Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Blue Baby Birds in the Box!

     Well, aside from being able to use alliteration, which always makes me merry...I was able to assist the communications guy tonight when he came out to fix our internet connection issue. We were experiencing outages left and right yesterday, and without good cause, so we put in a work order to have it checked. 

    We work from home and therefore, we have the best internet service possible; the fastest speeds, largest capacity, and all that. We have to, we don't want the boss(es) to complain and say we're not up to par with everyone else. My company, and I don't know about anyone else's, does have a minimum speed that a person working from home must have in order to work their job from the comfort of their own home. If you don't have it, you have to go into the office...no thank you.

    So, we have the best service, and with the VPN we work with, it was constantly going down and disconnecting, and really causing issues, so the internet provider sent their best to help.  Andre came over and parked his big van by the side of the house and grabbed his ladder to get into the nid outside the apartment that sits about seven feet off the ground.  The nid is a housing community for a small family of starlings, so I warned him before he pulled the front of the nid (box) off to expose said family and their nest.

    The nest was so impressive!! It was big, thick, intricately woven, and simply busting with blue baby bird eggs...with spots, tiny spots. They were adorable. I'll post a picture so you can oooh and aaahh for yourself. They are six of them. The parents were not in the nid, they were out looking for something to eat I imagine. I'm sort of surprised the momma bird wasn't inside but she wasn't.

    Laura reached in and pulled out the thick corner part of the next where the babies were resting and I held it for about 15-18 minutes so Andre could work his magic in the box. He determined that there wasn't anything leading to or coming from the box that warranted any repairs. It was all good. He stepped back so we could restore the nest. I just hope the momma and daddy birds come back and continue to help the babies hatch. I hope they don't reject the babies...I'll pray about it.

    The cables leading to and through the apartment were fine, the modem is almost new, and it's a really good one, it was fine. We have a good set up really and he confirmed that the VPN issue was probably on the end of the employer, not the internet provider, but he did say that any VPN will drain the usage of the service. Without the VPN being connected I was receiving a 948 reading out of 1000, but when I connected to the VPN it went down to 412.  Yeah...really nuts.

    But there you have it. Baby birds in the box and all my prayers will be directed to having God speak to their parents to make them understand that we really were trying to preserve and protect them.  I really do hope they come back and nurture the little ones. There are several nids outside and all of them have voices coming out of them...ours was the one with only eggs and no babies. I'm really sort of happy about that since if they were already hatched the parents may not entertain the thought of returning.

    Laura and I spotted one of the eggs pushing and moving in the nest while I held it. It's only a matter of time now. I really can't wait to hear the box talk. 

Photo Credit:  Me

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