Saturday, October 12, 2024

Stratford - The Outline is Done.

 Before I start a book I sit myself down on the couch, usually with a  cup of coffee and at least one dog. I write out the outline of the book by literally listing the events that I think will take place in chronological order, and I break them down somewhat into chapters in order to keep them in some semblance of order.

    Today, I did that with the book "Stratford," and I had two dogs and a fat cat by my side. If you can take those factors into the mix and quantify the book's beginning by the amount of animal involvement I had, this book promises to be good.

    It's October 12, 2024, and at 2:29 p.m., the Red River Rivalry is about to start in genuine. It's been going on for a while, but the game will be televised. I won't see it today because our antenna is out - but it's OK; I'll keep up with it online. There was a time I would have freaked out if I couldn't see every freaking play - those times are gone.

    It is now after 2:30 p.m., and I realize I haven't eaten anything. I didn't even make myself breakfast today. I need to get in that kitchen and drum up something. I have some chicken I can make a pulled chicken BBQ sandwich with, and I can rustle up some veggies or some yogurt with nuts and cranberries. I can do that. I need to do something before I fall through the cracks and die.

    "Stratford" is now on paper as an outline. It has 28 chapters and will be flushed to about 32, probably before the book is ended. It will be about 330 pages and will be finished by Thanksgiving. I'm not rushing it. I want to use AI to write it of course, to guide me, not actually write it - but I want to take the time to read through it more carefully so I catch more mistakes before I send it up -- I am now dealing with having to redo part of "Pinball" now that it's been out a year. I just picked it up and found more mistakes! UGH!!

    Writing can be the biggest headache, but then again, it's the best thing ever—so I do it. I haven't been jumping at the gate to do it lately, but I will enjoy writing this book. It will be a new way of using a creative tool that we have at our fingertips, so why not try it? I'll gain knowledge and be able to write better in the process. It's a win-win.

    Well, I need to get that food down me, and I guess I'll listen to the game online maybe - I may not, I may just check in on it from time to time -- I can't get over how I don't really care anymore. It only proves that time changes things -- maybe the folks in Stratford can figure that out for themselves.

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