Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 OMG, seriously OMG, I lost another pound in one day. I know why - - I probably danced 11 hours yesterday.  No, I'm joking but damn, I danced most of the day and into the night too. Torpedoes be damned and rammed right back where you came from because this girl has decided to make something happen. NOTHING can stop me. (Take heed Satan, don't even try!) This is a work of Jesus, this is a glory to Him. I won't spend a lot of time going over it, but this morning I stood on the scale knowing there would be a slight difference. You can't take in 1200 calories and burn 5000 without there being a difference somewhere even if it's only water. When I say I danced 11 hours I'm not far off actually.  Sometimes I picked it up and pushed it, other times I merely moved around, but I didn't stop. Laura came out of her room at least twice to tell me to take it easy, not to over do it. She knows me. I often over do things.

OK, that's it, not a big blog this time. Just a wee note, but it's a good note. 

I gotta go feed Sam, he's sitting on my right hand as I type - - not an easy thing to deal with. Fat yellow cat! Thanks for listening, reading, caring, praying. THANK YOU JESUS!  (1 more down so many to go, but it will be this way until it's finished.)

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