Sunday, December 20, 2020

Losing Weight the Natural Way

Let's start off with a lovely disclaimer:  "Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information."   


OK, now that is out of the way!  Where I am a "doctor", I am not a doctor of medicine. I hold an earned Ph.D. in Administration of Leadership so maybe I can use that education and some experience to lead you down a great new healthy path.  I'm doing it too, so you won't be alone!  C'mon, it will be fun.  Let's shed the pounds together. 

For about four months now I've been trying to knock off seemingly hundreds of needless pounds, but in reality, it's a lot closer to 30-35. I literally woke up in August of 2020 telling myself that this was it, I was absolutely tired of feeling sluggish, not having the confidence I needed to ride my horse properly, and not feeling as if I was doing myself any favors because I was quite literally heavier than I've ever been in my life, which included the times when I was nine months pregnant! Of course, each time I was nine months pregnant I was much much younger than I am today, so my body just sort of bounced back - - or made an attempt to. For years I've neglected myself and it was not only catching up to me but it was showing (EVERYWHERE).  

I didn't exactly fall off of my horse Casper, but I wasn't riding properly and I could tell I was putting a bit of a strain on him as well.  He weighed about 1000 pounds or so and with my weight, my saddle, tack, and blankets, I was putting 250 pounds on top of him. A horse can take right at 20% his/her bodyweight comfortably and there I was adding an additional 5%, which may not seem like much, but if you added 5% of your body weight to your back right now it wouldn't feel all that terrific would it? I knew it would take me a minute to lose the weight and I didn't want to continue paying board for a horse I couldn't ride, so I did end up selling Casper to a great family with three children. He's in a better place and it gave me the opportunity to focus on ME (the right way). 

Through a good plan of dieting with less calories, cutting the carbs as much as possible, and giving up anything not necessary such as preservatives, empty calories, starch, sugary snacks, and the habits of taking a snack or two after dinner, I managed to lose 10 pounds almost immediately. I think within two weeks I had shed the first 10 pounds; that was an amazing feeling. Adding walks, lifting weights, and basically continuing the process led to me losing another 10-12 pounds, but then something really bad happened; I hit a plateau. I hit the mother of plateaus! I was stagnant for literally 62 days! NO ONE DOES THAT.  


I ate correctly, drank only tea and water, slept over 8 hours a day, did the intermittent fasting, I was working out, lifting weights, punching my kickboxing bag, doing planks - - you name it, and I was doing it! I was the quintessential diet and exercise machine soldier! The result was a resounding nothing! The scale did not budge! What was I doing wrong? I couldn't figure it out so I just kept doing what I knew would somehow have to create a calorie deficit and I would eventually breakthrough - - that was my hope. My hope was built on sand. Just a bunch of worthless sand. I needed a rock! I need truth. I needed help.  

If you know me, you know I love to study. If I could be paid to study and research I would do that. I would do it for free, but I have to pay my bills. I love reading. I love studying, I love looking things up and finding out things that I've never known before. I am THAT student. I have always been THAT student. It has served me well. Through reading about breaking plateaus, I came across a simple, easy, and cheap way to break through any and every plateau and it's not only natural, it's so freaking easy (and often talked about) that I couldn't believe it would work. I had it in my head that there's no way this could work, but I'd give it a try anyway. Hey..guess worked! 

I won't string you along like they did in the infomercial thing that I stumbled across, I'll just tell you exactly what I did and am doing, and you can jump right on it as well. You may think it's crazy bonkers, but you'd be a fool not to do it too if in fact you need to (or want to) lose belly fat and get over that stupid scale issue I was having.   

Ready?  Lemon, ginger, cumin, cinnamon tea.  I add honey, blackseed oil, and actual tea to it too. It's NOT just lemon being boiled, you have to boil the lemons in their peel to get the pectin you need to boost the metabolism past the point to where the rest of the mix can do the job(s) they were masterfully created by God to do.  SIMPLE...super simple. You choose how much you want to drink; I personally drink about 5-8 cups of it a day because I am THAT way too. I don't mind the taste, and I certainly want to continue losing the belly fat, back fat, even the boob fat (sorry boys) because I don't like big fat floppy boobs. I want my boobs to stand up and pay attention and it's really hard to do that when each one is the size of a small cantaloupe (too much information?). 

Here's the recipe I use so you can do it my way, but please, please, feel free to add to it and make it your own. 

4 cups of water 

1 big fat lemon, sliced rather thinly 

1 teaspoon of cumin 

1 teaspoon of cinnamon 

1 teaspoon of blackseed oil 

1 tablespoon of honey 

1 tea bag - - usually Earl Grey or Jasmine 

YOU LET IT BOIL for around 3-5 minutes, and then turn off the stove to let it cool down. You pour it into a glass container to add more water to it, and you pour yourself a cupful while it's hot. You let it cool in the fridge and drink it either hot or cold throughout the day. Again, I like mine hot, so I just reheat it in the microwave for a minute each time.  Believe me when I say it will work on so many levels. You will find yourself going to the bathroom to relieve yourself a bit more, you will find that you have more energy. You will start to see a change almost immediately, certainly by the next morning.  

Here's another trick/clue that the professionals told me through my research: weigh yourself around 5:00 a.m. or before the sun rises because you'll add weight to your body through the liquid and/or food consumption during the day.  If you're honest you can take off 4-6 ounces for waste and it helps you to feel that much better about your true weight.  No one is going to freak out if you claim you weigh 4-6 ounces less than what the scale says. It's your little secret.  

There you have it. WEIGHT LOSS the natural way. Do talk to your doctor first if you feel you may need to do that. It's never a bad idea to get a professional opinion. I'm great at leading people in the right direction, but I will never claim to know what makes us tick! That's beyond my scope of education at this point.  

Best of luck to you, and seriously consider giving up anything that may hinder both your mind and your body from being the best it could be. You may find that sugar is simply not the antidote we all believed it could be.  I remember my granny was a stout woman, but she was a hard stout woman. She had rock-solid muscles well into her 80s. When I thought about that and how she could achieve it I began to recall her diet, her daily exercise routine, and there it was, she had lemon and ginger tea almost every single day.  Why did it take so long for me to figure this out for myself? (Shakes my head). 

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