Saturday, August 22, 2020


 EVERYONE and yes, I do mean EVERYONE is so upset about 2020!  They constantly complain, make comments and talk about how they wish 2021 would hurry up and get here, they're so ready to throw out the "clear vision" year 2020.  I am at least sympathetic to most of their reasons behind wanting to move forward, but at the same time, I am thinking we must have learned something these past 8 months. Surely, we can't throw it all out willie-nillie without having been taught a lesson or two.  Let's review.

January 2020:  I had been released from my teaching job where I taught 6 graders how to read better and to pull apart sections of what they were reading in order to analyze it. Why was I released you ask? Oh, thank you for asking, because I really do want you to know.  I taught the kids Bloom's Taxonomy, a form of learning where you literally rethink virtually every sentence, line, paragraph, example, sample, or thought. You first look at it, describing it, then you add to, take away, pull it apart, put it back together, ask yourself boundary questions about it (who, what, when, where, why, how) and you finally stand back and ask if the way you've reviewed the subject is in fact better than it was before you thought it over. Easy peasy, right? Well, the other teachers at the school became irritated when the students I shared with them would ask them "Which level do I analyze this particular passage?"  The teachers didn't really appreciate having to be forced to TEACH so I was asked to leave. So, in essence, my 2020 started in December 2019 just before Christmas break.  In January 2020 however, I did receive the full compensation for the entire year that was my contracted time. That was nice. It meant I didn't have to go back to work until the end of Summer.  The year started out rather nice, I think.

February 2020: I had actually contracted what we know now is COVID 19, back in November 2019, and in February my lungs finally became stronger, healing to the point that I no longer had to use my inhaler or drink down a bottle of non-drowsy cough syrup just to talk to people on the phone. Can I say it was the most annoying lingering cough I had ever had? I just said it. It was the most annoying lingering cough I have ever had!

March 2020:  March 4 Laura and joined a fitness gym and we went a few times, until March 12 when it closed down due to COVID-19.  That same week my sister had Messaged me on Facebook to say the world was basically ending and I needed to buy as much toilet paper as possible. Things would become very bleak very soon.  I laughed, but I did make my way to the stores to gather my fair share of what was available, making the decision to only buy one package of toilet paper at every store I visited so as not to seem the great hoarder of all things personal hygiene.

April 2020:  My son and his wife celebrated their one year anniversary locked down in their new house. Laura and I were both at home, me just living off the contract money and unemployment since I qualified for it, and she working from home remotely.  President Trump decided we should all receive $1200 in what is called a STIMULUS check, and those of us who are unemployed were paid $600 a WEEK more than what we received on government subsidy. I'm not lying, I made over $1100 a week sitting on my butt reading books, studying prophecy online, and listening to Celtic music and my good pastor Charlie Garrett of The Superior Word.  So far 2020 had not really been that disappointing to me.

May 2020:  I bought a horse with my stimulus check, just trying to keep the economy going, and he was (is) a fantabulus steed.  I recently sold him due to an on going knee injury/problem, but Casper was an amazing friend and I couldn't have enjoyed my spring and early summer more. Days off, riding horses, reading, studying, eating less due to the fact that we couldn't go into a store without a mask and I don't do masks.  I was smart and bought enough food to last through the summer basically.

June, July, and August 2020 will all be rolled into one.  Months of relaxing, riding, reading, cooking, studying, sleeping in, staying up, bantering and listening to others discuss prophecy online. I engage in about four different church services a week now, but with Charlie Garrett being the one I call "MY PASTOR".  Charlie has his prophecy update, the sermon, and a Thursday afternoon bible study.  I rather hate having to go back into the working world now, leaving my dogs, cats, books, and CDs at home. 

Bottom line for me is that I really haven't had a bad 2020. So what if we've been locked down, made to feel like we need to stay six feet away all the time. I wasn't married, dating, planning on dating, thinking about it or even socializing. Horses and dogs don't give a damn if you get within six feet of them, and not one cat complained that I sneezed or coughed in their faces. I washed my hands a bit more I suppose, took a second to think before I touch my face, but other than that the world hasn't changed much at all for me. We have a city mandate to wear masks in public, but I have my inhaler and just protest a bit claiming to have asthma, which in it's truest form is true, I have a wee bit of asthma. I wear a face shield now and again, but I won't wear masks. They don't work. It even says so on the box. LOL

Bring on the FALL....bring on Autumn!  I am so ready for pumpkins, sweaters, cooler weather, and the election!  I'm a Trump supporter, so I feel that it will be a landslide victory for the 45th president's 2nd term, and I do believe that if it is not the Democrats are cheating their way into the office. We won't tolerate it. We are one. We are a silent and not so silent majority. We are Q, and Where We Go One We Go All.  

I won't miss 2020, but I'm not all that eager to throw it to the wind either.

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