Monday, February 14, 2022

Muscle Schumscle. I Don't Want to see THAT!

 Like a dummy, like a big ol' dummy, I decided to stand on the scale. My thought process was that it had been a long time since I had done that, and since I've been eating better, walking, running, boxing, and lifting weights, I should be OK. I know my jeans were loose this morning when I put them on to go to the store. I really never wear jeans anymore. I would have said I rarely wear pants anymore, but my friends in the UK may giggle at me and call me "Cheeky".  The word "pants" actually means your underwear in the UK. Found that out after saying it a few too many times without realizing why my friends were blowing their cheeks out at me and spitting out their coffee. 

    So this morning, I decided I would stand on the scale and get a ball park figure as to what's been going on weight wise, you know, have a place to start. Nope! NOPE! I am NOT writing that number down damn it. It is NOT happening. I was so mad. I was so so so very mad. I literally stomped on the thing. I came so close to picking it up and heaving it across the room, and if I didn't think I would upset the neighbors or broken a window, I would have chunked it! I do NOT weigh what it said I did! I nearly said a bad word, let's just put it that way. I nearly said a very bad word.

    My daughter came running into the room to see what was going on, why her mom was literally pitching a fit and screaming before she'd had her morning coffee. I mean, I don't usually scream after I've had my coffee, but it is more unusual for me to be screaming before I  have had at least the first cup! I told her what had happened. She immediately took my side, she's smart like that. She blamed the sun in my eyes, she blamed the uneven flooring, she even blamed the scale itself saying it was in need of being calibrated. I love my daughter - - but she would be wrong. No, it was me. I weighted THAT much. WHAT happened? Well, turns out that I was to blame. Me. I was working out, lifting weights, and BAM....muscle happened. I put on a bunch of it apparently since the jeans are loose and the weighted bars are actually a great deal easier to pick up and maneuver.  It's me.

    You talk about hitting the internet and doing a much needed research! I had an interview to do in about an hour, and I wanted to get to the store before that, but I also wasn't going to rest until I got the facts straight in my head as to why I was teetering on being HUGE again!  Turns out that (according to a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat (this is true) but the pound of fat will make you look softer and rounder, while the muscle makes you thinner and leaner. Again, we all know this, but why was it that I could have lost 48 pounds and then suddenly put 12 back on without looking like it? I have muscles. I have biceps now. I have thigh muscles. My butt is a rock. I like saying that. My butt is a rock. The butt is the biggest muscle you have folks!  It makes sense. I mean, I still have soft spots, I still need to get rid of my lower belly, some spots around my back and chest. If truth be told, I would rather be as flat as a 12 year old boy than to be carrying these huge boobs around all the time, but if they want to become as hard as my butt and they promise to stand up all day I'll let them stay.

    The most difficult thing about working out, dieting, exercising, and lifting those endless weights, is that you really think you're going to go down in size and weight. I'm toning I guess.  I don't think I'm finished losing weight, but I'm packing on muscles at the same time and negating the whole weight lose victory dance! At least now when I do dance I can do it without toppling over or hurting myself.  I can also dance with an 8 pound ball in my hands. I wouldn't want to try that with my 12 pound ball yet...not yet. Baby steps!!  Speaking of steps, I bought an inexpensive (can't say cheap) treadmill to use at home since I'm not going to the YMCA. I have weights, a heavy jump rope, and I have the boxing bag. I can do this. The treadmill is inexpensive so it only has a few controls.  It's set to a higher incline and I can't undo it. I don't know how to adjust it properly, and I'm just sort of forced to put up with it. So I put up with it.

    I ran about four (4) miles on it today at a really steep incline and my calories burned was over 500 I think. I ran and/or walked a total of 5.29 miles for a total calorie burn of 685. Gotta love that. I'm dying over here and the dog is licking my sweat. I'm not sure if she loves me, or if the salt is just too much of a temptation. Either way, it's Valentine's Day so I'll take it. She loves me. I'm good with that.  Forge on folks, make things happen. I guess what this means is that I'll keep the scales but they have to go back into the bathroom cabinet. I'm not going to put myself through that again. I'll go buy a pair of jeans that I think I want to wear, and when I can wear them comfortably I'll pull the scales out and do the dance maybe -- at least I'll look good trying.  

Photo Credit: Me, but I took it from

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