Sunday, September 8, 2024

My New Christmas Tree.

     I am a member of Sam's Club, and I know I could buy a Christmas tree for less than what I could buy at most places, but when I checked, Sam's was more expensive than Amazon for virtually the same tree. I know you're saying to yourself, "So what, it's a stupid artificial tree; just get the cheap one and move forward," but that's not what I wanted to do. It's not what I did, either.

    I have this thing about blue spruce trees, and I really thought I would just get one of them and think it's a good thing - - and then I looked at the prices of the blue spruce artificial trees vs. the prices of a blue spruce real tree, and I decided that I'll get a real blue spruce and plant it here at my new house! I can do that, and then if I leave the house, It will have a really cool tree, but if I stay, I'll have a really cool tree for as long as I live here. Then, I remembered I was looking for artificial Christmas trees, and I didn't want to spend much money on a fake tree.

    Michael's, Hobby Lobby, Lowe's, and Home Depot all have 6-7 foot Christmas trees for under $100. That's when it hit me...I'm a member of Sam's Club! I'll see what they have - - the cheapest good-looking tree was well over $150.  I'm not going to do that. I'll do $100. I've decided on it, and there's no reason to go higher. I don't have it up all year (I did one year, but it was Reuben's tree, not mine), and I didn't have a good feeling about finding anything that looked good for that price, and I was right...there wasn't one.

    Home Depot rocked one for $150, same with Lowe's. I think the best I could find at any hobby store was closer to $129, but they weren't thick or sturdy looking. Where are the days of a cheap plastic tree? I could set up the 4-foot tree again - but NO.  I have a nice house, a nice dining area with a nice fat corner, and I'm setting up a nice inexpensive nice tree.  Amazon.  Yes, there were three or four to choose from, too! I bought one.

    The tree is 6.5 feet tall, so Brandon's height.  It's not a blue spruce, but a regular spruce. It's full, it's fat, it's fluffy, and it was literally $49!!  WHAT? is undoubtedly the run-of-the-mill, average, basic, standard, no-thrills, no-bells, and no-whistles type of green tree, but it's sturdy and has great reviews.  I'll get a cute plaid blanket to go under it, and we'll make it as adorable as possible. We have a bunch of ornaments already and tons of little lights. It will be amazing. I bought a nice thick gold tone star to go on top - very standard.

    If I do anything right this year, I have purchased a good solid tree at a good solid price. I have no idea how many years we'll get to use it, but I fully intend to buy a good storage box to put it in so we can at least try to use it for a good 30 more years...that is if Jesus makes us wait 30 more years. It will be a good tree for our good home, and then again, every time I look at it I will say to myself, "You knowyou're not a blue spruce, and I get that, but you were really a great value -- so yeah, you're in my house!" (You may not realize it, but I do actually speak to my trees -- it doesn't make them grow; they're plastic, but it makes me feel good.) 

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