Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Keeping in Touch

I am compelled to write to address an issue that is too often ignored.  One of my friends decided to go off the grid a few weeks ago and he's not been seen or heard from really.  He's not close enough that I could pick up the phone and call him, that wouldn't be appropriate, but I did want to reach out this way and let him know that he's not actually forgotten. I know that sometimes when people decide to stop posting on social media it's because they suffered an injury and they can't physically post. There are times when people have had enough of other people online, their nasty comments, the way their followers, friends, fans, or whoever, tend to give free advice to every situation under the Sun, and it just seems prudent to step away from the keyboard.  But....and this is a big but....most people let you know they'll be offline for a minute.  It's been a few minutes.

    When people just stop writing, stop posting, stop communicating in general, that seems to make the rumor mill crank up and then whatever the situation really is could become so much worse by loose lips, talking heads and/or anyone who thinks they know exactly what to do and how to fix the problem. Well, some problems aren't meant to be fixed online in front of God and the whole world. Some problems are only solved in quiet meditation and prayer.  That's my take on it anyway.  

    Since I don't know what exactly happened to my buddy, I'm just going to ask Jesus to be in touch, and to hover over his soul for the time being. It must have been something big or else he would have said something.  Whatever the reason(s) for him not letting the rest of us, and the world, know his personal business, I'm fairly certain he'll be keen to remember to clue us in the second he feels comfortable doing so. If that never happens then it's not really our place to meddle; it is our place however, to pray. Prayer is always expected, it is always made available, and with or without the permission of the subject, prayer is always offered from those who truly do care.  Silent prayers are heard too, so if you're out there friend, and you're reading this, I hope you'll join me in my prayers for you, and you'll agree with me that God has not only a rightful place in His plan for you, but that your time and His time may be different. Let's go with His time for the sake of the prayer union. He will deliver you.

    Being mindful is important. Knowing that others have your soul in their minds is good too.  We all, every last one of us, need help from time to time and we will learn to lean on others. I love the song you know, and my friend sings it often.  "Lean on me, when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on."  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't remember being in trouble, being in need, being so hurt and at the edge of the universe at times. I find it too hard to forget because of all the times someone was there to help me. JESUS saw to that. He will see you through -- if you just lean on Him. Lean into those everlasting arms. Pray. Cry, yes, don't forget to cry, don't hold back, let it all out, and do it again, because it just hurts sometimes. It really does. No one can judge. Let it go.

    Anyone out there who is suffering from sadness, depression, anxiety, or just stress - - c'mon, we can stress ourselves, we don't need all the external stuff too. Let it go, and let God have the reins. You don't need to be driving that carriage with tears in your eyes, you need to be faithful and let someone who knows all the answers to be in control right now. It's OK to not be OK, isn't that what you say? It is. It is perfectly good to be afflicted.  David wrote about it Psalms 119:71.  He said "It is good that I am afflicted as I then know the ways of God".  If you feel like the world is crumbling, it very well may be crumbling, and that's really a good thing.  We don't call this place home. We're passing through, and soon, very soon, we will all go home.  I know I can't  wait to fly.  Pray.  You'll be fine. I promise.  The reason I can say I promise is simple - - He said so.

Photo Credit: The Disciple Maker www.thedisciplemaker.org

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