Saturday, November 12, 2022

Sore for The Duration But I'm OK!

 That's why God made Advil!  I have a problem that many people can relate to. I was a younger person at one time; it's been quite a while since those days, but when I was younger I rode horses rather aggressively and I'm paying for it now through arthritis. Yes, it's true, time has finally caught up with me in terms of reminding me that age is not just a number, it is in fact a phase we all go through if we are lucky enough to have survived all the things that tried to kill us!

    Oh, let's be honest! It's not just that the horseback riding, slamming into barrels, or falling off onto my butt, hips, back, or head was an issue. When I was really little I would climb to the top of the church and jump to the ground. Now, mind you, I didn't actually climb to the TOP of the church, just the first story, and it was flat. Where I jumped was maybe 12 feet or so, it wasn't that far. I could usually remember to squat or even roll when I landed. I wasn't a complete moron! LOL...yes, I was.

    I work out now, and I have for a couple of years. I am an avid walker, and I lift weights. Since I live across the street from the YMCA, my daughter and I joined, but we only go about 3x a week, so the rest of the week is spent working out at home. Since it snowed last night, (seriously? It's mid-November!) I decided to ditch the walk and just do leg, butt, and gut work at home. Damn! I should remind myself to both take pain relievers and stretch before I stretch, and then wait on those pain relievers before I push, pull, lift, kick, and so forth. Boxing day is tomorrow, and that's my favorite. I have to stop myself actually, and only do 20 minutes because I could literally go on for an hour or so punching Bob in the face! (Bob is the rubber dummy I have, but I also have the red foam rubber thing too. I like boxing.

    Today, AFTER I did my workout at home, thinking I was finished and all I had to do was laundry, dishes, walk the dog, study for Series 66, and reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Scots Edition, my daughter springs it on me that we're going to the GYM! What? I ate a big breakfast! She was insistent. I complained, I even argued for something like a minute, but she had her headphones in while she was grabbing her hoodie and taking the house keys off the cute Dachshund keyholder by the door. She was staring at me, nodding her head, and sort of making that "Come on, out the door!" look.  FINE.  I went.

    I decided to just walk while she worked out, and that's cool, right? I was about six laps around the gym when I saw my favorite machine empty, no one was using it. OK sure, I'll just do a quick set of reps, and be done. No one does that. You find another machine, and another machine after that. You do a rep and think "That wasn't really that hard. I could do more" and you do it. You do more. Then you're really into it and blowing away all of your personal bests when your daughter walks up to you and says she's finished! Wow.  To think I used to breathe and make decisions on my own before I had kids.

    Winter is winter. It is what it is, but this is November 12th. Actually, it's pretty cool because the date is 1-1-1-2-2-2. That won't happen again.  My friend's daughter is getting married today. That's an awesome day to be getting married.  I think it may be a destination thing. I'm not going. I do wish her and her man a wonderful and full full full full life!  I hope Jeannie looks almost as pretty as the bride.  Winter is winter, but this is AUTUMN and I should not have to trek across snow, even if it is only 150 feet of it, to the YMCA in mid-November. Nope. It should be dry, it should be pretty. It should be airy, maybe a little breezy, but around 58 degrees, not hovering over 30 degrees where I can see my breath.  That's just wrong. I may need to pop another Advil, just sayin'.  My hip is telling me I need to do that.

    So, in the fall/autumn and winter, I do have an issue with the pains creeping up both in the joints and the muscles. Add to that the cold weather, add to that the workout, add to that the stretches and the stairs! I'm screaming over here. My right side has decided to turn itself over to the authorities and just take a break. I, the authority of my right side, have decided to soak for 30 minutes, drink green tea, down a few pain relievers, and massage my hips and thighs while trying to hold the Kindle in my left hand so I can finish reading Rob Roy so I can get to Harry Potter. It's a thing, I know. I have issues. Sir Walter and I go way way back. 

    Bob and I have a date tomorrow, don't we Bob?  Ha!  I'm gonna have so much fun with that guy - - headphones on, music cranked, gloves tight, and pop, pop, pop, pop,, fall over, and die, get back up and do it again. Bob laughs at me, but he doesn't have a leg to stand on in this case! (You know if you know)

    Photo Credit: Century Athletics ("Bob")

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