Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Work it Baby, Work It!

 The YMCA is literally across the street from where I live, so having the excuse that I just couldn't make it over to the gym is really no excuse at all unless I've got a broken leg or something. Last month I think I didn't go all that often because I did have an issue with a tendon in the ball of my right foot - - weird.  So, yeah, I go, and when I go I work out for about 20 minutes.  Twenty minutes may not seem like much to you and it may not be, but for me, it's the most intense 20 of the day - - unless I'm boxing; then yeah, working out takes second place. 

    Today was more or less a triple header. I woke up thinking I needed to walk so I walked about 5000 steps. I usually reserve that sort of thing for the evening hours, but not today. Then around 1 p.m. I began punching the bag and really got into it. I cranked up .38 Special and hit the bag about a million times. When I do that I really should let the landlord (or at least the downstairs neighbor) know whats up. The bag's base needs another round of sand I think. I hit it, it rocks, and this continues for the duration. I'm not one to let up that often, even if I do have a tendon throbbing in my foot - - not today, but just sayin'.  When I'm hitting the bag I'm punching and punching means I don't give a damn if I'm in feeling pain, I'm punching. (Know anyone like that? I'm one. You know me, so you can now answer that question in the affirmative.)

    So punching happened, and when I punch I dance. When I dance and punch I grind so that I can get the lower end even lower so I can punch and drive my fists into the lower part of the bag as if I'm punching someone in the groin. It could be useful if it becomes useful. My good friend (today) asked me to video my punching sessions -- can I monetize? I might be interested if I could get about 50,000 subscribers willing to pay me .99 a month to watch me punch the daylights (and other parts) off of the red bag. I may have to (at that point) get a "Bob" to punch so it would at least feel more realistic. Bob's face HURTS when you hit it. Just so you know, you hit Bob you feel it.  Those Everlast Evergel hand wraps are NEEDED if you're going to punch Bob.

    After the punching after the grinding, after the walking, after the decision to eat something, which ended up being a pea protein shake with blueberries; I decided to work out at the Y. OK...I must be in beast-mode today, I don't know. I'm about to hit the shower after working out for my give-it-more-than-you-thought-you-could-give 20 minutes at the gym.  I typically do a belly machine, two arm machines, two leg press types, and then the ever-standing rings. I don't do what Lara Trump does mind you, that woman is my personal hero! If you have not seen her, go watch! Go...go watch her! DANG!!!  I do squats on the rings. I hold them, move out to the point that I'm putting all my weight on the rings and I squat. I do that 100 times and call it done. 

    I don't think I'm done for the day, it's only 4:00 p.m. and I'm thinking another round of 5000 steps would be about right for the evening - - after dinner. Put fuel in, get moving. I can do this. I'm not like this every day, and that's probably a good thing, but today is a rip day - - borrowed that one from my son. (He will be proud of me when I give him my report, I'm sure.) So that's about it, just reporting in and letting you know that there are days that I really like hitting things and moving things, and there are days I like feeling like I'm 18 and indestructible. Today is another one of those days. Wanna dance? I'm game.  Crank it. Let's go.

Photo credit: 

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