Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Well.

 This is me about to get all churchy again, and you know, I really can't help it when I get this way. It's not that I am doing it to upset anyone or make any one person feel as if I'm targeting them, singling them out, in order to make a point. No, I don't do that. I listen with both of my ears and my heart and if God lays a message on me to tell the world then I do it. If He lays a message on my soul to speak directly to an individual about something I will never use a forum such as this platform to do something so personal. If you're reading this message here, in this blog, then you know that it is a message God gave to me to speak and it is not necessarily for you alone, even if it is striking the right chords.  I hope you understand that. I'm not here to pick on you, or make you feel bad about the way things are going - - far far from it. I'm the one who is waiting over here just willing and wanting to pray with you (collective you) and hope that God brings you the peace He has brought me from having learned the lesson of The Well years ago, and I finally (finally) obeyed Him enough to understand what it meant in my life.

    God put the dinosaurs on the Earth years ago, there was an event, they died, and they left deposits of oil for us. We know this.  God made the waters both above and below, and we drill for wells, and we drink. We know this.  God is the one, the only one, who is absolutely in charge of every last well we could ever drill, be it for oil, water, saltwater, whatever it is we're drilling for, if He did NOT put the substance there before we began drilling for it, it will not be produced. I hope we can both agree on that fact. We can punch holes in the ground day in and day out, but unless there is something there to be found it will not create itself. Nothing is made that isn't made by God. That's the first lesson. Know it.

    If we are thirty, and remember, this was how it was done before we had running water, if we are thirsty we go to the well.  The well is and was first supplied and then discovered, and as we use it, pump and prime it, and take from it, we know that the well will give us exactly what is in the well unless someone put something else into it that wasn't naturally created in and for that well. That's the second lesson. Grasp it.

     We knew we needed the water, (we'll use water for the lesson) and we went to the source. We went to the well.  But it's not like we just went to the well, we also went to the Absolute Source, as we know and knew that the well was first created or supplied by the Father, and by going to that hole that was punched in the ground perhaps by someone else for our benefit, we go to the well to receive the bounty. We go to the well, to the source to get the supply. That's the third lesson. Do it.

    God is so forgiving and so merciful that if we choose to ignore Him, He will still be faithful and wonderful and supply our needs.  He even promised us in Proverbs 37:4 that if we delight ourselves in Him He will give us the desires of our heart. Desires are far and above the needs aren't they? If He's willing and able to give us our desires, He is so much more capable of giving us our needs. He will never poison the well. He may allow it to dry up if we aren't willing to do His will and work that well. He may decide to end the blessings if we just completely take advantage of His grace and ignore His word. He may choose to have us (you) dig another well and seek HIM so that HE is given the glory and the praise for having supplied yet another well. This is the fourth and harder lesson. Please keep it in mind.

    Our well, our Source is true. He is the one Creator and the one Father who loves us enough to give to us, and He loves us enough to take from us as well so that we will return to Him when we really do need something. Remember, if you delight in Him you are obeying Him, and if you are obeying Him He keeps that well open and overflowing for you. It's when you fail to do His bidding, His calling, or what He wants you to do - - that's when you (YOU) stop delighting and the desires may still be there, but He is not obligated to supply those if you are not delighting in Him. He will supply your need, that's another given and solid promise, but YOU may have to do a lot of the work to make it happen and He will be there the entire time just waiting for you to ask for help.  Like a great Father, He will let you make mistakes so you can learn from them. He won't stop loving you, but it may feel like He's not listening or that He's so far from you -- no, He didn't move. You did. Go back.  

    The well is waiting.  Are you thirsty?  You have not because you ask not. If you ask you will receive and if you seek you will find, and if you delight you will be blessed. Why are you refusing to do what He asked you to do?  Did He ask you to do something you couldn't do because you may not have the money to do it? Didn't He make the money? Are you refusing to do what He asked you to do because your spouse or loved one thinks it isn't what you should be doing? Didn't God ask? If He's asked of you then you KNOW He thinks it's what you should be doing, why would you even THINK to ask your spouse or loved one what God has chosen YOU to do? You can discuss it, but there would be no questioning of it. God told you to do it - - do it.

    The supply is heavy, you are not going at it alone. You are absolutely supported by the One who asked you to do it - - and when you do it, the well will be yours to drink from, and to share. You can't say no and keep your blessing. It doesn't work that way.  "Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey." 

Photo Credit: ETR Laboratories  

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