Wednesday, February 15, 2023

First World Issues. I Have Them.

 If you know me you know I LOVE LOVE LOVE Scotland, but I'm not going to move there on a permanent basis because I can't be inconvenienced to the point that I can't just jump into my car and go down the road to get ice cream, crickets to feed my lizard, or to the store when I'm out of creamer. The whole concept of moving to Scotland was to make my life easier....and in ways, it would, but I can't wait in a queue to catch a bus. It's just not going to happen.  I can do it. I'm not above doing it. That's not the problem. The problem is I'll cuss and fuss about it so often that I'll be known as the THAT American, and I really don't want to do that to my fellow countrymen. Just thinkin' about you guys!!

    Why am I telling that in a blog titled "First World Issues". Well, OK, here it is, I had two First World issues today that if I had tried to remedy them while living (or even visiting) in Scotland, I would have pulled my hair out, pissed off a few folks, made an absolute ass of myself, and I would have possibly used my "get out of jail free" card. I'm saving that one.  Actually, there were three issues. Geez.  Yesterday I had one too. I went to work, which in and of itself would have been a nightmare in Edinburgh. I left the house at 8:35 a.m. and drove the 9.1 miles, I arrived at 9:00 a.m. which it should never take that long, but it's in the city, so there you go. The same distance using a bus in Edinburgh, if I used the same type of route from Point A to Point B would have taken over an hour using the bus system. I was already pissed it took 25 minutes.  Then, I got there, and I had forgotten my reading glasses. Thank God, I don't need Rx for the glasses, because since it was just a pair of readers I hopped in the car and drove 1.2 miles to the nearest CVS and I got another pair.  Driving from that Point A to Point B (and back) was only 11 minutes. Bam!

    The issues I had today were so minimal. I am almost embarrassed to say it, but it's me, so there you go. It's the day after Valentine's Day and that can only mean ONE candy. So, I wanted my cheap candy. If I wanted to go to the store I wanted to go to to get said cheap candy in Edinburgh using the buses and/or trains, it would be an all-day (or half) event. As it turned out, I was able to drive from my house to three stores since two of them didn't have any half-price candy, and I finally ended up with one that had a bit left. Wow...these people around my neck of the woods are FAST when it comes to scarfing up half-price candy. Let me tell you. Again, it's one of those issues that may not even be a thing over there, but it is here. The second issue was returning an item from Amazon. I order and order and order, and yes, I return, return, return. It depends on the timing, whether or not they were able to get it to me in time, and whether or not I needed it if they took too long. I even have Prime and they've been late lately...that may have been redundant. 

    So, there I am heading back to the car to drive the 0.8 miles to the nearest UPS store where I know there are no queues to stand in. They have six workers and they are really fast. I took a set of headphones back...another set of headphones. Here is where the really embarrassing First World issue comes into play. I've ordered four sets of headphones in the past week. I've returned three. We'll see if the one I get tomorrow is going to have a permanent home with me. The first one was too big, I mean, I have a normal-sized head, but the lowest setting was too big, and that's really odd.  The next one didn't have a USB cord for wireless even though it was advertised as having one. The 3rd one and this one really upset me, folds. I don't do folding headsets because they inevitably pull out one hair at a time on the side of my head when I turn my head - - OUCH! Sorry, not doing it. So yeah, First World much? I think so. The 4th set should be good. It's a Logistics gaming set. I don't actually game, but I can have non-folding headsets and pretend I game.

    So, it would seem that the use of a car is the one really big thing that is keeping me from moving over there. I could learn to drive I suppose, but I don't know if the world at large is ready for that. I already get pissy when people drive in the same direction as I don't drive well.  I'm the worst at gripping my steering wheel and cussing under my breath at people. I've stopped honking and flipping people off because this generation can't be offended without bodily injury occurring. It's so sad. I miss the days when you could roll your window down and really let someone have an ear full when they deserve it.  Another First World issue I suppose would be that we can't pull up in front of someone who cut you off and then drive so slowly they get pissed.  They shoot you now, or ram your car and drive away - - bastards. (and another reason is I can't say "pissy" in Scotland. It means being drunk. Dang.)'s a First World issue that doesn't involve using my car. I walked my dog today and we went near the pond where she can poop and no one asks me to pick it up because the geese poop there too. Well, Ginger...because she's that way, pooped at the pond, then when we were coming back to the apartment she pooped again, and I didn't have a baggie on me. That's a crime in these parts. You can't even know how I stared at my dog!! I told her she was a good girl because I know she is, but I don't like that I had to put her up in the apartment, grab a bag, go back to the poop, try to find it, and then pick it up before a neighbor complains about me to the landlord. Geez.  Can I catch a break?

    So, there you have it. I was just not in the best mood today after realizing that Valentine's candy was being shipped back to the manufacturers, and then they have outlets where they can get more out of the boxes. I hate that. All my life I've been a day-after candy buyer, and now I have to rethink it. How sad this world has become. LOL...and yet, I am blessed. I know I am blessed. I'm really really blessed.

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