Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Casting My Nets to the Right

 Hello, and welcome to this particular blog. I've just come from the closet in my bedroom where I have a really cute painted wooden chair that has a fat little cushy cushion on it; it's where I pray.  I often ask God to help me, be with me, show me the way, and to be sure and remind me over and over again when I'm about to make a really stupid mistake so I don't actually make it. The closet has been a source of love, life, energy, and prayer for many years. This particular closet only for about 6 years, but since I can remember, certainly since I was around the age of 10, I've been praying inside my closet because the Gospel of Matthew pointed out that we really should do that.  You can find the specific verse, verse 6, in Chapter 6 of that book. It reads in the King James like this:   "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."    So yeah, I'm a closet Christian for sure.

    Today's prayer was all about the success and roll out of my new book "Jude's Almost Daily Blog", but of course, as always, when I go into the closet, I don't just pray for one thing. I end up talking and spending more time with God, asking Him what He wants rather than what I want. It's funny, I go into the closet with an agenda and come out with a plan; His plan. Such a deal! He's the best negotiator out there. You come into the meeting with your fists tight and full of panic, and He's just there to help you relax, understand the meaning for the meeting in the first place, and you wind up thinking you really should have remembered this from the last few thousands meetings you've had with God; He really does know what He's doing. 

    The Word I received from God today was about casting my nets to the right and drawing or bringing in the blessing He has prepared for me. The reference is a fishing reference, the "boys" or disciples of Christ were mostly men of blue collar fishing work; and they worked. They literally went out on their ships and boats to pull in a catch to sell to the people so they could afford to eat and sustain their own lives. When they found that they weren't quite making it and couldn't really figure out why, they mentioned it to Jesus. They asked for His help, and He simply told them where to throw their nets.  Now, keep in mind, these guys had already done exactly what Christ had told them to do, but it had been a minute, and both Jesus and the fish knew that it wasn't time for the boys to find the fish until they had asked for the help they needed. The fish, may or may not have been so willing to volunteer for this assignment, but that goes to show you again, that Jesus really is in control of everything.

    Today I have asked Jesus for His help in the distribution, sales, marketing, and presentation of my book "Jude's Almost Daily Blog". I feel that it can be a changing and challenging book for millions, and I want God's help to make that reality my reality as well as the reality for those people who I want to encounter.  I've asked Him to show me where to cast my nets, and I've asked Him to prepare the many people who will be "caught" but not trapped - - I hope they'll be forever blessed.  I want them to be forever blessed. I want to be able to say and willing to say that it was all because of the Grace and gift of Jesus that I am able to reach as many people as I have - - because it will be by the Grace and a gift from Him to do so.

    Prayers have been placed. I am now waiting for the assignment, the orders and the instructions. I fully believe in working with Faith and working with Grace in order to bring about results that will glorify God and prove that He is in fact in control of whatever we need and whatever we want.  I cling to, claim, and quote Psalms 37:4 often, and this is just another time to do that. "Delight yourself in God, and HE will give you the desires of your heart".  It is so true - - this is a desire. This is a want. This is a need. This is a hope.  Here I go! CASTING my nets - - throwing them as far as the internet will take them - - in His name. Grateful. 

Thank you. I appreciate any and all help possible.  My book can be found at Amazon, and by going to this site to find it. I am selling a few thousand from my own stockpile too, at a slightly reduced price, and the book I am selling comes from the publisher, not the distributor, so it has a better paper quality as well.  I can sign it if you want, but it's OK if you don't want me to. I am not offended by that request.  Let me know if I can serve you. I look forward to it.

My site: www.judestringfellow.com 

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Judes-Almost-Daily-Blog-Vol/dp/1649908881/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=jude+stringfellow&qid=1622568005&sr=8-6

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