Friday, November 5, 2021

Shock the Metabolism!

 For many people, diet and exercise sound like a lot of work, and it is. Working out, taking the time to get off your bum and either drive or walk to the gym is a hassle; let's face it. We don't want to do that! We would rather sit at home and lounge out, or just not exercise. For most of us the idea of eating less food, or less sugar, or less carbs just seems like a nightmare.  We hate forcing ourselves to be better and do more for ourselves, but it's something that's both unavoidable and unrealistic if our personal goals are to be anywhere near close to being healthy. Am I right? I know I'm right. I was there for far (far) too long. It's a pattern we allow ourselves to get into; it's a rut.  Ruts are not good. Keep that in mind at all times, ruts bad.

    From time to time my dog has taught me a really good lesson by just being a dog. She'll lay on my lap and just be chill. She isn't working, she isn't worried about anything, she's just there to be there and she lets me know I'm doing what I do and it's OK with her.  This week she taught me that the same treats I've been giving her for years are boring and frankly, she's had enough of them. She began setting them down and walking away from them as if to say I could do better.  OK, how does that equate to this blog? Well, I'm so glad you asked. You did ask, right? Well, it seems that shocking my system is the best way to get my body back on track again. I had allowed it to take a break from all the routine work outs and the conscientious dieting it had been accustomed to.  My dog's reaction to the stale routine and same old same old, let me see that I needed to shake things up. I was...well... I was boring. Can't have that!

    Knowing there are several key tricks to jumpstarting your metabolism is a good thing to have in your back pocket. You can pull this information out whenever you need it, and it's there, always there, to remind you that you're not alone in this journey of yours. Nope, there are literally millions of others just like you who need and want to work out, need and want to eat correctly, need and want to feel better but for some reason(s) or another, they aren't able to force themselves (me) to get up and make it happen. I mean yeah, I do the jump roping, I do the vibration plate, I do the weight training, and I walk. I ride horses, I do Doga (not the same as yoga, as you have to manipulate the dog while stretching) and I do the basic things I know is right -- oh, but I stopped short. I began allowing sugar to creep into my body again. I allowed creamy gravies, and I allowed carbs like no other, for about a week. I did this, by the way INTENTIONALLY! 

    That's right, I knew what I was doing, and I hope my body can figure it out as well. During the week I allowed myself to eat anything and everything I wanted. I packed in the calories, I put up with the knowledge that what I was eating wasn't "on my diet", because it would never have been on anyone's diet if they were trying to lose weight. What I was doing is stepping up to the plate and creating a starting line to start the race over again. You can do that you know. You can start over and over and over again, and not be any further behind than you were because you hadn't started so you are where you are. You need to draw the line in the sand! Make the point of making a point, and then stick with it. I choose the easy route, which was to eat what I wanted to  and get the body ready to be shocked. 

    By going from 2200 calories a day to about 1100 I'll not only shock my metabolism, but I've also put my bowels on alert, my heart, my brain, and even my liver. Everything is now on alert, waiting to see what will happen over the next 21-40 days. It takes about 21 days to get a cycle set, so if and when you're ready to shock your system keep that in mind. You cram the food for a week, then you stop doing that and you diet correctly with the needed supplements and required protein, and you do that for the next 21 days at least. I'm going to try to keep it up through the end of the year, allowing both Thanksgiving and Christmas day as cheat days, but I don't want to over do either of those. I'm one of the lucky ones who can cook and bake, but not have to "sample" everything to be sure it's good. I'm good knowing if I made it it's gonna be good. Too many years in the kitchen to start doubting myself now. Besides, I have Gramma staring down at me from Heaven every holiday to be sure I'm still using her recipes since I stole her mixing bowl when she passed. (Yep, that was me...confession)

    So, if you're into change and you want to be the best you can be for yourself, do a few things that tell the world and yourself that you are absolutely worth the effort -- because you are. YOU ARE FABULOUS. You are the only you that you can be, so be the best one ever. For me, and for millions, just a simple change of metabolic mix-up can make good.  I bet I lose 5 to 8 pounds in the next two weeks, and by my birthday, which is just under 3 weeks from today, I should be about 10 pounds lighter. That will be good. That will make me really super duper happy and I may even post a pic! Why not? I'm FABULOUS too!  We all are. Shake it up baby.

    For breakfast I had a two-egg omelet. I added heavy whipping cream and cheese for the proteins. I added Texas style chunky salsa and sour cream on top. You don't have to worry too much about the fat, just the calories; keep that in mind too.  I decided a pea protein shake would be great, because the more protein you can add to the breakfast meal the more you'll be charged up for the day.  I add a scoop of pea protein, a scoop of collagen powder, psyllium husk powder, maca powder, ginger powder, papaya seed powder, sesame seed (ground), chia seeds, honey, strawberries, another egg (raw) and milk. Believe me when I say WOW..just is good, and good for me. It's thick as mud if you leave it to hang out for 10 minutes like I end up doing since I'm typing -- and you're done for hours! I don't think I'll even have lunch. I may just wait until 6 to eat dinner and be done. It's that filling. It is for me anyway. 

    My motto has always been "Make it Happen".  I'm that girl. I will force it (on myself) so that I make it happen. If I want it to happen it will happen. I'm the one behind the curtain in my life. I can do this with Jesus' help of course, but I can do this.

Photo Credit:  Me

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