Sunday, March 19, 2023

Books I May Not End Up Writing.

 I'm about to submit "Of Kilted Pleasure" back to the publishers for its final go before it's made into an actual book. They've been so kind to me in terms of letting me go back through it a dozen times to make sure all of the mistakes are found, corrected, and that the spelling of the Scots words are right....or are they? Anyway, I have been reading some of the reviews given by random people who I've never met, who are giving my book a read before it hits the market. These are readers paid by the publisher, not myself. They give a genuine thought or comment about this or that. You take it with a grain of salt or you listen and end up stabbing yourself in the eye. I choose not to listen and just thank them for their candor.  Most of the people are NOT American, and they couldn't find Scotland on a flat map of the world.  To expect them to understand anything related to 18th Century Scotland would be a stretch.

    That being said, I was dreaming last night, which is something I do quite often, and I came up with an idea for a book that I may never write. Why? Why would I not write it? Well, because it was full of unbelievable truth and also unbelievable antics that would cause my readers to think I was that way. I'm not that way. I'm this way. To say that I am one way or the other would be difficult, but I'm certainly not going to go into prostitution to make my bills. I am NOT that way.  Sounds like an interesting read already doesn't it? Maybe I will write it. LOL

    As with all book ideas, there is NOTHING new under the Sun. It wouldn't matter if I told the world every idea I have, they can only duplicate it in THEIR way, not my way. It would NEVER have my humor, my spin, my thoughts, etc. I'm OK with telling the world that Susie had sex with Davy, and they were in Mikey's tree house at the time. They were both finishing college and both dating Patty. That's not the dream, but you get my drift. I could say anything at all, and someone could steal the idea but would it really be stealing? No. It's not really all that nice to take someone's idea, but unless you verbatimly (is that a word?) write out someone's book or idea, it's not stealing. You should however be cognitive that it could sound like the other book, and you should add your thoughts, ideas, spin, and/or humor. Just sayin'.

    So, the book I won't write, or may write deals with a school in the mid-west of the United States; we'll say Chicago.  There are dozens of teachers in the school, hundreds of kids, and a few administrators. That's the way it is all around the world. Nothing new there. The teachers are paid what they are paid, the benefits are so-so, and there is always room for improvement, so one or two teachers realize after having a tryst with the same man (for money) that they could benefit by combining their efforts, be on rotation, as it were, and collect the money from the man, not allowing him the time to go elsewhere. Sort of "keep it in the house".  This works, then they realize they could bring in more teachers who could use the supplement to their income. This leads to a full-blown pimp-house, and the teachers who started the mess can retire literally off the backs of their cohorts. 

    It was a dream, and I have to tell you, I laughed all the way through the thing. I wondered if it was wrong to even think it, but you can't help what you think when you dream. You can help with what you write, so I may not, but then again, I may. If someone else reading this takes the idea and makes $$$$$ off of it, go for it. I'm good with that. I'm just over here spitballing anyway. It could be that your story is better than mine ever would be. Or, it could be that I go back to this blog and use it to sue the pants off of you and make my money that way. It's all relative. You just never know. It would be a good book, it would be a fun book, it would be a sexy, sort of quirky book, but you know, it could also be dark, twisted, evil, and ominous. It could be spun any way you want to spin it. Throw in a Brit to make it that much funnier. 

    That was it, that was my dream. I may or may not write it, and I may or may not publish it if I do write it, but the thing is, it was a good idea. Someone else may have already had that idea. I wouldn't know. I got it from the fleshy tenant in my skull while the rest of me was in slumberland just checking out the new dirt roads that lead from the old barn out back to the new Oz out front. 

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