Tuesday, December 13, 2022

My Love and Quit Relationship with the Gym.

 I really think on my YMCA membership my name should appear in the Y's for Yo-Yo. I don't seem to make it through three months of consecutive membership without deciding to cancel and call it quits for this or that reason. The reason(s) tend to be the same, so you'd think I'd figure it out, and either stop joining (again and again, thinking they'll do something about it) or that I would just suck it up like a normal human and do what is expected of me. I can't do that. They charge too much for what I get! If I'm not getting even what I pay for, why continue?

    Laura and I joined again this past November, maybe late October, I can't remember. Every time I join it's like a blur and then when I quit I remember why I quit the last time. Not much has changed.  Though the facility is actually just across the street, and it seemingly has everything we could possibly want out of a gym, it doesn't have everything we could possibly want, and we are faced with that fact...again.  They promised an extension with a pool. It didn't happen, but we can drive over to the other gyms that have pools!! No, that's not quite the same. First World issue, I understand but it is a real one for us. It is for me because I don't really have that much extra time during the week to waste driving and parking, walking in, signing in, chatting, swimming, drying off, driving home, yada yada.

    We don't seem to find the time from when I get off work to when Laura gets off work, to then, step across the street to even do a 30-minute workout most days. We say we will, and we do for a few weeks, then one or the other can't make it, and the other doesn't go alone. I don't go alone because I often get accosted by people who want to chat. I don't chat!! I need a shirt that says "No really, I don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to work out." Some people do not get the hint even when you say it boldly to them! Laura can go alone, she has her headphones on and she literally ignores people who approach her. I think I'm too nice. Mom raised me to be cordial. I think maybe I did a better job with Laura. I know I did with Reuben, he's brutal.

    We have just about everything we need at home to do a full-body workout, it's just that the weight machines are top-notch, and I love it. I keep saying to myself that I'll end up buying a couple of the types of machines we need then when we have a house with a two-car garage we'll have one side for the car and one for the gym. That may be a minute, but it is a plan. (as I wrote that I realized that Laura will likely be with me for another 33 years.) Some things are bound to change while other things are bound to stay the same. The YMCA is not going to change. The location I am closest to will never expand. I need to accept that. They may say they will get funding for something, but they are not actually going to do it. 

    Well, it is what it is. I can just suck it up, and do more weight training at home. Fewer weights more reps I suppose. I mean, yeah, I could put the money into buying more equipment but I don't think so. I'll just be more diligent about my home workouts now and drag Laura into the living room to work out with me. It's not like I have to use her to bodyguard me from anyone coming up to chat. The dogs and the cats tend to work out right beside me. Doga and Catoga! We are champions at these sports!! Let me tell you!  Bring it. Doggy-downward has an entirely different meaning in our house. When we roll out the yoga mats the animals vie for positions around them. Crazy!! (at least it's not yoga with goats)

Photo Credit: GoatsToGo.farm

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