Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hurricane Laura - - SERIOUSLY? LAURA?

 OK, OK, OK, if they wanted to call the Cat 5 storm Caitlyn or Caity I would completely understand. I would be the first to tip my hat and say "Yes, you've got that right!"  Caity (though amazingly stunning to look at) can bowl over anyone and everyone either who happen to simply be in her way, or by her personal choice. Why do you think I've always tried my hardest to be on the good side of my wee child? She's a FREAKING FREAK OF NATURE at times, but NO, now they've gone off and named a larger than life monster of a whirl with my 2nd child's name - Laura!  How in the world can anyone be afraid of Laura? No one would take it too seriously if the storm would actually act like Laura does. EVEN when she's mad as hell she's apologizing to everyone and though she may be cursing a blue streak she would be courteous enough to do so in her own little world as to not truly do any real harm.  Laura!  I am just sitting over here shaking my head laughing. Who names a storm LAURA?

If you're going to name a spontaneous natural weather event after Laura Stringfellow it would need to be more along the lines of a sweeping wind with a little rain thrown in, maybe two bolts of lightning for effect. Of course, you'd want those lightning strikes to remain in the air and never actually aimed at any thing in particular. If there simply HAD TO BE damage, it would maybe take out  an already dead tree standing in a field so that IF it caught fire nothing could be devastated by it. She'd be sure and rain a little extra over that said dead tree before striking it to be certain there was nothing to be afraid of. THIS is Laura!  

Laura isn't without her strong points, no, believe me, she's as tough as nails and stronger than whiskey when it comes to training horses. Beasts over 1200 pounds will scamper to it when told to do so by the boss mare, but to try and pen a natural disaster on her is just ludicrous.  Maybe an exceptionally hot day in May or a colder night in October - for a few hours just to make a point! (and then, the apologies for having inconvenienced any of you.) simply won't do. Perhaps when they get around to the C's again they'll name a storm after the Queen of wrath, CAITY. Of course, if they do they'll need a new category level to ratchet it up to, 160 mph simply will not do! Nothing less than 300 miles per hour could truly capture the force that is my baby when she's been pissed to the point that she feels you need to be shred slowly over a churning endless spiral of wicked beating hail and torrent rains.  Poor Laura, her friends have taken to calling and messaging her to give her a bit of grief over NOAA's choice of names for this 2020 hurricane to end all hurricanes. I am NOT kidding you, I hear her apologizing to them online - - as if.  So funny, what's next? Will someone call an unseasonably mild day "A Reuben"?  Please God, no. He'd own that! He would SIMPLY OWN that.

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