Sunday, October 16, 2022

81 Days to Live

 According to a man known as "Mike From Around the World", there will be a NASA event on January 5, 2023, and it's something so powerful, and so inclusive, that the people of Earth, no matter how hard they try, can't stop the event from happening. Supposedly, it is a huge thing, a big deal, and even if they (the collective they) could or would warn us, we would not believe them. OK. Let that sink in. They have been so wrong for so long, and they have been lying to us over and over again about so many things, that no matter what they say, be it true or not, we would not believe it.  So then, what makes it more plausible to hear about from a man who no one seems to know who he is, where he's living, what he actually does, etc.? Well, here are my thoughts.

    I think the man's name is actually Mike Birkhead. He is a regular on the Paul Begley YouTube shows on Thursday evenings, where he has been teaching and preaching his "Doom and Gloom" for about 8-10 years.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to Mike. I don't always agree with him, and I don't think it's necessary to throw around end-of-the-world scenarios even if it is true, because there are just too many folks who have mental issues and incapacities; they just can't handle the sharp words of possible reality.  There are things that we can't control, and those things are best left to God. We can't stop a wave of energy from hitting the Earth. We can't stop a solar flare. We can't stop an enormous earthquake. We just need to remember the Bible has it completely lined out as to how the world (and Heaven) will end. There just isn't any reason to get the troops rallied up over something that could possibly happen in the atmosphere, or even if one of those loose planets decides to smash Earth! We just can't control it, so why bring it up in conversation? Ratings? Donations?

    Paul Begley is a good man. He is a Christian man. He is a preacher who has a heart for others, but I really can't tolerate his constant advertising for his books, his videos, and whatever else he's promoting. C'mon, if you have a word from God you give it. You don't sell it.  Jesus will KNOW your heart and you will NOT benefit from it, your blessings will NOT be given to you if you withhold the word and charge for it. Use your brain! If Jesus told you to tell people something, you do it. If He told you to hold your tongue, you do it. You don't have to advertise your books, just post them and if they are to be sold, they will be sold. Holding the word hostage is wrong.

    So, Mike Birkhead came onto the show last Thursday, I'm sure you can find it on YouTube, and he said that something catastrophic was going to happen on January 5, 2023, and believe me when I say he said it without blinking. He was just talking about the end of the world as we know it as if it was matter-of-fact knowledge. I have a real problem with this.  First, the Bible is very clear about how the Earth and Heaven will be destroyed, and if there is going to be something monstrous happening on January 5, 2023, the powers that be will either let us know or they won't. If they do let us know the people will revolt. They will start murdering and committing suicide. They will stop working, they will cause havoc, they will dive into sin like no other, then they'll start repenting around the first of the year to give themselves time to be forgiven! It's not going to happen that way. If it were true they would certainly never let us know -- thankfully!

    I have a job.  If I thought and I really thought that we were going to all die or most of us were going to die in 81 days, I would probably stop working and start ministering to the point that when January 5, 2023, came around and there was nothing to shout about, I would at least have made a stand for Christ, but my boss probably wouldn't take me back to work. I'd be without a job, and without a job, I can't feed my dog. My dog deserves better. I will continue to witness, but yeah, I'm not giving up my day job just yet.  If it were true, and we were all going to die or most of us die on January 5, 2023, we would have one heck of a Christmas and Thanksgiving celebration with family and friends. We would hold each other, hug and love each other, and talk endlessly about how we hope we go in the rapture before the event happens. We would all give up on living and just wait to die! I don't want that.

    Mike Birkhead is one smart cookie. I will never take that away from him. He is right up there with the higher levels of both intelligence and military know-how. He's in the mix, and he's both entertaining and informative. I could never imagine having the knowledge and grasp on world events as men and women like him have. He, like Amir Tsarfati, and others, gives us food for thought and keeps us thinking. Thinking is good, but panic is not good. I think we need to rein in the doom and gloom a bit and help support our brothers and sisters with encouraging words of Christ's return. We are not given to a spirit of fear, but of hope. We are not to create havoc and unrest. We are to uplift, encourage, help, and heal.  We are to be good to one another and not cause chaos.

    In the past, Mike told us that there would be hit by five waves of energy that would hit the Earth, and he was correct.  I think he made it seem as if the Earth would shake, rattle, and roll over, maybe do a pole shift. That didn't happen, but people were all about it, talking, and feeling helpless.  I think more damage is done to the minds of the weak and it is sin. I consider it a sin when we purposely harm someone who was a peace, just for the sake of letting them know what could happen. Being prepared is one thing; you can go to a tornado closet to wait out a storm, but if you can't control an asteroid from slamming into the Earth then just pray about it. Give it to God and let Him control what He has created. 

    Be at peace. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever (who so ever) believes on Him, shall be saved."  John 3:16.  It's still in the Book. It's not going anywhere.  Be still and know that God is God.

Photo Credit: Paul Begley Minisries

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