Saturday, December 10, 2022

Muscles and Madness!

 OK, let's just say it and get it over with. I don't like looking at those skinny guys. I don't like pretty guys either. I don't hate them, no, I just think if I'm going to end up with someone he should be bigger than me. That's a bit selfish, and maybe I should repent for it. I'm human.  I'm sort of a fan of the bigger, brawny type that has both confidence in himself and in his walk with Christ. Oh, wait, did she go there? What? I thought it was all about the body, the physique! I thought a woman wanted a REAL man!! C'mon guys, if you're into pumping iron to the point that your brain falls out of your head when the real important conversations come up, then yeah, no.  Stay at the gym, I'll find something else to keep me occupied. I'd rather read than be bored having to listen to gym talk, or maybe you want to explain to me again how great you look in that blue suit. Bye! (I really don't mind being by myself, I like the company.)

    Men are funny, aren't they? Women are too, we just usually don't have to be all muscled up to make a point. We know that curves are good, and brains are better. Men don't always agree with me; maybe that's why I'm still single. Could be that, or it could be that I don't put up with crap. I don't allow lies. I don't put on airs about myself and I don't want him to either. If you have a body that simply won't cooperate, that's how God made you. Try being happy in it rather than pushing yourself to someone else's limits. Be who you are! You're the only one you'll ever be, and no level of masculinity is going to change that. You don't need to pump up your arms past your personal comfort zone, and you don't need to listen to internet "sensations" who have bots following them making them look important enough to fill your head full of junk. You already know what you need; at least at your age you should! Did that guru tell you to be you? OK then, dump him.  I'm not saying that you shouldn't try to be fit. Yes, be fit. Be healthy, but be reasonable. Genetics are real.

    It's probably just me, but I find guys so much more attractive if they have ideas that they came up with on their own, or maybe they found an interest and they set out to flesh it out, and find out more about it. I am not the type to ask a guy to hang out with me 24/7 so he doesn't have time for his friends, his family, his hobbies, or his work. C'mon, again with the c'mon, look at me...just be you. Do you. If she's the one she'll be the one. If she's not the one and you're hoping to get one, then move on. Neither of you needs the hassle. It's OK to have a million friends. It's NOT OK to share yourself with millions to find the one. That would probably put the one off to the point of no return. Be careful with what you give away. You can't get it back.

    There's a site on Instagram about giving men their daily dosage of masculinity. Yeah, OK, that sounds both disgusting and unnecessary. It's the same with women, and it makes me sick. I'm not going to care about or think about what Kim is doing in order to feel more like a woman. My butt doesn't need to look like hers. It's mine! My lips don't need to puff to be pretty. I'm not putting mascara on for anyone, not for me, not for you, not for anyone. If what I'm doing can't be done without dolling up and being something I'm not, it's not getting done by me! So yeah, that's me. Maybe you need that boost. I don't know. I think you're pretty good the way you are; but yeah, you know, tone, stay up with the exercise, the diet, keep the sleep hours going, drink your water, eat your veggies. We don't know when the day will come when someone else needs to feed us, do we? What we do know is that we are enough! We always were.

    Muscles are great. Get them if you want them. Work out, get fit, and be the toned-up good-looking creature you were destined to be. I hope you do it with yourself in mind and not with someone else. Getting all gussied up for someone now and again is sweet, but when they start to expect it or worse, demand it, yeah, it's time to cut bait. Be true to yourself; you can't be great for someone else if you don't first do it for yourself. It's cliche, but it's true. If you think you can achieve THAT toned and sculptured body without using additives that will harm you you've been lied to, and it may be YOU that's doing the lying. Be smart. Being a man is not being a marble statue. Being a man is not being tough and acting like everyone should part the sea so you can walk through on dry land. Being a man is being humble. No really, prove me wrong.

    The best man that ever, and I mean EVER walked on the Earth, also walked on water, and get this, He did it because He could. Talk about power! Nowhere in the Word does it say that Jesus hit the gym every day, that He drank a bunch of protein shakes, took the right steroids, and gave everyone He came across the man-nod, as he pulled at the sleeves of his leather coat, giving the ladies a glance and a smirk. That's not cool. Cool is washing the feet of a beggar who had no shoes. Cool is finding time to talk to a lady drawing water from a city well that she had to go to at night to avoid the gossip and the staring eyes. Cool is looking your best friend in the eye and surrendering your mother to his care while you are nailed to a wooden beam after being slashed over 100 times with a barbed whip. Was it masculine when Jesus fell under the weight of the cross?  Choose you this day who you will serve....the body of a man, or the Savior of the soul? That's cool. Too cool for words.

    When all is said and done, this world is going away. These shells we crave to change will disappear in an instant! We'll be raptured or we'll be dead. There are times when we will be able to look back and point to how pretty we were and how great we felt, sure, but we should spend what little time we have left making those choices when the truth of the matter is, the flowers fade, the grass withers, the rain falls on both the good and the evil. Does it really matter what some woman thinks about you? Does it really matter what some guy thinks about you? No. No, not really - - the real test of your worthiness is not found in the sweaty gyms; but in the prayer closets. Don't let the liars keep your attention. You know more than they do.  No one is saying you should be alone, and no one is saying you should have to stay single but if you go off and find another partner who tears away who you are to satisfy what they need - - you're better off alone. It's hard, yeah, but wait on God to find the ONE. He knows what you want, and He also knows what you need. Besides, if you're like me, and most of you are, you pretty much screwed the pooch every time you tried to pick the ONE for yourself. Leave that to the Expert.

You're good. You were then too; you just didn't know it. You are good now. I hope you find this to be true. 

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