Sunday, November 7, 2021

Let Go! (Let God)

 I've probably written this particular blog before, but I was just listening to one of my online preachers, J.D. Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe.  He was giving his weekly prophecy update on his channel at where he was saying the same things he's been saying for a very long time, and using words I personally live and breathe by.  I'm sorry, but I just have to say it again, I'm not sorry for saying it again.  No, I'm not the least bit sorry, because the word (The Word) needs to be spoken, needs to be heard, and whether YOU are the one that needs to hear it, or someone else, I need to say it, so it's going to be said. Here we go.  LET GO.  Let go of what it is that is holding you to this Earth and LET GOD have the reins of your life. Sounds so simple, right? Just say a prayer, accept Christ, and all of your worries and problems will just melt away - - right? No. They don't melt. They are still right there and they are still very real, very bothersome, quite in the way, and no, not fun.  The difference is though, when you give God the reins to your life and let Him have the control over the baggage you seem to be dragging behind you, He finds ways you couldn't even imagine, ways you couldn't possibly think of, to clear the way for you to live again. He truly is the ONLY one who can do that for you. (Psst....and He does that all the time for those who ask Him to do it. It's sort of His thing.) 

    Pastor J.D. was saying that people are super worried about losing their jobs and not being able to gather for holidays because of the "You know what".  You can't even say it without being censored, and that's when you KNOW it's bad, right? If you can't even say something about something because someone told you you can't do it without consequences for having done so, you need to LET IT GO and give it to God. Let the world have the world. Let the rich have the rich, let the famous have the famous, let the people have the people. As Fanny Crosby (hymnist of over 8000 hymns including "Blessed Assurance") said, "Keep the world, but give me Jesus!"  Yes, keep the world.  You can have it. There's more of less nothing but less and less; every day it gets smaller, weaker, lessened by the opinions of those whose opinions really don't stack up to Jesus. What good is it if you gain $$$$ but you lose your soul? Where will you spend that money when you're in Hell? Where will you spend it if you stay here and the world goes to Hell? Money? Stature? Position? Power? Can anyone you know or anyone you've ever heard of create air? Can thy hang a star? Can they calm an ocean's wave? Can they put a coin into a fish's mouth and then direct a man to go fish and pull out the first fish he finds to find that coin and pay debt? C'mon!

    Jesus was with God during the Creation. They are two of the Trinity, and with the Holy Spirit, they are the Trinity, and THEY are God. They created it all, they are in charge of it all. Do you really have anything anyway? How long will your pretty new Tesla survive? (and then what?) Nothing remains when time ends. Time is not even real, folks.  He's coming back. Jesus is coming back, and there's nothing, not one thing on this Earth that I would want EVER and I mean EVER, that could keep me from letting it go and choosing to let God have what I thought was mine. PEACE like no other when you let it go. PEACE that only God has and only God can give, and ONLY YOU can ask Him for it. I can't ask Him for you - - I can only ask Him for me; and I did.  I don't worry about anything now and that's a really big thing to say.  

People wonder about me sometimes because I so often don't have what I need to make ends meet, but I'm not freaking out over it. Why would I? Does freaking out help? NOPE.  I am nothing on my own and He is everything. I let it go. I haven't ever been let down. It hasn't been easy, but I don't worry about what will happen -- because I have His word (Word) that it will be OK.  "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called for His purpose."  All things. Not all things except this or that. ALL THINGS. 

    If He lied about one thing He's a liar. God can't lie. Let Him have whatever it is that you seem to think is so very important that you can't stop squeezing onto it -- you don't need it. Let it go. It's holding you back from your personal freedom. Believe me, not money, not a person, not a kid, not a grandkid, nothing will stand between me and Jesus. I won't let it -- I let it all go. I want things; sure I do. I work toward goals, and I occupy my time while I'm waiting on Him, but I don't think about whether or not I'll be successful - - He is to be praised. Not me.  If I do what He's asked me to do, He has promised me the desires of my heart. That's all I need. Money? No. It's overrated. Fame? Never. No thank you. Status? Power? For what? Nah, you keep the world, just give me Jesus.  Peace out....well, peace always.

Photo Credit:  James Avery

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