Monday, October 25, 2021

Jude's Almost Daily Blog Book 2 (UPDATE)

 I think there will likely be several blogs in the next few weeks that would be considered an update to the progress I am making on my second blog book.  The book really doesn't have the word "Book" in its title. I don't know why I keep adding it to the things I write or update.  The actual title is "Jude's Almost Daily Blog  Vol. 2"  but I think on the actual book it will just have the number "2" in blue and a bit bigger than the other font in the title. That's a decision I made a while back, and I'll stick to my guns with it. I think the "2" will be slightly turned as well.  

    The book has been completed as far as the writing of it is concerned. I am 100% positive I will go through it at least a dozen more times to align things, fix punctuation, misspellings, wrong word placement, grammar, and the like. I am also 100% certain that I will go back through it another dozen ore more times to place photos and descriptions of those photos in little parenthesis marks. I need about 100 photos and I think I have about 60-70 that I know I'll be using, so I may need to run out to the woods, the airport, and other places to take photos to add to the pages to either make a point or just have a nice photo to look at when the reader is reading. I love photos and assume others do as well. The first book is printed in color and that makes it a bit more expensive to print, but it's worth it. I so much like color better than black and white until the black and white is creative and offered to achieve a dramatic effect.

    Just yesterday I wrote a blog about having finished the manuscript and I mentioned that I had not yet chosen a person or persons to dedicate the book to, but today I have.  I have decided to dedicate the Book 2 to the Bethany Christian Trust in Scotland. I would say Edinburgh, Scotland, but they have their headquarters in Leith, and several other facilities around the area. I hope to see them expand in the future, and therefore I will say "Scotland" in the book so as to give them the same hope of expanding! My hope is that for every book purchased a person may consider giving a donation to the Trust as well. I would love to see that happen, and will likely add something about that in the beginning of the book, and I may add it to the end as an afterthought.   BCT really deserves so much credit and assistance. Their general mission is to end homelessness in Scotland. You can't get a better cause really. I mean, there are so many things that can be done to help prevent homelessness, but once it's there it needs to be addressed head-on!

    The book has over 94,000 words, will be about the same size, or 330 pages, and will have about or just at 100 photos.  It will be produced by the same publishing company, and I'll be sure and use my same marketing manager Koshia Silver of Edmond, Oklahoma. She is just the best. We're working on a way to promote the first book now through reviews on Amazon before we go through another campaign and hopefully, with the new attention on the first book, I can drive enough sales to promote it and the 2nd book right along with it. I think the new book should be out in late February or early March. After I submit it in November I'll have more time to "murder people" for the next series. I'm writing a good long series of murder novels next and probably at the same time working toward completing the children's book series for Faith the Dog. They should not take as much time, as they are literally written for children and have many less words and more pictures that I won't be drawing! You don't want to see my rendition of the dog...I can't draw stick people! I really suck.

    God knew exactly what He was doing when He assured me that things would work out for good for those who love and are called to His purpose. I'm off work, not worrying about paying my bills, I'm writing, I'm relaxing, I'm studying to become a stock broker so I can earn money on the side and move to Scotland. I may have to do a third Blog Book called "Jude's Almost Daily Blog 3, the Scottish Edition" and just make the blogs about what all happens in the Highlands, the Lowlands, around the Borders and in those secret scary places known only to the locals.  Maybe I can get in on a hand-fasting, a worship session or two, a few Highland games, fishing, cooking, eating, guising, and who knows what else - - maybe do a Gaelic blog that you'd have to use a translator to read! Gu Mhath! 

    Well, the important thing is, I'm writing. I'm happy, and my fingers are clicking away. Nothing except maybe a pen in my hand could make my face smile so much - - OK, OK, Naked Bearded Man can make me giggle too -- he's waiting on me to finish so I can listen to him blather on about his day around the house; he's quite useful really.  (She smiles because she's silly like that) 

Photo Credit:  Bethany Christian Trust


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