Friday, January 28, 2022

Master Composer! My Friend, Alan Williams.

 I don't even remember when it was, or how long ago, that I found the works of the master composer Alan Williams. If you've never heard of this man, I can all but guarantee you've heard his work. You can and should Google the man in an internet search so you can find the tons and tons of music he's produced and composed over the years. I'll list his website at the end of this blog, you simply must must must go hear it. I ended up buying so many CDs I think I have an Alan Williams Collection by now. It's not complete by any means, I would need a few bookshelves to hold all those CDs for sure, and I'd need eternity to hear it all. Good thing I have eternity coming up soon enough! I just hope I can listen to my favorite composer when I get there! 

    Besides being a composer, Alan also gives talks (even TedX talks) on music matters, a subject he is just over the top talented in and about. I learned so much listening to him and found myself playing the video over again to catch what I may have missed because he was just so inviting. I felt like I was at the studio myself listening to him. According to his website, and this is just too impressive, Alan has traveled around the world teaching his innovative process(es) to business people, world leaders, groups of interested people really who have both education and monumental music in their hearts. Just wow. No, wow is not words.  With such great films and television credits, this blog would go one for pages after pages just listing them. 

    Of course, on the website you can find the store where you can purchase his music. I would recommend thinking it over and coming up with a really long list of all the things you know you need to have in your collection. If I could just listen to one composer for the rest of my life, and know that I would find peace, harmony and endless bliss it would be Alan. Don't get me wrong, his work is not all soft and spa-like, no, no, no....he thunders! He's a creative genius with that wand of his! I bet anyone who works with him can tell you that he not only generous in soul, but in spirit as well, he just comes off as being the kindest most intelligent being - - the one you want the aliens to find when they come down to take over our planet. At least with Alan they'd know they found intelligent life on Earth, right?

    Check out what you can, and tell me if you love it. I know I love it. If I ever do get the movie about my dog Faith off the ground and running, I won't search far for the music maker! Nope. I've got my heart and my head set on that one. No better work out there, not in my opinion. Go...go right now, why are you still reading? Go listen to Alan!! 


Photo Credit:  Alan Williams

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