Sunday, June 12, 2022

Plans Change So Quickly!

 Like the freaking Stock Market, my life has its ups and downs. We call that Day Trading!  I am learning and practicing the high and wonderful traits and skills needed to be both a Day Trader and a Swing Trader. The difference really is time, patience, due diligence, and discipline.  For Day Trading you don't really care too much about the longevity of price, you're more about getting in, either selling or buying, getting out of the market, so you can enter again if the market shifts to the other side. In Swing Trading, you do care. You plan longer, take less risk, take more information (technical and analytical) into consideration, and you wait - - and wait - - and then you wait more.  Day Trading has its perks, nearly instant gratification, but it has its downside as well.  You may lose. We call that "learning" rather than losing. You never really lose, you learn not to fail.

    My life is like one big market right now. I was up, and now I'm down again. I'm about to go into consolidation and change the mode from day-to-day living to more of a strategy using a great deal more technical and analytical research and preparation. I'm about to take the summer off to learn more about Forex Trading and how I can make it my actual profession. This means I have to actually stop working in genuine and live off savings (etc) while I train.  It's not necessarily the best plan, but it is A PLAN.

    I've always said (well, for several years now) that I can only work for myself. EVERY last time I go to work for someone else either as a teacher, an analyst, an investigator, a consultant, or even a legal assistant (and believe me, I have many years behind me in these fields) I find myself out of a job within weeks, or sometimes months. It just breaks me that these employers will hire me, use me to catch them up or get them to a place where they can fly again, and then they release me. It's got to do with my salary requirement; that's all I can think of. Otherwise, I'd still be employed. NOPE. I'm flying solo!!

    Well, for the Summer of 2022 I think it may be best to sit back, relax, do the thing(s) I really want to do, and learn Forex both in and out, up and down, Bull and Bear, Swing and Day Trading. I have my demo account up and running. I've been working it, and I've been doing well on it, so now it's time to strike out and do the real deal but only using pennies, not dollars, until such time I know and can guarantee myself that I know what I'm doing. I won't be satisfied with a 65% win ratio. I want 70% even if the wins are lower than some of the numbers my scalper friends are proudly boasting. I'll get there, but I strongly (VERY STRONGLY) believe in trading the plan, not the emotion. I won't get caught in that rattle. (Yes, I stole that line - - sue me)

    For the next 8-12 weeks I'll live off the savings and study day and night, work the numbers, watch the charts, find the pairs that I think will work for me, and I'll shift the process from demo to reality trading so that I can begin to accumulate actual funding.  By October I should be working it in a more productive manner, and by April I should have enough funds in the account to both move to Scotland on a more permanent basis (9 months out of 12) and travel the other 3 months both in Europe and back to the States so I can satisfy any needed VISA issues. 

    For now, it is a plan. I know my plans have plans. My thinking isn't thinking unless it's overthinking and coming up with any and every scenario possible. I can do this. It will take a minute, but what a fun way to plan my next chapter.  As for that VISA thing; not a problem. I can go the first 6 months without one, the next will be on a research VISA for my book(s) and then a hop back and forth every 6 months for a month keeps the balls in the air as far as that goes - - it's a game, but one worth playing.

Photo Credit: Financial IT

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