Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Cheeky? Maybe.

 When people (and by "people" he knows who I'm talking about) decided to block other people...well, me, actually, they only detour the inevitable. Shall we play a game? I may not be the techiest person on the planet, God knows I am not, but I can wheel my way around making new and creative websites, users, etc., so that I may continue to observe when and who I damn well feel like observing.  I think the term is "Watch me!"  I love a good challenge and as I grow older, oh yes, say it, so very very old, I have become keenly aware of the experiences that I have yet to master. No worries. Until Jesus returns I have plenty of internet time. 

    I remember being around five or six years old; I know I couldn't fully read yet, but I was in school and it was hot outside, so that could have been November (if we're honest). I live in Oklahoma, always have really, for the most part, so the fact that it was hot outside only means it wasn't January or February. I was about five I suppose, long legged, and apt to go just about anywhere my feet would take me. I didn't own a bike of my own, so getting around took a bit of effort on my part.  I climbed over a wired fence. It was barbed wired, and it had a big orange diamond-shaped sign with words painted right in the middle of the sign. The sign was nailed of course, to the posts that had the wires wrapped around them. I guess I could have crawled under the wires too, but I didn't. At five I couldn't have weighed much, and the orange sign gave me some good leverage as I hoisted myself right up over the fence.  The sign, by the way, was placed there by the government. I found out later it bore the words "No Trespassing"

    Later that afternoon I found a big bone sticking out of the ground. I thought it must be a horse bone or something, so I used an old tree branch to dig it out of the ground. I took that bone right back home with me and showed it to my mom. Her face lit up all sorts of colors and my tail end would have ended up many shades of red had I not negotiated with my mother over the intel I had regarding the bone and where it came from. I flat told her if she whooped me I wouldn't tell her anything. She knew me. She knew I was stubborn and serious about not talking if I set my mind to it. I could take a paddling, but if I decide to shut my mouth nothing is going to get me talking - - except maybe Grandpa.

    She kept her promise and she didn't spank me.  I told her and I even showed her where I found the bone. That's when she read the sign to me and told me what it meant. That was all a bunch of nonsense as far as this girl was concerned. Trespassing, as far as she described it meant being somewhere that you didn't have a right to be. Who tells kids they can't be in fields, creek beds, tree orchards or such? That's not right.  I promised her I wouldn't climb over the fence again. I didn't promise her I wouldn't go back to where the bone was found. I just crawled under the wires from then on and no one was the wiser. I didn't dig up anymore bones; which by the way, that one was a thigh bone of a Native American who had possibly been buried there over a 100 years beforehand.  Mom had to turn it over to the police and they had a talk with me about that word again. Trespassing.  Whatever.

    I think my point is that I've always been one to do what I want to do. I really can't see why I shouldn't be allowed to do so if I'm not hurting anyone. That's why I became an investigator. I have a license now to go places others can't go. I have a license to sneak in and observe if I want to, or I can walk through the door. If the door is locked I can get in another way. Let me say that in INSTAGRAM terms; if you block me, I will go through another door. I'm not the best at it, but I am consistent. I'm also persistent, and I'm rather insistent as well. Some say I'm "uncomfortable" and/or "cheeky". I could be. But there is a reason behind the perseverance. If I don't know what I'm praying for I am not able to pray as effectively as I may need to. I am, if nothing else, a very keen prayer warrior. I insist on having God's ear when He and I speak, and I return the same. I listen. I always listen. I never NOT listen. 

    One more thing before I go; just because someone is not your cup of tea doesn't mean that person isn't the best damn cup of tea in the cafe!  Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean they are wrong. When a command is given the soldiers comply. When a soldier doesn't comply the Commanding Officer has a bone to pick with them -- doesn't He? I am a very good soldier. I will never not comply. If I seem a bit over the top it's because I am over the top. It's always worked for me. You don't see all of the corners of the rooms they rope off when you go into a museum, castle, or showcase, but I do.  

    There was a time, and I'll leave the blog link here, that I actually spent the night in a museum in order to create, organize, and display an amazing exhibit that needed to be built but no one had the time to do it -- so I did it. Did they ask me to? No.  Did they give me permission? Hell no.  Were they pleased beyond measure that I did it? Yes, yes they were. Was it right? I don't know.  It needed to be done.  I suspect when I get to Heaven Jesus may giggle, shake His head a bit and swat me on the backside as He lets me in -- I'd deserve it, but I will be let in; that much I know.

    Not gonna lie. I am not gonna change. I am who I am. I am the only me I could ever be. Be that as it may, I may very well be the lunatic you're looking for. 

The link is also here:  CONFESSIONS of a WRITER:  https://judestringfellow.blogspot.com/2017/01/confessions-of-writer.html

Me in 1981 after writing my name on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

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