Saturday, August 27, 2022

Reflexology - - It Works.

Have you ever taken the time to research what Reflexology is? Have you heard of it?  Have you thought you've heard of it? Were you like me, and maybe saw a book or the front of a book at Barnes and Noble that had the word "Reflexology" and brightly colored pictures or drawings of feet with really weird or cool pictures inside of those feet? That's how I came to know about the method of massage for your feet and hands that can (and does) relieve some of the worst tension headaches and/or spasms I've ever had. I don't remember how old I was, but it was before I had kids; so it may not have been Barnes and Noble, but I don't think it was a library. I think the bookstore was where I first saw the book on Reflexology. I know I picked it up and read a bit of it to see what the heck it was.
    I've been reading up on it now and again, and I've watched a few videos as well. I try to replicate what I see online with myself, using myself as a guinea pig really, and both pushing and pulling my feet, toes, and hands into really interesting positions. I've even used the thumb and press methods on other parts of my body (where I can reach) and I've applied pressure with my palms, thumbs, and fingers to my buttocks, thighs, outside/inside of my legs, calves, feet, and arms.  The sides of my body are sort of hard to do but I can get the thumbs to dig pretty deep.  I can stretch of course, and I do that every day now. I take extra time stretching my feet, my toes, my hands, and my neck and lower back. I wonder sometimes how we ever managed without knowing how very very important it is to stretch. 

    Did you know you can literally heal or increase the chances of healing, your hearing, your eyesight, your bladder, infections, and even your heart's method of flowing and pumping simply by massaging your feet? It sounds crazy, I know, and there are doctors who will tell you not to attempt this as a means to replace their science. This type of massage should be in addition to your regular care, not a replacement for it. I'm not saying you shouldn't see your doctor. I'm saying that knowing your body, and being in tune with your body through massaging pressure points can make an amazing difference in your physical life as well as your mental one. It's easy!!
    Even if you're in the bathtub you can do a few stretches. When you're sitting in your car, and at a stop light, instead of reaching for the cell phone you can lean up and stretch your hips! You can do a few arm-crossed stretches, neck stretches, and even ankles, and shoulder rolls. You don't have to check the phone! You can use the time to better your body and stay focused. One thing you can do from time to time is to press your palms together with your fingers flat, just push the palms against each other, keeping your elbows bent. It's a great way to strengthen the pec muscles behind your breasts. Holding in your belly for 10 seconds and pretending you can touch your belly to your backbone can do wonders for your core. It's all about the choices you make to either stay healthy or not.

    We are all given the same 24 hours a day. What we choose to do with them is up to us. We work. I get that, but you can take a few minutes to stretch at your desk. You can do wrist and palm stretches. You can stand up and squat, lunge, or bend, even if you have to go to the restroom or someplace more private to do it, it's really important to get the kinks out of your body several times a day. Hot baths are great, but so are massages! You don't have to pay for one, you can give yourself a nearly full body massage; sure there are some places you can't reach, but maybe you have a partner you can engage in helping you maximize your stretching.

    One interesting stretch, it's a Thai-type stretch, is a two-person stretch that you can't do by yourself no matter how talented you are. One person sits behind the other. The one laying down is on their side. The person sitting in the back places the bottom of their foot just above the back of the knee of the person laying down. Then the person sitting in the back then bends the foot of the person laying down to touch or come close to touching the buttock of the person laying down. The person sitting up pushes against the thigh of the person laying down and they are gently pulling the arm back as well of the person laying down. There shouldn't be any aggressive actions in this stretch. It's not meant to cause injury or pain. It's light, but there is pressure being applied.

    I'm able to use my thumbs and fingers to press the lines and points I need to on my feet and sometimes the balls of my feet really hurt when I do this. It's not because I've walked 5 miles that day either, it's usually stress I have added from thinking or working. The foot is connected to every part of our body and our mind. We can literally massage our feet to heal both physical ailments and mental ailments. The list is really long, but you can Google it and find out exactly where it is on your feet that you pull, push, and press to heal different areas of your body. Just know that it really does work. It takes a bit of time to get used to it, and it will hurt too; it's our body's alert system.  Know this if you keep your feet healthy your body will be so much more in tune and in focus. It's amazing how that works, but it does work that way.

    Before you poo-poo the idea and say that all that Eastern philosophy is hogwash, you need to try a few stress relief methods yourself including rubbing the area of your hand between the thumb and forefinger. You rub it with your other hand. It will be a bit stiff, it may be sore.  There is stress there and when you can release it your head will actually feel better too. The nerves in that area of your hand are directly tied to and connected with the nerves that lead to your temple. When you feel a tension headache coming on, grab your own hand and start rubbing slowly with your other thumb and all the fingers you can fit on the backside of your hand in that area.  

    There are just so many wonderful things to say about pressure points and applying pressure to them with just enough pressure to bring a little awareness (or a little pain) to the area, but not so much as to be uncomfortable. When you get really good at it, you may want to try your new skills on your dog - - they need to be stretched too. They need to be massaged. Watch a few videos and learn to love in a way you may never have thought possible.   Sigh, and breathe. 


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