Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Intentional Prayer - Intentional Living - Powerful Stuff

I was raised a Baptist in a southern state. Albeit, Oklahoma is considered a southwestern state, and in fact is the furthest northern southern state there is, it is still quite southern and often a little behind the times in change when it comes to spiritual expression.  If I had told my pastor at the Windsor Hills Baptist Church, that I was praying with rocks in my hand, he may have called me a demon and tried to exercise the Devil out of me in front of the congregation.  He was the type that would have videoed it and made sure he was showing his best side when he did. I don't pray like he prays. I pray to God.

I was born on a Wednesday and in church by Sunday morning, if the tells you anything about my Christian upbringing. My grandmother Edwards would have walked me to church on a daily basis if her hip wasn't so bad. She was about 70 when I born, so as I aged she aged and it was up to my cousins and my own parents to see to it that I was taught correctly about Jesus, the stories of the Bible, and the manners in which a good southern gentle girl was expected to live. This one was a little different. I have always been a seer, I see things. I feel things, I know things. I don't know how or why, but I can tell you that the first time I brought my guardian angel up in Sunday School I was told I was never to do that again. I needed to wash that thought right out of my head with soapy water if I needed to. Angels may exist of course, they told me, but we weren't actually able to see them!  (They may not be able to, I thought, but I do. He's MY angel.)

I knew about my personal guardian angel when I was very young. I named him Sam because he was my friend and I saw him, felt him, talked with him, conversed with him, listened to him, and he has never left me - - but there were many years that as a fool I listened to others and ignored Sam so that I wouldn't look out of place, or be called a "weirdo" by my peers. That was MY mistake. I knew Sam was still on my left side. I felt him there, but I wasn't going to be THAT person I didn't make a big deal out of it.

 Today I hold rocks in my hands when I pray (just one really) because my Bible tells me that rocks are alive and that they will praise God if I forget to. The Bible also assures me that angels come to us in our lifetime and we don't know it, but it doesn't mean that we can't see and know them when they do reveal themselves. Rocks are conduits to the earth and to Heaven, they had to come from somewhere and I believe they came all at the same time when God said "Let there be Light". 

In my spirit I pray to the Lord YHVH and I do so through Christ. I don't believe I am able to pray to Him without Christ, but that is my belief, and I would not force it on another. I hold the rocks to reassure and to remind me that we each have a different and colorful purpose. Why would He make one rock this color, another one stronger, another one only to be found in certain places? In my spiritual path and/or journey recently. I don't do the Eastern religious paths such as Chakra, that would be wrong.

 Psalms. 37:4 ("Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of you heart") is a very strong and powerful truth. I know it to be very very true. Just a few years back I dreamed that Faith (my dog) should be seen throughout the world, and everyone should know that a dog is important to God just as they are important to Him. I wanted the world to know the story, the message of being willing to accept help and the message of being willing to give help when it is needed. The two-fold message of my dog Faith is very real, it is very necessary, and it is very easy to grasp - - do the right thing; help someone. I find that when I make myself available to help others my soul is blessed - - I find peace. The practice of intentional prayer is very very powerful.I don't want to be angry, I don't want to be unforgiving, I want to be ego-free and 100% accepting to whatever I'm suppose to do. 

This is not an easy thing for a woman, a Celtic woman, a Scorpio Celtic woman, but God is awesome as I say, and He was able to show me where to begin my journey - - at the first step. I prayed with rocks for years and I will never stop. I pray with honesty, and I will never stop or compromise that. I pray asking for very very (oh so very) specific things - - and I believe it has already been given.  I put on the incense for sensory pleasure, maybe a little Celtic flute music for the ears, but my focus is in the prayer and the intention of what it is that I desire. I can not live for you. I can not think for you. I can not ask for you, but in this very same vein of thought - - you will never think or feel for me. In fact, trying to will only alienate you from my soul; I would rather release you as being negative energy than to argue and keep you close to me. Prayer is personal, though we often pray for others.

 Because I know what I have come to believe I know that I will never not believe it. What I have asked for I already have in my heart - - and this is good. Powerful? Very. Intentional? Absolutely. Freedom in our spirits is our right - - I choose to be rooted in Christianity, but that doesn't mean I don't see angels and talk to rocks...maybe you could try it. Let's go Sam! (Psst...Sam's real name is Theonopholus).

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