Monday, October 4, 2021

Series 7 - - Stockbroker Exam

 This will be a short and sweet type of blog. I've been asked to stay home for a while so that my blogs can be investigated; apparently I don't always please everyone when it comes to what I write. I think Teddy Roosevelt comes to mind when he said (paraphrasing) that the man in the arena actually doing the work deserves the full credit. You can't stand outside the gates or watch from the bleachers and determine whether or not a person is worth their while simply because whatever it is that they are doing is not what you would prefer. No, you are the least of my interests if you think I will bend my ways to meet your limited standards. I am not only bloodied from the work I perform, but I am mauled by the would be spectators; my sport has become less of a joy and more of a chore.  Another quote comes to mind, " everything there is a season, a time and purpose under Heaven."  Sometimes you fight, sometimes you walk away. I'll stand my ground and let God do what He does best.

    During my time off I have been studying the Series 7 exam for Stockbrokers. It's not an easy thing, let me tell you. First you have to know the lingo, get into the terminology, and be able to know the subtle differences in trades. There are so many variables, so many factors, so many numbers to remember. I'm forever grateful for the Bond Calculator of course, but you can't use it during the test. Ugh! I'll have to make due with my brain; not the best choice of technology for what I'm about to undertake. I can do this. Greater is He that is living in me! I can do this. 

    Once the 7 is under my belt I'll need the Series 66 so I can give advise to others about what it is that they need for buying and selling in order to fulfil their dreams in their financial portfolios.  The thing is, I'm not really doing any of this study so that I can go to work for an investment company or bank. I'm getting them so I can open my own shop and be a broker dealer of sorts. The end game is to learn the market to the point that I can both day trade and side trade. If making money for someone else brings me a piece of the investment pie, I'm OK with that too, but for the most part I am doing this to prove to myself that I can do it, and that I don't have to ever rely on anyone else to make life choices for me. I won't be dependent on anyone other than Jesus; no one else has that right to claim me. No one.

    I woke up at 8 today.  I usually wake up at 5:30.  I walked the dog, drank my strong coffee, wrote in my journal, sat and chatted online with my UK friends and made myself breakfast. Around 10:00 a.m. I began reading and studying, and at just after 5:00 p.m. I've stopped that and am writing my almost daily blog -- I checked the mail, took a walk, worked out, boxed a little bit, and even placed an order into Amazon for more Series books to study after I finish the 7.  I'm expecting to have a really cool and relaxed October. I'm praying November and December will work out in my favor as well. I have the law on my side, I also have the truth on my side, and where that doesn't really matter that much to some, it still matters to Jesus. He made me. He made my brain. He knows me. That's all that counts.

    Here's another quote, "Too blessed to be stressed".  I don't know who said it, but it's true

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