Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Such a Bore! (Me, not You)

 I bought myself a Kindle for my birthday, which was in November. I have been downloading and reading everything I can get my hands on and it's really been so disgustingly wonderful. I have literally given up computer time, television time, and even family time so that I can read. I'm so lying; Laura stays in her room most evenings playing on her computer and we don't talk. I just thought I'd be overly dramatic for effect. 

    The truth is, I've always been a reader and I've always been a writer. Before I could actually read the words I was looking at the pictures and making up stories. My poor mom, I subjected her to listening to me. When she became annoyed with me she got me a dog. OK, that's another lie. I have always had a dog. Before I could walk I was sleeping with a dog, but I'm not lying when I tell you his real name was Rover. Rover and I would talk for hours. I would "read" to him, discuss the stories, even the details, and if I couldn't come up with a good tale he was certainly there to coax me along! He had the best ideas. I told Mom about them sometimes. She smiled at me. She did that. She still does that. I still force my dog to sit with me when I read. Some things never change. Rover gave up. He died at the age of 16 and was really happy to trade my company for that of Jesus. He's not coming back. That was in 1978.

    My Kindle holds over 4000 books. I saw today that I can buy a lot or series set of Erle Stanley Gardner books (Perry Mason) for $176 for 57 books. Yes, before you ask, I'm doing that. It's my personal Christmas present from me to me. I'll be busy for a while. Erle and I have a long long-standing relationship. It hasn't been as old as my engagement with Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but I do love me some Perry Mason mysteries. Yes, I was that kid you saw (and may still see) who carried a book in her purse if I carried a purse. I don't really remember doing that as a kid. Scratch that. I was the kid you saw just carrying a book wherever she went. Now I carry about 600+ with me, and I can still see where I'm going. I don't have to worry about dropping them.

    Whoever invented the Kindle needs to be given an award of some sort. I'm not sure what you give a person that would be more rewarding than a book, but to be able to give them 4000 books all in one handy-dandy tiny 6.5" tablet would be good. That's awesome. I can go places and do things and if I get really bored (who am I kidding? I never get bored) I can pull out the Kindle and read. I used to carry a particular book with me when I traveled by plane. It was first written in 1724 and the reprints have been in my house since about 1975. It wasn't really a book for a 14-year-old, but there I was borrowing it and then not taking it back to the library, claiming it was lost. I then really lost it, had to buy it (besides paying to replace it) and then I think I gave it away and bought another one. Well, NOW it's on my Kindle, thank you very much, and the pirates and I can become reacquainted again! 

    The other day I cleaned out my house of any and all books that were just sitting on my shelves. Most of them were printed in smaller print, and most of them were read well over 20 years ago. I gave them all to the local GoodWill store and now have space for so many other things I don't need. If I want the books inside my Kindle I can order them. I really don't read too many books more than twice. I have some favorites of course; the "Agony of Lewis Carroll" is one, and the companion book "Jack the Ripper, Light-Hearted Friend" both by British author Richard Wallace. Damn good books. Highly recommended. They will blow your mind.

    I just finished three books, one each day over the past three days, all from author M. MacGregor They are her DI Lorna Gunn series, all about 150 pages, short and good. They are well-written and fun for an evening's read. They take about 3-4 hours to read. If I had ONE complaint it would be that she sort of relies on some of the same ideals, and she mentions Charles Rennie Mackintosh over and over again, to the point that I wanted to write to her and say "OK yeah, sure, we get it. You like his work!" I'm not going to do that. If she reads the blog I guess I just did, sorry, not sorry. LOVE the work, but yeah, once is enough.  It does show me what not to do when I write my books. There's a silver lining! I gave each book 4 out of 5 stars, and I do recommend them.

    OK, hey, it's past 10 and I turn into a pumpkin if I don't get my beauty rest. Gotta run, but just for fun, maybe I'll download a few more books for the Christmas holidays. Who knows, maybe I'll find a few more Perry Masons out there for under $2.99 each? Could happen. I mean, it did happen, so it could happen again...and again...and you get the idea.

Photo Credit:  M. MacGregor.  READ THIS and all her books.

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