Sunday, September 15, 2024

THE Final Revision - Back on Track

 One of the hardest parts of being an author, and by that I could add being a self-service author, such as I am, is the revision work that you do to make your book as perfect as possible. When I do the writing, then the stuffing and the fluffing, the corrections, the once-and-twice overs, and subject the entire book to Grammarly, there's one more VERY important step that has to be done, and it's painful.

    I submit the book- it's up there with the publisher, and they put it all together and asked me to approve it. I have no choice but to do so because I can't read the same book on the computer monitor the way I have done at least 5 or 6 other times before sending it up to be published. It MUST be published in print format so I can order a copy and then review it again. I have to do it that way. If you go through a publishing house, they give you "galleys" to go through and make corrections, but if you're doing it on your own, this is the only way I know to do it; there may be another way. If there is another way, I don't know it yet.

    I sent it up, and it's published, I approved it, and I ordered a copy of it. It was printed and shipped, and I received it. Then, I spent the next two full days reviewing it page by page to find itty-bitty tiny or big fat ugly mistakes. I dog-ear the page, make the corrections in ink, and prepare to make them inside the computer when I finish. It took me a little extra time because the book cover was off- again, you can't see that online. It has to be in book form to see it - - and believe me, I saw it.

    The cover was literally 1/32 of an inch off, but that's too much. It had an odd fit that needed to be adjusted. I adjusted it. I fixed a gutter issue, but when you take part of the gutter out, you add space, which offsets your pages. You have to go back into the book and make changes again. I think the book may have an extra page or two at the end -- if it does, it does. People can use them to take notes! I hate this part because I am always unsure what I need to approve again and if I need to do yet another printout and revision.

    Of course, when it's done, I'll have one copy sent to myself so I can make adjustments if I need to. I may order two because if I don't need any further adjustments, I can send the book to Charlie Garrett, and he'll have one to hold and read; he's one of the stars in the book! I'll actually send him two of the books; that way he can give one to his wife. I just don't want there to have to be another round of revisions. I'm really hoping this is the only one I'll need.

    At the EXTREME end of the corrections, the computer decided to blip on me and opened up two pages instead of the one I was reading and going through. I wasn't sure if it had saved my corrections or not. Believe me when I say I didn't want to go through the whole thing again - I will if I have to, but I'm praying it's all fixed. I'll order two books, and if they're bad, they're bad, but if they're good, they go see Charlie! I'll then order myself a few more just to give out to friends and family, but Charlie is first.

    If I could change anything, it would be the age of the man on the front of the book's cover. It's a free photo, so I really can't complain, but Mat Conner is almost 50; and this guy is in his early 30s I think. Oh well -- I can't have everything! I guess if I wanted to I could redo the front - - but I'm not. Nope, it is what it is -- I like the cover, actually - I only changed the size of the spine - that was the part that was off by 1/32" of an inch. Can you believe it? Talk about details!! UGGGGHHH!

    Well, I'm 99% sure that by tomorrow they'll ask me to approve the book again, and I'll order two, and I'll even pay for them to put a rush on it - so I can get them in 1 week. If they're OK, I'll need to sign them and rush them off to Sarasota, Florida, to be with their new owners. It's worth it to see Charlie and Hideko smile - - both of them are just too precious. Let's pray it all works out - - it has to!!

Photo Credit: Me.

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