Sunday, September 18, 2022

Rude People. They are Everywhere.

 You really can't escape the base and low character(s) of some people. They just pop up no matter where you go, no matter what you comment. You could comment on something about kilts and they'll turn the damn thing around and make it about themselves by trying to create havoc about you. I call these people small, and they are. It's unfortunate that you have to deal with them. I suppose they can type, so they feel the need to get on social media and cause trouble. If I had to guess I'd bet they're either drunk or so high they can't remember if they actually overdid it, or they needed to take their medication. Whatever the reason, they just feel the need to needle and pester good people for no reason other than to take their own self-hate for a vacation. Cutting you down relieves them of their pitiful existence for a minute. 

    Why do I even bother commenting on sites when I know there is a chance for one of these (or more) idiots to jump on and give their opinion?  In most cases they haven't thought out any argument, they just like to argue for the sake of doing so. I could comment that the sky is a lovely shade of blue, and these jobbies would come on board to say it was green and everyone knew it. Well, I've decided to be my best, and let them stew in their own filthy-mouthed and incredibly base ways. Time will prove again that they can't sustain their stupor and they'll end up pissing on themselves in the gutters again; they can't help themselves, and worse, they won't help themselves when offered some assistance. I've tried. I'm not going to beg someone to stop self-harming. They need to realize they are actually worth so much more than they are letting themselves believe.

    I wrote a blog about an individual who is really very talented, and quite unique. I posted it. Suddenly, out of the blue, and again for no reason other than to make an ass of herself, a woman from Scotland decides to accuse me of stalking the man. Stalking? No, the word is "promoting" or you might use the word "admire" but to say someone is stalking has a connotation that could lead to legal action. People who are as base as this woman really should return to reading books, educating themselves on how to adjust and live in a civil society. Slander is a real thing. Her posting my post only assisted my numbers, so thank you! She needs to have her clocks cleaned, but I'm not in that business. I'll leave that to someone in her neck of the woods. She'll piss someone off soon enough to the point that they teach her what happens to the overly rude.

    The Bible was very clear about her and the demons like her. It states that in the end times we'll see more of it, have to deal with more of it, and have to put up with more of it. OK. That actually makes sense. Satan knows his time is short. He's unleashing the dogs; pigs really. It's time to buckle down, show your true light(s) and be the star you're meant to be. Let the turkeys fly. Eagles soar! The view is pretty good from where I am. I don't have to scrape the bottom of the pond for new thoughts. I should pray for her, and when I can I will. Right now I just want her and others to know they are seen, they are heard, but no one really cares enough to bother with them. I should though. I should pray she changes; it's just that there are so many like her and when one goes away the others come out to play. You can't go anywhere, say anything, have an opinion, or make a statement without them putting in their two cents, and doing so inappropriately. 

    Maranatha! The Rapture is the only thing that will separate us from this sort of trash, but again, my heart needs to be broken for them. When I can, I will. I don't want to lie and pretend I care at this moment when I honestly think they may be possessed, and I'm not really qualified to exercise a demon.  I'll pray and ask God to send someone stronger than myself to do that. We all have our gifts, and that is not one of mine. God isn't finished with me yet. Who knows. 

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