Monday, August 24, 2020

YES! The Taste of Grass and Dirt.

 There probably aren't many of us out there, but there are enough of us that the health and beauty industry has continued to press on with sweet (wrong choice of words) tasting healthy super foods for us to use and become more and more...well, SUPER!  For me it's the greens, the organic soil rich tasting greens powder that you buy and mix with water, milk, juice, aloe vera, just about any liquid you choose so that all of your inner guts will be nearly instantaneously bombarded with pumped up earthy antioxidants so strong you feel as if your tongue and throat have been coated with a layer of genuine red clay.  LOVE that. Love the taste of dirt; always have.  When you add the wheat grass, the lemon grass, or all the other grassy grasses they combine in these products there is no wonder more people leave the canisters right on the shelf, but not me.  

Losing weight is paramount in my mind right now, but along that journey's rustic old path, the one I've traveled a number of times, is the newer cut path of more recent ingenuity - greens.  Dieting is good, we should all keep an eye on our diet, however the word "dieting" carries far too many connotations with no way of understanding exactly what it means to everyone using the word. For me, dieting is not just cutting out sugary foods and carbs. I like my carbs, in fact I eat plenty of them in the right amounts and at the right time. Knowing I didn't know enough to know what I needed to know, I consulted Google for the best would be answers to the questions I may or may not ask regarding the best diet for me. I took into consideration my weight, what I had to lose, what my age and body type are, as well as knowing enough about human habits to realize I'm not going to fool myself into eating less or drinking power drinks long enough to make any difference if the choices aren't a life choice. It's freaking time I try harder and where there is hope there is a way to make that happen.

I have a goal in my head. I have a size in mind of course, but I have a look in mind as well. I have not only made the choice to eat better, but to do it with such power that every cell in my body will know what is and what is no longer allowed entrance through my mouth. GRASS, DIRT? Always allowed, as long as it's in a fancy powder with a regulation scoop so I don't over dirt myself. I'm told that can be a problem.

With diet comes the exercise, and I'll write another blog about that one. I sort of angled at it when I wrote about the dancing - - aye, it's not only dancing, but mixing it up with yoga, stretching, strength training, and of course, aerial hammock! LOL...WHAT? OK, not yet, not until I have the body back, but once I do have the body back, that's the next step. One more tick for the Bucket List!

Today's drink was water based, so it was absolutely chunky and full of frothed swollen pear juice. If you're going to drink down dirt with grass it may help to throw in a big fat green pear, a little honey, a spoonful of chia seeds and ginger root. Mix it all up with water and blend at excessively high speeds. You'll have to drink it pretty fast to keep the chunkiness down to a tolerable level. If you let it fluff up too much you'll find yourself in a bit of a battle adding more water, stirring it up, drinking it down, adding more water, and repeating the process.  Believe me, no one else really makes their green smoothies like me - but then again, I'm not like anyone else really. I sort of like it that way. I can juice tomorrow, maybe aloe and juice, but switching it up is good. You don't have to throw in a pear, any good fibrous fruits will work, but pears add an extra gut supporting regime. Good guts are hard to obtain these days.  Pears will assist with leaking gut syndrome, immune systems, they even have a reputation of being anti-cancer fruits! Woot! Pears! 

I wasn't kidding about the aerial hammock either -- watch me.

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