Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I Got a Rock (I got a few)

 If you know me, you know I love rocks. I don't care about whether it's quartz, citrine, or diamond. In fact, I would probably prefer Jasper and Lapis over a diamond anyway. I'm a little odd. Those little rocks don't interest me as much as the bigger, more common stones do.  To be honest, I'm very impressed with some of the most common rocks in the world. God really knew what He was doing when He made stones.

    I can't tell you how old I was when I first became interested in rocks, but I know I had a few growing up. Our preacher taught and preached that if a rock speaks, we are not praising God as we should. He said (and I clearly remember it) that if you were all by yourself in the woods or at the lake, and suddenly, out of nowhere, you hear a rock speaking, it would be praising God, and it would be there to remind you that you didn't do what you knew you were supposed to do!

    Well, I didn't have a lot of smarts, I suppose, not at the age of five or six, but I picked up a rock, and I held it in my hands. I told it straight out that it was to keep quiet! I never wanted to hear it, but if it did decide to talk, it would be our secret. Then, lo and behold, when I turned 10 years old, the whole pet rock craze came about, and people gave me several of them; different people who all knew I loved rocks! Pet rocks weren't really rocks. I think they were cement or concrete, but it's the thought that counts.

    Over the years, the many, many years that followed, I have ventured into nature stores to pick up a polished rock or two to add to my ever-growing collection. I have a good-sized collection, not to brag or anything.  I have polished stones and rough stones. I have rocks I've picked up outside from almost every place I've been. I pray with a very special rock, but it's not the one I prayed with for over 28 years. I lost that one somehow - - and my heart is broken because of it. Still, it will show up again; God will bring it to Heaven, I'm sure, and I'll keep it forever. I'm sure of it.

    Today, I received my first "box of rocks" from Amazon. I bought a box of rocks, a tumbler, grit, and polishing foam. I will tumble rocks for the heck of it, and see what they look like around my birthday. It's October 2 now, I'll start on October 6 and stop the machine on my birthday, November 22. If I need to do more, I'll do more. I'll put in a few now and then a few more after that. I plan on doing this for a while -- why not? It's a good hobby, and it's permanent! Rocks are meant to last the test of time.

There are many times in the Bible when rocks are mentioned and used. The gates of Heaven are made of 12 specific stones. These same stones are on the breastplates of the high priests.  Moses struck a rock, Jesus was crucified on one - they were used for alters, cairns, reminders, and more. They are permanent; they will be here when we are gone! Rocks are a gift - and they are too precious to just ignore or throw away. The random rock you throw into the ocean probably took two million years to get to the spot where you found it!

    Did you know that rocks are all the same age? Don't let people fool you into believing something else. I'm not talking about the carbonized diamond - - I'm talking about the rocks that are in the ground, the ones that make up the granite mountains, and those that are on the ocean and sea floors -- you know, rock rocks! They were all made on the same day! You don't have to believe it, but I do. 

    Rocks are not crystals and I don't think people should use them for healing. If, in fact, they have healing powers, it's because God Himself put it in them. I don't worship rocks or use them to bring attention to myself or anyone else - but if one actually talks -- we know why! I never, and I mean NEVER want to hear a rock speak -- not until we're all up in Heaven together, singing and praising with the water, the air, the flowers, the bugs, and everything else - - rocks don't have knees, so they can't bow, but according to the Word, they must have the ability to speak - - so they will confess one day that Jesus is in fact, Lord of lords, King of kings, and He is God!

    Ever wonder why God decided to write the Ten Commandments in stone? Think about it. 

Photo Credit: Me

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