Sunday, April 18, 2021

Do Unto Others -- As You've Been Coaxed to Believe

 As Christians we are taught from the day we arrive on the planet, that we are to do unto others as we would have done to us; in other words, the Golden Rule is that we are to treat people the same way we would want others to treat us. What does that really mean today? Is it the same as it was say, 100 years ago? With the invention of so many media-type outlets such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Buzz, and I suppose even Blogspots, we are literally able to treat people openly, publicly, unbridled, and without any type of restraint.  We are able to treat them, communicate with them, demonstratively explain things to them, and we're even able to bash the living Hell out of them for the entire world to see - - but should we? We are breaking the gilded rule completely if we do, but do it we do. (Do it, we do. I include myself in that one; I am just as guilty).

Recently, I was made aware of the fact that I'm not considered a friend to a person I considered to be my friend. I suppose we have differences of opinion as to what friendship is; whereas he was more or less assuming I was an internet acquaintance, and I thought because we had exchanged a few good conversations and we had very similar beliefs and opinions, that we shared a shared bond that even though was physically and geographically distanced, was nevertheless a form of friendship - - I was wrong. I'm just a number, an object of circumstance, and was even lowered to the level of a client if I'm honest about it. I bought a product from the man, and that gave me the right to be called a client, a patron; how nice. I feel so honored at this point; no really, thank me again, it was my pleasure. 

Again, I'll say it, as Christians, we are to treat others as we would have them treat us. So when I call the man out for obviously speaking to others about me in terms that can only be described as rumors, gossip, potential lies, or worse - false witness; I'm being 100% upfront, in your face and bold about it, I will and I do have the right to stand my ground and say I am NOT the things you said about me; and the way you feel about me is just that, a feeling - - subjected to your anxiety, your fear, your ineptness to realize that those around you are abusing you, but some of us only pray for you and hope what God has in store for you will be received. It sort of makes my desire to be your friend seem useless and unwarranted; but the thing is, I see through your fear and your confusion, which only pisses me off further because I'd love to just say "Fuck it" and move forward, but there's that DAMN Golden Rule again; I have to treat you the way I would want to be treated. So I forgive. I forgive and wait. 

Waiting is not a bad thing.  I was given the enormous gift of patience years and years ago when I made the complete mistake and buffoonery of asking God to give it to me. HE DID...Oh boy howdy did He ever!  My ex literally kidnapped my kids and for 19 days I had no idea where they were, what they were doing if they were alive, what was happening to them - - I had to WAIT, and I had to PRAY, and I had to depend ONLY on God, and that friend, that is when I realized you should never ask God for patience. The gift given in spades, I have it, and I will (and do) use it routinely. I will wait. I will wait for eternity because I have eternity. I have no problem whatsoever knowing fully in my soul that this man, this careful, cautious, overtly concerned man, will someday on his very own, or perhaps assisted by the Spirit, will realize that he's stepped all over me, without being a bit too hard for it. Don't get me wrong, I will still bite, but I won't force the fangs in too deeply. He is, after all, my friend (in my mind and heart). 

Do not lie about me. Do not tell rumors about me. Do not cause others to not speak or respond to me because you are scared of me, or someone living with you is telling you that I want something that I don't want.  Don't allow others to influence your decision. Don't walk on their tightwire, stand on your own! This is how I treat others because this is exactly how I want to be treated. When you approach me you will do it honestly, straightforward, blunt, and with ... dare I say "Integrity"? You'll be the person God intended you to be because if He asks me to show you who that person is to be, you can bet your bottom dollar and your big burly beard that I will obey God, not man, EVERY SINGLE TIME. I'm really selfish that way; I want my blessing for having delighted in Him. It's my covenant; you can go get your own by doing the same damn thing! Do GOD's will, not someone else's bidding.

Do unto others. Forgive them when they do wrong unto you. Maybe we should read Matthew 7:1 at this point:  "Judge not that you be not judged, for with what measure you use to judge, you will also be judged by the same."  THAT is a much better rule to go by.  Don't you think, Friend?

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