Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Plateau! NO!

 One of the worst things that can happen to a person when they are trying to lose weight is to hit that stupid plateau where they stop losing, break pattern and routine, and just stagnate at certain weight which you KNOW if not the weight you want to end up weighing! STUPID PLATEAU!! GO AWAY!

I'm in the uphill part of my program at the moment, having lost 22 pounds since August 20th, 8 weeks now. That's not bad, but for the past 10 days I've been stuck at the VERY same weight and that is bad. It's bad for me. It may not be actually bad or really bad, but it's bad for me because I had a goal set and now I'm not making that goal.  I'm harder on myself than anyone else could be, so not meeting a goal is one of the things I don't allow myself (or in this case my body) to do. This can't remain, I must find a way.

I called the doctor because I figured she would know what to do. I love her, she's young, bright, pretty, and full of life, but she didn't exactly help me. She told me she was impressed with my weight loss and that I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing. Thank you Dr. B., I get it, I know I am, but it's not working; something is broken here!  Being the great doctor she is, she referred me to the patient care coordinator who may have more insight as Melissa G., the PC for the group, is an actual nutritionist and may be able to find SOMETHING to kickstart this body into its proper form. (Sooner is better)

Melissa asked me the standard "What are you doing" type questions. We went over each and every thing I'm doing, not doing, was doing, have done, will think about doing, and so forth. Turns out I'm eating correctly, sleeping correctly, fasting, lifting, exercising, taking the right supplements and I'm even praying, which is something I do anyway, but Melissa suggested it - - and that makes me smile. We decided to try boosting the metabolism again with eating more Omega oils found in nuts, fish, and flaxseed as well as drinking even MORE water - - more than the 80 ounces I'm already drinking.  She suggested adding cinnamon to everything too to trigger the metabolism. We also decided that kickboxing and stretching will be added and two of the lift days replaced with said kickboxing and stretching - - just to shake it up. We'll see if that makes a difference. I'll give it another 10 days before I absolutely freak out! I can do anything for 10 days.

I'm not one to cheat myself, so the upcoming holidays means absolutely nothing to me. I won't divert my attention to the fabulous desserts I see, I'll simply eat them in my fantasies and leave them alone in reality. I truly love that I have that ability. LOL  (It works with men too. You should see the handsome bearded strong Scotsman in my mind...he's a cutie for sure! Great smile.) OK, so I'll let you know what's going on with the body in about 10 more days. I won't say what I weigh yet, not until I hit my goal, but I will let you know if the cinnamon works and if the switch up on the exercising routine works. 

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