Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Addiction to Negativity. Not Me!

 I recently (last week) found a guy online who was talking about people who are addicts, but not in the way that most people think of when the word "addict" is thrown around in conversation. We, as a whole, generally think of addiction as being something that is drawing a person into a circumstance or situation over and over again through the power of emotion, feeling, need, or even a craving, and usually, we reserve that word for addicts who can't go any real length of time without a drink of alcohol or perhaps using drugs.  

    For the most part, the word addict is exactly what we think it is, it is a way (quick and generalized way) to sum up a person's personality, aptitude, their inability to be normalized or fit in with the rest of us.  No one wants to admit that they are an addict if they aren't, right? So, we normal people go about thinking and claiming that others are addicts but we certainly couldn't be. If we admit we're addicts (addicted to anything we can't control) we are admitting before the whole world that we need help or that we can't hold ourselves accountable for these weaknesses. We don't like to do that. I think, however, that on the spectrum of what is "addiction", we may all have a place on the ball!

    The man I watched online was a British citizen.  I found his forwardness, as well as his acknowledgment of the subject and the underlining conditions which he described, to be quite intriguing. I found them to be so intriguing I decided to watch his free webinar, then call up a few friends of mine who I feel may benefit from what he has to say. I called several friends, emailed them, messaged them, and somehow got a hold of them, to let them know that the message was good and that they may want to include it in their very near future. I was not, and am not personally addicted to what he was bringing to light, which is negativity, but we all need to hear the general message of recovery.

    Tim Han is the man I was telling you about. Here is a link to his masterclass, and you can decide for yourself what you think about him and about his message of hope. https://www.successinsider.vip/secure-masterclass-registration  Tim brought up a very good point, one that I absolutely agree with when it comes to being a "Negative Nelly".  He said people literally expect bad things to happen so that when they wake up in the morning, and they begin their new and fresh day, they already have in their mind and spirit that something bad will happen. It almost has to happen so that the person can function, and begin the process (the ongoing, never-ending process) of combatting oneself and the overshadowing forces that seem to lurk around that person. It has to be bad, otherwise, they can't deal with it. They don't understand it, and they can't move in what they think is a forward manner. This made me sad.

    I have always been a very positive person, even going so far as to meditate, and take baths with vinegar and baking soda just to get any environmental negativity out of my skin! I take being positive very seriously. I wake up making plans on what I will do in order to have a very well-constructed day full of great positive energy. Even when I'm faced with adverse situations during the day, I can usually pinpoint a time during the day when my mind was set on being positive, and I focus on that feeling, not the one that is trying to invade my soul.  It's not easy, it takes work, but it literally takes even more work to be negative all the time.

    Tim mentioned in another online discussion that I watched that when a person repeatedly expects and anticipates things being negative for them, they seek the lesser of the greater or more powerful urges to be positive, and they create within themselves a reason to self-affirm that their notions were right! "See!", they tell themselves, "I was right, it happened just like I expected. It's my luck! Just my own bad luck! I've been this way all of my life, and it won't change."  This is the exact type of statement that you reiterate rather than repel.  Why would anyone in their right mind do that? Oh, I know, because they are NOT in their right mind. They are in their negatively charged mind, the mind that they have comfortably allowed being in control of their masterfully wonderfully created brain! God made us! God Himself made us! We have NO RIGHT to be so negative. It is blatant sin, and we need to see it as such, not as a way of life, but as a SIN.

    I don't know that Tim gets into the spiritual side of thinking and acting in a negative manner, but I will.  Our God is an awesome Being; the Creator, the Father of our souls, and eternal life. We were literally bought with a price, the blood of His Son Jesus, and if for no other reason than that, we owe Him our mind. We owe Him our thoughts. We owe Him our actions. If you can think of a negative way to do something, or have something HAPPEN to you, then you can reverse that and begin thinking of the WHAT IF it wasn't negative, what if it turned out the way it should? What if it was good? What if it was the way we needed it to be? What would happen if we considered all bad things to be lessons, not something to define us? We would begin to understand that we are not of this world, but only passing through it. The fact is, and I don't know if Tim gets into this, I didn't watch the entire Masterclass, the fact is, God really is in control...of everything.

    When we fall down, when we are sick, when we face trouble, when we are fired for no reason, no matter what happens, or happened, He is not blind or ignorant of the fact.  We live in a troubled and terrible place right now. First-world issues are going to happen to us; for some, their reality is much worse, and still, God is on His throne. We don't have to preach on the streets about it, we can just know it in our own hearts and believe it in our own minds, and when the negatives come to light, we can acknowledge that they are there, but find a way to override their effect. We don't have to succumb to their powers. We have a better, more effective Power living (literally living) inside of us.  Start acting like it. Start expecting good.  My son Reuben is usually pretty straightforward, up, and at it. He's super duper-positive. Maybe it has something to do with his blood type of B+, I don't know, but it makes sense to get a mind transfusion if you need one.

    It's probably easier said than done regarding the method of how one would change from being negative all the time, but with drug and/or alcohol addiction there are step programs one can look into, and be accountable with, why not do the same thing with being addicted to negativity? Start by acknowledging the Higher Power. Start by making a list of things that cause you to be negative. Find those whom your negativity has hurt and/or caused them to pull away from you. Find the deeper meaning of being separated from this negativity. Realize you are grand, you are beautiful, you are worth being positive. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be the best you. This may take a long time, it isn't something you can fix immediately, but there are things you can do to stop the source of these feelings.

    For me, giving up sugar and most of the carbs I was eating helped with my weight loss. It also helped with my mental stabilization. I found that I was focused more when I had a good meal, not something full of fat, carbs, sugar, or empty calories. I began thinking about planning my meals, which meant that I realized I was worth planning for. I was worth taking the time to be good to me, by me. I needed to be my best friend because I'm the one buying the food that eventually goes into my mouth.  I began to exercise. I began to walk. I began to pray more. I thought of ways to improve my posture, and I worked on how I approached people who I really didn't want to be around. I cut them out of my life for the most part because having negative people around you is such a distraction! It can ruin your plan to be positive when you sit around or hang out with people who can't get over themselves or blame everyone for everything that happens! LET IT GO!!

    I know this. If I know anything, I know this: I am not in control.  I had to start the process of being positive during a time when I was overweight, unemployed, owing money to several people (and companies) and my credit score was crap. I wanted out, I wanted more, I wanted good, but I was in the middle of the muck, and fully expecting something bad to happen.  It took a while. Nothing happens overnight. I began praying, and I began journaling in a separate journal when my prayers were answered. I also began making plans to fix my credit. I began plans on how to save. I began plans or thinking of making plans, to find a way to create a flow of income through trading, but first I had to learn the process.  It's taken over a year, but I'm almost ready to begin my own trading and when I do, I expect really good and fantastically positive results.  Why? Because I have a plan that if I stick to, has been proven, and it works for anyone and everyone who follows the rules without trying to cheap themselves.

    I'm not saying it's easy. I've never really been a negative person. I was down and perhaps depressed for a time, but not for long. I can't live that way. I can't accept it. I can't allow it because to do so would be to literally tell Jesus He isn't enough. I won't ever make that mistake.  Like drugs, like overusing or abusing alcohol or anything, being negative all the time can make you tired, fatigued, angry, stressed, or harmful. Being negative can make you feel defeated. Who wants that? If you say YOU DO then you are the problem! Find a way to dig deeper into the recesses of your mind to root out the issue. I don't care if your family treated you badly, you have the power to leave them too! If your spouse or your kids treat you poorly, you have the power to walk away! You may not think you do, but believe me, you do! You aren't living your life for anyone else by God, anyone who isn't on board with you can jump ship! If they won't jump ship, YOU jump ship and swim with all you've got until you reach the other side of you that knows you deserve better.

    I hope you know I don't judge, but I also won't tolerate people who won't think for themselves and throw out the garbage that is stinking, mildewing, molding, and causing death inside of their souls. You have the tools, use them. If you need help, GREAT, ask for it, but when you're taken under the wing(s) of someone or those who do give a damn, and they give you solid advice, take it. If you don't you're shooting darts at the ones willing to bring you back to life. REAL LIFE.  It can't be said any clearer than this; this is up to you, no one else. YOU are the only one who can choose to be a healthy more positive-minded person.  I'd say best of luck, but we all know it takes more than luck. Best of Christ!

Here's the link again: 


Photo Credit: IStockPhotos.com



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