Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Things We Do For Fun.

 I'm sitting at my computer desk, and trying to scoot my chair up closer to the keyboard so I can type but I have my feet planted inside a big black plastic trash can filled 1/4 of the way up with hot water, baking soda, Epsom salt and apple cider vinegar. You know, if you know me, I'm laughing my fool head off at this point. My arms are stretched out because I can't get the chair to roll any closer on the plastic thingy that sits under the chair. I'm thinking I got the water too hot, but like any other girl, I'm thinking it's just a matter of time before it gets cooler -- I can take it.  What we do for beauty!!

    Yesterday I was just milling about the internet trying to find things on Pinterest and other places that could give me hints and hacks about this or that sort of timeless beauty aid to have fun with so I can tease my best friend about it. She and I are always looking for ways to one-up each other, or include one another in the crazy things we come up with. Today's adventure was supposed to be me strapping onions to the bottom of my feet with cling wrap (not too tight) and then placing a sock over my feet to hold the onions in place while I slept. The problem is I don't really eat onions so I had them on my list of things to get at the grocery store, but dang it if I didn't totally forget to pick them up so now I'm doing the other approach. I saw it on Facebook I think, but the lady had a vibrating sort of foot washer and I don't have anything that fancy. I'm not about to ask the cat to do whatever he can to splash around and make the water giggle.

    The onion on the feet affair was supposed to draw out all the toxic toxins in my entire body; you know, all the things that have been accumulating for literally years upon years. Supposedly, people swear by it and even do it on a regular basis - - if it worked, I'd do it.  I'm not sure if it does, and I can't know until maybe after tomorrow when I revisit the local grocery store and this time not forget the onions! I also forgot the green tea, dishwashing detergent, and Dr. Teal's liquid foaming bath! Am I just nutters? I mean, I go to the store, I have my list, and yep, the chocolate stopped me dead in my tracks, and there I was just forgetting when I should have been remembering. Happens a lot. It happens more often than most of us want to admit, but I do admit. I think it's a way of reaching out and asking for help -- at least I was smart enough to pick up the chocolate!

    According to the science behind the detox (the onion on the feet thing) you're supposed to do this sort of thing on a weekly basis for at least a month to get as much of the goop out of your body, but it's supposed to free up your blood flow, allow oxygen to flow better in those renewed blood cells, and it's even supposed to help your mind think more clearly and without fog brain. I don't know how that all happens, but I have no problems stinking the dog out of the bottom of the bed to find out. She'll have to sleep up top for a minute and/or get used to the smell down around the footboard. My feet are a good five feet and three and a half inches from my nose so I'm good. She, the dog, on the other hand, is usually curled up between my feet which doesn't really allow me much opportunity to move about at night. We have a rule in our house; we don't disturb the dog if its sleeping or even if its just next to you. You just don't upset the dog. Cats don't count.

    What else do I do for fun and to make myself beautiful? Well, I drink a cup of cucumber juice with either apples or pears every night. Some nights I put a half a lemon in the juicer too and live on the edge! I take Sea Buckthorn, papaya root, ginger, Maca, and chlorella every day too. I guess you can say I'm a walking experiment to see if any of these anti-aging gimmicks really work. I eat correctly, exercise, do the battle ropes, and oh yeah, I box! I love boxing. You know I don't do it correctly, I'm not out there trying to compete, but my neighbors are too afraid to come up the stairs to see what's going on. One of them asked my daughter once because she thought I was beating my kid! LOL

    OMG, the water is getting so much cooler, and it's been 24 minutes. I have 6 more to go. I can't wait to see if the water in the bucket is black as tar...wouldn't that be really scary and exciting at the same time? I would scream. I don't think I could take photos of it because to get the water out of the bucket I need both hands and really, who wants to see dirty water? I'll just tell you about it, and you can either choose to believe me or not. OK...gonna rest here for 5 minutes and then pour out the water, come back and give you a full report. Be back!!  Take this time to listen to a great song or two from one of your favorite singers and remember to thank Jesus for the great day He's provided. 

OK! OK! No more stretching to reach the keyboard! I'm back up closer to the desk now, and yes, my feet are the cleanest they have ever been probably.  Thirty minutes in water with baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and Epsom salt will do that!  So, I poured the water out into the tub fully expecting to see some discoloration from the apple cider vinegar as you know it's a bit dingy in color; not quite brown, but getting there.  The water was a solid brown.  There was a consistent even distribution of the same murky brown, not a really ugly ungodly mess, but dirt brown if you will. There had to be a slight gray hue to it to make it that dull. I would think maybe there really is something to this "hack" or "trick" and after doing the onion thing maybe tomorrow or Friday, I'll make it a weekly thing to do one or the other and see if I can get the blood pumping even better. Woot!

    So if you're out on the Net and you're searching for cheap and easy things to do to make yourself gloriously wonderfully youthful, try the detoxing stuff first. It's all about the poop friends, and it's all about getting the nasty right out of you. Can you imagine how wonderful our world would be if everyone was just wasting the waste and kicking the crud out of our bodies? We'd all be so much nicer to one another. I for one, think it's worth the effort!  

Photo Credit: Check The Sethings

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