Thursday, November 14, 2024

Kiba...the Fourth Dog.

 I told you about Kiba, our new little Chipom puppy that I bought from my co-worker about a month ago.  He was born around the 4th of July, but we're giving him the 7th of July as his birthday because the dog my daughter had for over 16 years was a small little Chihuahua mix, and he was literally born on 07-07-07.  Kiba is in good company if he can share a birthday with Sir Yuuki.

    Kiba, or "Kibbler" as I call him, because he's quite realistically small, as small as an elf you may come across, and he is just a menace, and we love it. He's always on the go, never stopping until he stops full tilt to go to sleep wherever it is that he lands, and then, once he's fully charged again, he is back at it, terrorizing anyone and everyone who lives within the walls of our house.

    Because he's still under two pounds, we're holding off on neutering him. He'll turn about seven months old before he reaches the critical weight size he needs to go under anesthesia for the operation. I completely agree with our vet on that one. He tells me he hasn't worked on a tiny dog in a while; he may have to break out the bifocals or some magnifying glass attached to his head so he can see the organs clearly. Kiba is one tiny little guy!

    As I type this, he's barking his head off, trying to make himself seen and heard. Apparently, something is happening in the other room that he simply can't be without. Still, since his owner, my daughter, has banned him from leaving my office until whatever she's doing is completed, he'll just have to suck it up, and by suck it up, I mean he's pacing the floor, biting the bottom of the door when he can, and he's prancing - doing the high step thing, to beat the band. You'd think he was being beaten to a pulp the way he sounds right now, but no,  he's just being ignored. I'm typing, she's working out, and he's not being paid attention to, and he won't have it.

    It was hilarious earlier, when I made myself dinner, and he decided, like the big dogs, he wanted whatever I was eating. OK...let's see; I had quiche...check, he took a piece of that.  I had an avocado, which wasn't exactly what he was expecting, and I had some carrots, too. He hasn't decided if he likes carrots or avocados, but if the other dogs are eating them, he's going to eat them, and if it means he can keep them from eating something, he's all about that, too.

    I call him a ChiPom rather than a PomChi because he's 3/4 Chihuahua and 1/4 Pomeranian. His mother is half and half, but his daddy is full Chihuahua! He's not as hairy as his mother, but not quite as big as his father...not yet. He'll top out around five or six pounds when he's finished growing, and we'll see him under our feet better than we do now.  

    The guy is 100% feisty, and that's just such a breath of freshness and a blessing, as he had parvo a few weeks back before we got him. He had to overcome so much at such a very young age -- no wonder he's taking life by the tail and swinging it around as much as possible! You know, Chihuahuas...they think they rule the world, and maybe they do.

Photo Credit: Me. (Kiba) 

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