Saturday, November 5, 2022

We Just Seem to Age.

 Of course, we all age differently, but we do actually all age at the same time. It does stand to reason that the rocks we hold in our hands today are the same age as the rocks we see in the sea, around the mountains, and everywhere else. God isn't making more rocks. He made the Earth in literally six days, but we don't know what happened between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 as far as time. Man wasn't on Earth at the time, so He could have done anything. I haven't been convinced that the Earth is only X years old, but I do know that man has only been on the Earth for just over 6000 years. No, you don't have to write me and try to "correct" me. I'm not going to change my mind, we can agree to disagree and move forward. My reference is the Holy Bible, so I know I won't listen to anyone trying to say this or that using "Science". Who do you think made Science? There you go!

    When I say we all age differently I'm talking about what we do from Point A to Point B, and how hard we choose to live our lives. It does matter. Certainly, I know that there is a multitude of genetics that play into the aging process. I most assuredly understand that genetics, injury, disease, illness, and other factors take part in who will look their age at say, 60, (I'm 60) and who will somehow manage to beat the clock a bit and only look, say....22. LOL Right? I'm laughing. Yes, you can't see me, but I am over here just rolling. Would I want to look 22 again? Hell yeah! I was a hotty!! I was really cute and fit, and let me tell you, I had no idea that one day I wouldn't look like that, so yeah, when I get to Heaven, I want to look like I did when I turned 22.

    I have been so very blessed in that I haven't had to deal with genetic diseases and disorders really.  My mother's side of the family has a long history of living very long lives, and they tend to be healthy while they live their lives. I don't really remember any one of them being on a particular diet, or working out, I just know that they worked hard, walked a great deal of the time, they didn't smoke or drink (Granpa smoked) and they didn't stay up too late. Granny always said that sleeping 8 hours a night was the secret to being stronger in the morning. I love sleeping. I could do that 10 - 12 hours a day without being asked to do so.  Dad's side of the family, however, is another story.  Both of his parents died really early; one was 54 I think, and the other just 70.  Both died of brain issues, and both had seemingly healthy bodies, but my Grandpa was a boxer and he worked in the labor field. He was injured. It affected him later as he aged.  Grandma Stringfellow literally could have been one of those women who died of aluminum poisoning from using toxic sprays including hairspray.  My dad's brothers all died before they were 70 I think, or close to it. Daddy was the last to die, and he was 85. (Note: he gave up smoking at age 35 I think, and he really never drank.)

    I have friends I went to high school with who have passed away. I have friends from high school who are barely holding up, and when I look back on their lives I can see key points as to why that may be.  Drugs and alcohol aside, some had served in the military and came back with true mental issues that they didn't have before they enlisted. Some had other neurological or mental issues that developed from using this or that product or being exposed to things in their occupational environments. Others have developed disorders such as chronic restless leg syndrome, and diabetes, they've become obese, or they don't eat at all, and they literally look like walking skeletons. I wish I could wrap my mind around some of these disorders so that I might be a better advocate, but I know I can always be there to listen and support them.  I can't say I've remained friends with many of the folks I went to school with but I am typically available and willing to be a friend.  We need friends. 

    I decided, and it was a decision, on August 3, 2020, that I would change my body. I would change my mind. I would change the chemical breakdown in my blood so that it flowed better, and so that would be fortified with the proper nutrients it needed. So many of these nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and hormones are no longer being produced as we age. We need to, we MUST, research this and do something about it if we're going to combat the aging process long enough to both enjoy our lives and the lives of those we love.  It's just so much easier to let the curtain fall and "age gracefully", but that choice sounded pretty cop-outtish to me. I thought NOPE, I'll fight to the finish! I'm going to be one healthy woman if it kills me!  Why not? I thought to myself I can either die of being a lazy fat ass or I can work hard and die later from dropping a dumbbell on my head. 

    On August 3, 2020, I think (If I'm honest) I weighed 216 pounds. I know I weighed 204 about a year before that because I saw myself on the doctor's scale and just about shot a brick out my bum! WHAT? Are you kidding me right now? This is so stupid! I'd tell a friend or family member and they'd say something like "We all age and get fat" or "It's normal to gain weight after 50. It's too hard to lose it." I had one ex-friend say that she's not willing to even try, she has no man in her life to impress. WHAT? Who needs a man to impress! Impress yourself! Damn!  Well, from that day forward I struck out and did what I could to both stop eating poorly and to watch my exercise as well as my water intake. Oh, and I wasn't really sleeping that long either, maybe 6-7 hours a night. On weekends I  could catch up, right? That changed! I decided it would change, and I think maybe we have to do that. We have to decide.

    I have a friend right now who is in his early 40s. He's been diagnosed with PTSD from past issues, he's nearly been killed several times due to self-hate, others hating him, being caught in terrible storms, car and bus accidents, and once he just tripped and tumbled down the long side of an extinct volcano! The man has been through it, we'll just say that. He was thrown from a ferry when he was 12 and had to swim over a half mile to safety in freezing water! This man has seen his share and mine of trouble.  He was recently told he is pre-diabetic. He was over 250 pounds when he was told that. He has been a drug addict, an alcoholic, homeless, arrested, beaten up, and yes, he's been the one to bring on most of his abuse. He admits that. He has deep tissue issues in his legs now. He also has an unusual heartbeat that the doctors can't quite pin down. I told him I had one too! It was detected in me at the age of 2 and here I am about to turn 61 and not one doctor can tell me why I have an extra "click" or "tick" at the end of my regular heartbeat. I'm still kicking!!

    The reason I told you about my friend is to say that he also made a decision about a year ago to go 100% clean. He'd been off the drugs for years but still battled the alcohol. He only drank now and then, but when he did he became the Mr. Hyde that his Jekyll truly hated. He was not a happy man. It cost him his home and hearth. It was time to change.  Just under a year now, January will be a full year, he has lost 70 pounds, has been working out, and has real live huge bulging muscles that really look great on him! He's eating better, of course, dropping the sugar, and most of the carbs, but still enjoying life with a few treats. He's working out, he's sleeping, and he decided to go to a therapist for the first time in his life to deal with nagging mental pictures in his head that he can't figure out if they are real memories or ones he's made up.  I don't ask him, and if he doesn't tell me I don't worry about it. I pray and I thank God for the continued help. What a difference a decision makes!

    What do I do? much time do you have? I take vitamins of course, but I also take a bunch (and I do mean a bunch) of other suppliments for better female health (specifically) and for overall aging health.  I'm into DHEA, Zinc, Chlorophyll, Raspberry peptides, kacip fatimah, turmeric, sea buckthorn, and other omegas. I'm into protein shakes, adding supplements to those as well, and I drink, eat, chew, and ingest anything with collagen. I've even put it directly on my face, take baths with it, and I'm over here really hoping it works because I do spend a lot of money on it. It's cheaper than cocaine and better for me.  I'm into exercising, walking, working out, doing lifts, and using my vibration plate to loosen my muscles before I do yoga before I work out. It's all about moving. When I'm at work I use the standing side of my desk at least two hours of the day, and yes, I dance while I'm working at the desk. I'm not all that obnoxious about it, but I'm moving! You have to move!

    Water is the key to a healthy body as well, and if you didn't know that you should. Some people say you should drink 1/2 your weight in ounces. So if I now weight 170 (stop it, some of that is muscle) I should be drinking 85 ounces of water a day. Well, I guess I'm still thinking I'm 216 because I drink well over 100 ounces of water, lemon water, green tea, and coffee, but I don't count the coffee in the intake. The water is the measured liquid.  Yes, I am the pee-queen too; but that's OK, I can take that, it's a small price to pay for health.  When I was sicker than sick about a month ago, I thanked GOD nearly every single hour for the help He provided because this body was NOT having it. I couldn't function! I can only imagine how bad it could have been if I hadn't started out with a relatively healthy body, to begin with. It really really matters. When we let ourselves go we can get sick and not fight off whatever decides to invade us!  Do it for that reason! Do it for YOU, not to impress someone else. Geez!

    OK, I'll stop now and let you go.  I have taken to taking a bit of hemp now after working out and just before going to bed. It relaxes me without being addictive and it helps with the flow the oxygen in my blood.  Getting old sucks! It's not for the weak, it's not for the queasy either. We fight reproductive organ issues, vein issues, heart issues, breathing issues, dizziness, hunger, and all sorts of things just because we get older. I'm wearing glasses for the first time and even though I'll be 61 in a few days, and I'm just now wearing glasses, it still sort of pisses me off that I have to! 

    I hate using my age as a reason for getting old! I keep thinking there must be something else I can do, but I do know I can only go so far, and then it's time to say goodbye for the duration. Until that day, or until Jesus decides to sweep me off my feet, I'm going to push this envelope to the max!!  Working out, eating correctly, sleeping longer, being rested, reading more, and staying aware of both my surroundings and world events. This life is a good life, He has given it to me, and I'm going to make the best of it!  

    John (my friend) was saying that he probably won't find another woman at his age that can handle all of his past, or his present and what comes next.  I took his face in my hands and reminded him that we're not here to please others, and while it's great to have a good friend to love and share the world with if that person can't understand you enough to show the right side of compassion, passion, love, and commitment, they aren't worth having in the first place.  We are who we are, and though we can change, and though we make a 1000 mistakes, when we decide to be the better us, we don't have to, and we don't need to settle for someone who will resign to be with us - - we are enough. We always were.



    Photo Credit: Me


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