Saturday, August 29, 2020

Blueberry Avocado Smoothie - - Yes, Please.

 I already know what you're want me to come over to your place and make you a blueberry avocado smoothie like the one I am drinking right now, right? Oh, if you only knew how amazing they are you wouldn't wait on me to drive my happy self over there. You'd be all up in your kitchen dancing around the Nutri-Bullet with a purpley-heavenly twinkle in your eye!  It's that good. 

I don't know who it was that introduced me to avocado smoothies, I'm just going to go ahead and give the credit to one of my California friends because avocado trees sprout up just about everywhere in the Golden State. It's next to impossible to go a day in California without someone offering you an avocado. They chop them up for dips, add them to salads, make sandwich toppers of them and even yes, blend them in smoothies to make your drink not only rich to look at, but oh so creamy to drink. Doing it! Just, DOING IT!

OK so you start out with about 10 things to make this great drink. You'll need a high speed blender thingy of some sort, I prefer the Nutri-Bullet because it's been so good to me in the past. I've never once had a issue with it other than maybe one blown gasket - easy fix.  You must have the following: a medium avocado, about 1/3 cup of frozen or fresh blueberries. I use the frozen so it's like an actual smoothie when I'm done.  You need heavy whipping cream and milk, honey, chia seeds or flax, and I add probiotic liquid and a raw egg.  After adding everything together in no particular order, I blend it for about 30-40 seconds and take the canister off the Nutri-Bullet to shake it up before blending it 30-40 more seconds. I just want to be sure it's completely blended. 

When you screw off the blade you make a determination of how thick you may want your smoothie to be. You may love it, or you may want to add more milk. Either way, you'll have a really nice thick, rich, creamy, lovely drink before you and when your tastebuds reach it you'll know why they choose to stay with you a little while longer. OMG it is soooo good. So so good. If you don't believe me, well, you're loss not mine, because I'm doing this a bit more often now that I remembered I loved them years ago. When I messaged my best friend about it just a few minutes ago she asked me if they were another one of those Celtic weird things that I found online that I decided to try. I reminded her that I've been eating avocados since we were in high school together, and that no, it's a thing! It's a real thing! (But if it doesn't have the words Dr. Pepper in it Jeannie may not really be all that interested.) 

Just looking at it makes me happy I remembered it. My brain must have been doing some mental push ups trying to bring the thought from the back of my memories to the forefront of my skull tonight. I haven't had an avocado smoothie in forever it seems.  Well, it won't be the last. Nope, tomorrow I'm off to the store to buy more fruits, different types of frozen things such as strawberries, peaches, mango and pineapple and maybe even some cherries! OH WOW...cherry avocado smoothies sound even better than blueberry avocado smoothies. I could even add a bit of super greens to them and have a really powerful drink - - maybe even a "Send-Ya-To-The-Moon" type of drinks! Where's my spacesuit? Will it still fit? I hope so, I'm taking off, this stuff is awesome.

What I really like about it is it's not too sweet and it's not boring. It's thick enough and has enough protein to be a meal replacement; that means it can be....DINNER!  Done!  God, thank you for your perfectness. Thank you for your willingness to share a wee bit of Heaven with us here on this Earth. I am in awe of your splender.  (sighs a good sigh) :) 

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