothie every day has been one of the main staples of my overall diet plan these past several months. I've dropped over 40 pounds and have about 30 more to go. It won't be long before I'm claiming my goal, and to be honest with you, drinking greens and praying to Jesus, who made the greens, has been the reason for the loss! You gotta want it to make it happen. Make it happen.

Green Smoothie Recipe:

Prep:  cut up the ingredients and add them to the blender or Nutri-Bullet. Add water until the ingredients are completely covered. You may end up adding more water at the end.   

  • Spinach ½ cup 

  • 1 medium pear 

  • 1 medium avocado (I use frozen for the texture and coolness) 

  • ½ zucchini 

  • 1 tablespoon Green Powder 

  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds 

  • Cover in filtered water.

BLEND at high speed until the mixture is completely mixed, in my Nutri-Bullet it’s about 30 seconds. If I need to add water I do. 


Spinach: According to  

Spinach also contains 45% of the daily need for folate, a B vitamin that helps form red blood cells and DNA. And spinach supplies 15% of the daily goal for both iron and magnesium, 10% for potassium, and 6% for calcium, along with smaller amounts of other B vitamins. Spinach also provides over 160% of the daily goal for vitamin A, and about 40% for vitamin C, which both support immune function and promote healthy skin. 

Pear: According to 

There are many nutritional benefits of Pears, the nutrient contains in a pear is like this if we take a look at 100g of pear there is 42kcal of energy, fat presence is 0.2g, it carries 3% potassium and sodium, copper, phosphorus. It carries 3% of carbohydrates and 14% of dietary fiber, it contains 7% sugar which is why it tastes sweet. Also, it contains vitamin A, 6% vitamin C, vitamin B12, 2% magnesium, iron, calcium, and vitamin B6. Pear provides a very good source of fiber and is also a good source of vitamin B2, C, E. 

Zucchini: According to  

Zucchini is packed with many important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It has high fiber content and a low-calorie count. Fiber plays an important role in digestion and may limit the likelihood of suffering from a variety of GI issues. 

Zucchini contains zeaxanthin and several other compounds that can play a role in preventing oxidative stress. This, in turn, may limit the likelihood of developing cancer. 

Zucchini is rich in vitamin B6. Research suggests that this vitamin can help with regulating blood glucose. The vitamin may even play a protective role against diabetes. 

Avocado: According to 

Avocados offer an abundance of fiber, potassium (more than a banana!), and vitamins B6 and C. They’re also rich in folate, which can boost your mood! 

But any way you slice it, the nutrient avocados offer the most of is fat. In fact, one cup of avocado provides 21 grams of fat. The type of fat found in avocado, therefore, matters a great deal. And it’s mostly a mixture of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. 

Polyunsaturated fats are essential. This means they’re necessary for your body to function, but it can’t make them itself. Your body uses these fats to build cell membranes and the covering of nerves. And they’re also needed for blood clotting and muscle movement. 

Monounsaturated fats are similar to the fats found in olive oil. Some studies have linked them to reduced inflammation, lower risk of heart disease, and anti-cancer effects. 


Chia seeds: According to 

According to the American Society for Nutrition, chia seeds provide insoluble fiber which helps keep you fuller longer and bulks up stool to prevent constipation. They also deliver healthy fats, protein, and cell-protecting antioxidants. Chia seeds are a good source of minerals, such as: 

  • calcium 

  • iron 

  • zinc 

  • copper 

  • manganese 

  • niacin 

  • magnesium 

Chia seeds may help control blood sugar. A randomized controlled trial published in Diabetes Care determined that adding chia seeds to normal type 2 diabetes treatments improves cardiovascular disease risk and helps maintain good glucose and lipid control. 

There you go.  Green Powder is the bomb, you should and could use it daily. Water is also amazing, useful, needed, life-saving, and important.    Do this. Do it often.  Gain the power you need to go to the bathroom, get regulated, get healthy, get moving, lose the anxiety, get rid of the gut, you name it, the smoothie will probably deliver it; except financial stability. It can’t bring you that. Sorry, you’re on your own for that one.   

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