Saturday, October 12, 2024

Stratford - The Outline is Done.

 Before I start a book I sit myself down on the couch, usually with a  cup of coffee and at least one dog. I write out the outline of the book by literally listing the events that I think will take place in chronological order, and I break them down somewhat into chapters in order to keep them in some semblance of order.

    Today, I did that with the book "Stratford," and I had two dogs and a fat cat by my side. If you can take those factors into the mix and quantify the book's beginning by the amount of animal involvement I had, this book promises to be good.

    It's October 12, 2024, and at 2:29 p.m., the Red River Rivalry is about to start in genuine. It's been going on for a while, but the game will be televised. I won't see it today because our antenna is out - but it's OK; I'll keep up with it online. There was a time I would have freaked out if I couldn't see every freaking play - those times are gone.

    It is now after 2:30 p.m., and I realize I haven't eaten anything. I didn't even make myself breakfast today. I need to get in that kitchen and drum up something. I have some chicken I can make a pulled chicken BBQ sandwich with, and I can rustle up some veggies or some yogurt with nuts and cranberries. I can do that. I need to do something before I fall through the cracks and die.

    "Stratford" is now on paper as an outline. It has 28 chapters and will be flushed to about 32, probably before the book is ended. It will be about 330 pages and will be finished by Thanksgiving. I'm not rushing it. I want to use AI to write it of course, to guide me, not actually write it - but I want to take the time to read through it more carefully so I catch more mistakes before I send it up -- I am now dealing with having to redo part of "Pinball" now that it's been out a year. I just picked it up and found more mistakes! UGH!!

    Writing can be the biggest headache, but then again, it's the best thing ever—so I do it. I haven't been jumping at the gate to do it lately, but I will enjoy writing this book. It will be a new way of using a creative tool that we have at our fingertips, so why not try it? I'll gain knowledge and be able to write better in the process. It's a win-win.

    Well, I need to get that food down me, and I guess I'll listen to the game online maybe - I may not, I may just check in on it from time to time -- I can't get over how I don't really care anymore. It only proves that time changes things -- maybe the folks in Stratford can figure that out for themselves.

Photo Credit:


Sunday, October 6, 2024

STRATFORD -- The Book Cover (is done)

 Others may fuss and fight over what a book cover should look like, but I have a sort of sheer little idea from the second I decide to write a book. I think this one was even faster if that's possible. I knew I wanted to include something distinctly Oklahoman so that when people picked up the book, they wouldn't confuse Stratford, Oklahoma, with any other city by that name. 

    I included oilfields on the back of the book - and on the front, it's just a light sconce from some bank or some other art deco wall. It could be from any building, but it's clearly something you'd see in the 1930s. "Stratford" does take place in 1933 - sometime between July and December; it may creep into 1934 - I haven't written the book yet.  I won't know until I know.

    Right now, all of the characters are sleeping, rolling over, realizing that they're just about to be called upon to be the heroes and villains of my latest book. This book will be the 5th in the Nick Posh Thrillers and will be centered in a small town in the southern central part of Oklahoma. Stratford, Oklahoma, is a very real city with a very real history, and I intend to do my best to expose it - as much as possible. If that sounds really mean, nasty, rude, and unloving, you have not been to Stratford and been "welcomed" by some of their less-than-favorable residents. 

    I am 100% sure there are lovely, great, and fabulous people in the city, but they won't necessarily be the ones I focus on in the book. I don't have to; it's my book. It was my experience, and it will be my retelling -- in the most creative way I can. One of the nicest things about having my creative license renewed as often as I do is that I can say just about anything and everything I need or want to say to get my point across.

    It cost me about $11 in gas to go there and come back, but it cost me $718 in falsified and erroneously rigged charges (IN MY OPINION) that, when explained to me, seemed as if I was not the only person these people had preyed upon—nope, not even close. According to my sources at the Garvin County Courthouse and the Stratford Times newspaper, this Stratford has been cooking the books and pulling the wool for quite some time. 

    In my new book "Stratford," corruption took place on a daily basis and to the point that the Governor of the State, as well as the leaders of the Chickasaw Nation, have commissioned Detective Posh and Private Investigator Eoghan MacRae to expose it all - to take names, and reel in the bad guys!  It will be my pleasure to put a specific law officer and his cohorts at the city courthouse behind bars and in a pauper's grave after the lawman has been shunned by the city, its people, and the entire community he used for ill gain.  One less bad guy -- but he's not alone.

    Please read "Stratford" when it comes out. I think it will be finished and published by Thanksgiving. As with all of my books, the print edition comes out about three weeks before the Ebooks. Right now, I'm converting all the others. It takes a minute, but I don't have to do all the editing. Thank God!

Photo Credit: Me.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

New Adventures - New Headaches !

 My excitement level is pretty high—I can't lie about that—but then again, I knew that setting up a new website would have its own tech problems that I wasn't looking forward to. I'm not a very tech-oriented person. I typically lose a few strands of hair over even the act of trying to fix or create something from nothing. If it doesn't have very clear step-by-step instructions (and even if it does), I can't do it.

    I set my mind to making it work, but that didn't stop all the frustration, glitches, problems, stumbling blocks, and things I couldn't understand. It was just nonsense to me. It was pretty easy to go to GoDaddy and register the new domain—it was next to free—but to keep it cost about $60, so it's not free—you need to know that.

    Then, after I got the domain, I wanted to create a website to go with it. At the top of the domain page was a button directing me to set up my free website - but then again, you MUST KNOW it is not free. After I set it up, worked it, used it, kept it, and improved it, I had to pay $119 or $9.99 a month - charged annually. It's not a bad price, and I'm not complaining about that, but they should tell you that instead of trying to say it's free, it's free if you don't ever want to use it!

    FINE!! After I created it, I wanted to be able to go to and see my website where I sell my books and offer links to things like my blog, a way to ask me questions about the books, and so on. The real-life problem was that somehow, I managed to buy two Go Daddy products and/or sites, and they wouldn't speak to each other! I had to call the support team and worked with them for over two hours to get it all straightened out - - two hours! They should tell you in the first place that when you click on this new button, it will take you to a separate page where you can't combine whatever you do with the page you currently OWN!

    I had to redo much of what I had already created, but it was worth it. I have the site I want, and I can now say I did it without begging others to help me. I even watched a few videos! I figured it out, and there you go! I'm better at tech than I thought I was -- sort of. I don't really like it. I think you have to like it to be truly good at it. I fuddle - I muddle. I survive. At least now you can go to the site and see the books I'm selling, read the blogs (even this one), and think about talking to me if you have a question for me!

    I'm still working out the final details, and I bet I'll tweak them as I go.  I have to add books, and I may add a page here and there - when it warrants doing so. Thanks so much for visiting my new site. I mean that!! I do really mean that. THANK YOU.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I Got a Rock (I got a few)

 If you know me, you know I love rocks. I don't care about whether it's quartz, citrine, or diamond. In fact, I would probably prefer Jasper and Lapis over a diamond anyway. I'm a little odd. Those little rocks don't interest me as much as the bigger, more common stones do.  To be honest, I'm very impressed with some of the most common rocks in the world. God really knew what He was doing when He made stones.

    I can't tell you how old I was when I first became interested in rocks, but I know I had a few growing up. Our preacher taught and preached that if a rock speaks, we are not praising God as we should. He said (and I clearly remember it) that if you were all by yourself in the woods or at the lake, and suddenly, out of nowhere, you hear a rock speaking, it would be praising God, and it would be there to remind you that you didn't do what you knew you were supposed to do!

    Well, I didn't have a lot of smarts, I suppose, not at the age of five or six, but I picked up a rock, and I held it in my hands. I told it straight out that it was to keep quiet! I never wanted to hear it, but if it did decide to talk, it would be our secret. Then, lo and behold, when I turned 10 years old, the whole pet rock craze came about, and people gave me several of them; different people who all knew I loved rocks! Pet rocks weren't really rocks. I think they were cement or concrete, but it's the thought that counts.

    Over the years, the many, many years that followed, I have ventured into nature stores to pick up a polished rock or two to add to my ever-growing collection. I have a good-sized collection, not to brag or anything.  I have polished stones and rough stones. I have rocks I've picked up outside from almost every place I've been. I pray with a very special rock, but it's not the one I prayed with for over 28 years. I lost that one somehow - - and my heart is broken because of it. Still, it will show up again; God will bring it to Heaven, I'm sure, and I'll keep it forever. I'm sure of it.

    Today, I received my first "box of rocks" from Amazon. I bought a box of rocks, a tumbler, grit, and polishing foam. I will tumble rocks for the heck of it, and see what they look like around my birthday. It's October 2 now, I'll start on October 6 and stop the machine on my birthday, November 22. If I need to do more, I'll do more. I'll put in a few now and then a few more after that. I plan on doing this for a while -- why not? It's a good hobby, and it's permanent! Rocks are meant to last the test of time.

There are many times in the Bible when rocks are mentioned and used. The gates of Heaven are made of 12 specific stones. These same stones are on the breastplates of the high priests.  Moses struck a rock, Jesus was crucified on one - they were used for alters, cairns, reminders, and more. They are permanent; they will be here when we are gone! Rocks are a gift - and they are too precious to just ignore or throw away. The random rock you throw into the ocean probably took two million years to get to the spot where you found it!

    Did you know that rocks are all the same age? Don't let people fool you into believing something else. I'm not talking about the carbonized diamond - - I'm talking about the rocks that are in the ground, the ones that make up the granite mountains, and those that are on the ocean and sea floors -- you know, rock rocks! They were all made on the same day! You don't have to believe it, but I do. 

    Rocks are not crystals and I don't think people should use them for healing. If, in fact, they have healing powers, it's because God Himself put it in them. I don't worship rocks or use them to bring attention to myself or anyone else - but if one actually talks -- we know why! I never, and I mean NEVER want to hear a rock speak -- not until we're all up in Heaven together, singing and praising with the water, the air, the flowers, the bugs, and everything else - - rocks don't have knees, so they can't bow, but according to the Word, they must have the ability to speak - - so they will confess one day that Jesus is in fact, Lord of lords, King of kings, and He is God!

    Ever wonder why God decided to write the Ten Commandments in stone? Think about it. 

Photo Credit: Me

Monday, September 30, 2024

STRATFORD...the Next Book.

 It's really funny how things take a turn.  Seventeen years ago, I visited Stratford, Oklahoma, to look at a horse my daughter wanted to buy. We were abiding by the law, minding our own business, when a very corrupt cop decided to stop me and lie about my insurance not being up to date. He wanted me to pay him $100 to forget the matter, and I wouldn't do it. He wanted my home phone number, but I wouldn't give it to him. He threatened me, and he forced me to let Laura drive us home because he claimed my insurance was out of compliance. If my insurance was out of compliance, then so was hers!! She didn't even have a driver's license!

    Long story short, I drove the 90 miles home and called the courts the next day to complain about the man and his inappropriate behavior. I was told I didn't have to show up for court; it would be dropped; no worries. I wish I had known what I know now! I didn't get the court clerk's name, and she has left the county offices, and so has the judge. The old coot that stopped me has been retired or fired, but he's not with the force anymore.

    I received a call about the citation and a bench warrant that was apparently out on me and stemmed from this event. It had been 16 years since the event, but they decided to drag it out of the dusty storage room and try and collect on it. I'm not the only one this happened to. Stratford and other courts have been backdating citations for decades.  If someone really wanted to make a noise about it, they could count me in on a class-action case. I'll wait for the judgment. I'm a very patient person. I have over 1M viewers who may be interested in my next novel -- it's #5 in the Posh series. 

    After about another solid year of being asked to pay the fines or face possible license suspension, I asked the courts to dismiss the charges. They won't. They turned it over to a law firm, which informed me they were not a collection agency as the money owed was not a debt. It doesn't fall under the Fair Credit Act either; these are fines and court costs that I owed, and they have no statute of limitation. They don't, however, show up on any national or even state records for warrants; they are only municipal, and they are only in Stratford.  As if I would ever step foot in that town again. 

    Well, after finding out today that the city will not reduce or dismiss the blatantly illegal and erroneous charges, I have decided to pay the $718 fine and court costs, but I will NOT go quietly into the shadows with this one. NO, I WILL NOT.  I've put my next two books on hold, and I'm writing an insert book titled "Stratford." It will be the 5th installment of the Nick Posh Thriller Series, and let's just say names will be spelled correctly or the most part -- it will be fun to change someone's name to PIGLEY, and people will die!! Oh, people are going to die very openly, very slowly, quite tumultuously, and there will be no mystery as to who, in fact, did the deeds. 

    I spoke with the two law attendants at the firm working out the fee payments, and they agreed. They read my notes and listened to me tell my side of what happened. Both Richard and Kim from Aberdeen Enterprises II were good to me. They were sympathetic and understood that I was not given the citation rightfully, but they were, unfortunately, not in a position to reduce or dismiss the fines or costs. They think the book is a great way to vent and release my steam about how I feel - and both said I could use their names as "heroes" when I write the thing - - and that started already. I am making all the notes I need, and by Saturday, I'll have the thing fleshed out on my computer with an outline.

    "Stratford" will be very descriptive, it will be very direct, and I will take the time to find any and every bit of illegal activity I can about that little town because I don't want good, law-abiding folks like myself going into it to buy anything or to think about buying anything -- they do not treat guests with respect, and in our neck of the woods that makes you a skank! If you can't show people their due respect, you deserve to end up with your scalped head on a pike in the middle of the Chickasaw Nation and that is exactly what will happen to the sleazy bag piece of trash that stopped me 17 years ago and lied about me - causing me not only to pay 3x the amount of court costs that were originally assessed, but he put me through undue stress and anxiety - - for which he will pay!

    The keyboard - or the pen - is so much more mightier than the sword - - and he and the court clerk Amy Pigley will find this to be true. (Oh, I changed her's not Pigley; I don't need her coming back on me and saying I singled her out.) She's been really nasty and unnecessarily rude to me. She wasn't here 17 years ago, so she has NO IDEA what happened, but she's taken it upon herself to deny me the fair track - so she will live the dream in the new novel! She'll be described as slightly obese, with thinning hair and a specific body odor that keeps her single.  She'll have an incestuous relationship with her father and likely end up throwing herself off the newly built bridge that her brothers and other kinfolk fish off of. 

    I won't pull any punches with "Stratford".  They've had 17 years to do the right thing. I can honestly say that I've never stepped foot in their little town since that day, and I have no intention of doing so now. If it flooded and everyone left it to be used for pig farming, they'd be better off.  I'm sure, 100% sure, there are good folks in the town, but there are enough trashy asshats who run their courts to warrant the book -- it'll be fiction. No sense in beating around that bush -- the entire book will be made up, but I will not spare them my opinions, and I will not show leniency when it comes to their fictional murders - - nope, it will be ugly...and a lot of fun to write.

    Eoghan MacRae comes to Oklahoma for this one. He'll end up staying for a year, getting his private investigator's license, and divorcing his wife -- but not because he doesn't love her. No, quite the opposite. You'll have to read it to find out, but it will be Eoghan who discovers the body of the cop, and he's the one who has to sit through an interview with Miss Pigley -- God help him. 

Photo Credit:

Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Next 90 Days. (Weight Loss and Strength Training)

 Many years ago—maybe 14 or 15 years now, let me think about it—it was around 2007, I think. I tried this thing where I was going to lose 30 pounds in 90 days, and I had a plan. It was a great plan, too. The whole thing was from the internet, and it seemed to work miracles for some—so why not me? Right?

    Turns out that shocking my body the way I did was not only unhealthy, but it ended up causing or at least significantly contributing to a gallbladder attack that may or may not have been an underlying problem - - but it was a BIG problem. Right in the middle of my first two weeks of the 90-day program, I had what I thought was a full-blown heart attack! It wasn't; it was my gallbladder, but you couldn't convince me; it was painfully devastating, and to make matters so much worse, the doctors sent me home for a week to let it relax before they took it out! Can you imagine? It really wasn't the most fun I've ever experienced. I'll say that.

    Well, I gave up the 90-day thing that time and picked up another sort of thing years later in 2020 when I woke up on August 3 and decided to lose 30 pounds before my birthday, November 22. I did it, too. I lost 38 pounds as a matter of fact, and I went on to lose another 10-12 pounds before Christmas. All in all, between August 3, 2020 and February 14, 2021, I had lost 58 pounds. THAT was an amazing time for me. I need that time back.

    As we get older and start making many mistakes and even more excuses, we figure out that we're not nearly as strong and confident as we thought we were -- at least, that happened to me. I lost jobs, I struggled financially, and all of it had a huge physical and mental effect on me. I gained most (not all) of the weight back, and I didn't give a flip if I could not fit in my jeans because I had given up wearing real clothes anyway. I work from home! I wake up, put on my jammies and that's how I stay unless and until I go out to the store or something. Then,  I pull on a pair of sweats or loose-fit joggers, and I go! I haven't worn real clothes in quite some time.  I don't have to; I don't need to. 

    Well, today, September 28, 2024, I put the 90-day thing back into effect. In 90 days, by December 27, 2024, I want to be at least 30 pounds lighter and much stronger. I have a plan, and I really hope it works. I'm older than I was in 2007, and I'm older than I was just 4 years ago. I'm OK with the age, but my body has decided to balk at some of what it used to want to do. For instance, I walked 4-6 miles a day for most of the weeks that I was losing all that weight -- and now my freaking right hip has decided to show its age (a little). I'm working on it as best I can with pain relievers, stretching, and all that, but now I have found another source of exercise that may replace all that walking.

    Last week I bought myself a 40" indoor Bcan trampoline with a handle to hold onto because I'm not stupid. I know people can fall; even the balanced ones, I'm not about to do all that bouncing without something to steady myself.  Laura helped me put it together after I hurt myself of course, she lets me try, but she usually ends up saving the day. I cussed too! yes, I did. I let out really bad words! It's not the bouncing that gets me, it's the assembly!  The point is that I now have a good indoor trampoline to bounce on while watching my shows. I thought I could do the mini-walking treadmill -- that was the latest and the greatest, but it wasn't. 

    My hips needed more space to move, and the walker forced me to put my feet too close together, which was not good. The pain was immediate! After three minutes, my joints screamed at me. Laura now has a new mini-treadmill walker - - and I have a new bouncy trampoline in my office to use while I watch my shows.  I worked up a sweat in just a few minutes and jumped 4180 steps in 15 minutes. I'm going rather slowly, too. I have more room to roam and get all the support I need. It's fun, and it's good for me.  I think I'll be able to use it for a while; I don't have to have my shoes on, which I did when I used the mini-treadmill.

    It will take me a few days to get the routine down, but let me just say that this trampoline and the new carrot juice I found at Sam's today will be a game changer. You don't know this about me, but I'm the biggest carrot juice fan. I juiced it with an amazing machine, but now I can buy it at Sam's and for the same cost! Yeah...and now that I know this, I'm already making plans to stock up on the stuff to the tune of two or three quarts a week - - I may be addicted. I put cinnamon in mine; if you haven't tried it, you really should. I'll keep you posted on the weight loss and the strength training. We have a really cool torture device in the dining room - we put the table and chairs away. We have a full gym now in the house - and I think we're happy about it. In 90 days, I'll be able to do 50-60 leg lifts on that chair thing, and I'll be able to say I could fit into my jeans if I wore them; at least I can put on a pair for a picture maybe -- or maybe, I'll just donate them all and keep to the jammies. We'll see.   Christmas is coming! I will be happy and fit -- hopefully, Santa will bring me a new hip...ha!

Photo Credit: 

Freedom of Information Act - - Let's Do This.

 Back in 2006, Laura and I were going to Stratford, Oklahoma, a sleepy little town in Garvin County. We were going to look at a paint quarter horse that she thought was worth the money. We went to the farm and saw the horse, but the owners weren't home like they said they would be, so we had to leave. A storm was coming, and we thought it would be best not to be 80 miles from home when it hit.

    As I drove over a bridge to turn back toward I-35, a police officer on the other side of the bridge caught my eye. We nodded at each other, and I crossed the bridge, stopping at the stop sign before turning left onto the road that led to the highway. The cop turned on his lights and pulled me over. I knew I wasn't speeding; I hadn't gotten up to 15 mph, even; there was no reason to pull me over. 
    In my head, I went over the usual reasons a person is stopped. I had brake lights. My license was current. There really was no reason to stop me. When he approached my car, he asked me to give him my license and insurance card, which I did. He came back with my license but said my insurance had lapsed. It had not. I was fully insured. His holding onto the card made it difficult for me to prove it, but I had full coverage on my car, and I knew it. It was a Sunday, and the insurance company was closed.
    The cop then tried to get me to give him my telephone number, which I refused. I gave him my work number instead, and he said it didn't matter; he had my address!! The man said, "I know where you live," as if threatening me.  He refused to let me drive the car, stating I wasn't insured, but he let Laura drive! She didn't even have a license or a permit! He didn't know that, but he didn't ask either. He gave me a ticket, telling me I had to appear in court to defend myself. That didn't happen.
    The next day, I called Garvin County and spoke with the court clerk. The judge was a rotation judge, roving from one city in the county to the next, and due to the weather, he hadn't come into the office yet. When he did (and no, I didn't get his name), he told me not to worry about showing up for court and that I didn't have to pay for the fine either because that cop had a history of harassment and he usually threw out more cases than not; or just charged people for court costs if they really had missed the stop sign, which is what the cop tried to say on the ticket.

    In hindsight, OF COURSE, I should have gotten the man's name. OF COURSE, I should have done more, but nothing came of it  - not for sixteen long years. SIXTEEN YEARS went by, and I got a phone call from the City of Stratford, asking me to pay the debt that took place in 2006 - and it wasn't $138, it was $718! Those corrupt pieces of crap added fines, fees, and who knows what else, and they were saying there was a warrant out for me! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? Sixteen years? Not one word, not a single attempt to reach me, not a letter, a text, a call, nothing!  

    Since the time of the ticket and the apparent warrant, I've bought houses, bought cars, renewed my various insurance licenses, and I was stopped by the police at a routine traffic stop and subjected to having my license run. No one came back and said I had a warrant out - Stratford is just a tiny little no-nothing town with hopes of making money stealing from people who don't come through their streets very often. THAT IS MY OPINION, and I will reiterate the story as often and as loudly as possible if I am forced to pay a penny of this trumped-up charge!

    They've turned the matter over to a collection agency now. Maybe I'll call them and give a settlement offer so I can get out from under the mess - - but when I do, I will take a full-page ad out in the Stratford Times. I'll blast the city, the history of the office, the records, and anything the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT can supply me because I will NOT let this rest. I will expose them to every corrupt antic they ever did - and hopefully, we'll gather enough folks to put a class-action suit against the city and bankrupt them to the point that they have to change their ways. If not, they'll know they've been put on notice.

    I hope NO ONE goes to Stratford, Oklahoma, to do business. I hope they have fired that asshat, and if they have, I hope they don't continue to do the type of things they are known to have done, at least to me - - because it happened to me, it happened to a lot more folks. I wonder how many I can find!  I wonder if my next novel will take place in Stratford, Oklahoma and if the murder isn't a little....detailed. There has to be a murder, I'm a murder author -- there will be a murder, and she just may get away with it, too. After all, the judge didn't like the guy much anyway -- look at me, I'm already writing this thing!

    Damn, good thing I'm a fiction writer -- hate for anyone to think I meant anything by it - the man is probably retired by now - - or maybe someone beat me to the punch! My keyboard hasn't done its damage yet.  They picked the wrong woman to railroad -- the pen is mighty when it needs to be, and Scorpio women...well, we're exactly what you think we can be.

Photo Credit: 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Poor Puppy!! Kiah got Spayed.

 On July 4, while everyone was thinking about what they wanted to do for the holiday, where they wanted to eat, and where they'd watch fireworks, I was out getting a dog. We knew we'd be moving to our new house in a couple of weeks, so it wasn't a hard decision for me to make, but it was somewhat difficult to find the right dog. I had to be pretty picky, and I almost changed my mind twice when it happened.

    The thing is, I wanted a smaller dog—something around 10-15 pounds when fully grown. I wanted someone to play with and be friends with Roseleigh, Laura's dog. I also wanted her to learn from Ginger and be my side-of-the-couch buddy when Ginger decided to leave me for Laura, which she's been doing lately. Don't ask me why; I have treated that dog very well for nearly 10 years!

    I answered the ad, and I picked up the dog. She wasn't small. From the moment I saw her, I knew her owners were either ignorant or they had played me. She was obviously part or mostly Schnauzer, and it wasn't a Mini-Schnauzer either, which would mean, when fully grown, she would be at least 25-30 pounds, a medium-sized dog. OK, I can handle that. What the other part of her was anyone's guess - until we nailed it by looking up various mixes and found a "breeder," if you will, in the area she came from. She's a designer dog; a "Schnollie" and what makes me laugh, is that she's not just part rough or regular collie, she's part Border Collie; of course she is. She's a terror on four legs! That girl can run!

    Laura didn't really like Kiah; she (Laura) wanted a dog with better manners, one that could catch on to commands and be trained to sit, stay, roll over, you know - dog stuff.  Kiah would rather run around you, bark, jump up, and play tag after she steals your socks.  She's learning. We're working on the politeness, but I don't think she'll ever be a candidate for Miss Emily's Perfect Pooch - - not going to happen. She's too spirited for that. We decided if we could find her a good home with a good family, and a large backyard, we'd let her be rehomed -- that didn't happen either. She snarled at anyone who thought about taking her -- she never snarled at either of us, just anyone trying to take her from us. Guess I'm keeping her... It looks a lot like I am keeping Kiah.

    Because we're good pet people, I called my favorite veterinarian, Dr. Sam Crosby, Sr., and scheduled her shots, spay, and all the bells and whistles for today. She turned seven months old somewhere in the middle of the month. I wanted her to have her first cycle before doing it.  She and I talked about it, and though I know she wasn't paying close attention, she can't say I didn't tell her exactly what to expect. That's why I was so shocked when I picked her up from Dr. Crosby's this afternoon!

    Don't get me wrong, when I took her water away from her last night and didn't give her anything this morning, she was inquisitive. Then, I took her on a long car ride before going to work, and she was excited but curious. After we reached the vet's office, a place she had personally never visited, she couldn't figure it out - - but again, I told her exactly what was going to happen - it wasn't as if I held it back or surprised her. I told her everything, even the gross parts. She didn't seem to give a care! Not once!

    When I left, I did notice she was confused, and I guess maybe I should have stayed because when I got the call telling me I could pick her up after she'd rested three or four hours, I was informed that she didn't go so easily into the great white room! She's apparently a biter! Who knew? I certainly didn't know. I told the doctor and the staff that she was new to me, that she had not wanted to be adopted by anyone, that she was a snarler -- but I had no idea she was a snapper -- she's pretty good at it too, from what they said.

    I went to the back where she was caged - caged!! They caged my dog! (It's OK; we won't freak about it, but she had never been in one before.) She was on the groomer's side, and she was the ONLY dog in the place that wasn't a Standard Poodle. I had to laugh. Monday must be Poodle Day. There were 5 giant dogs in the room all being so proper and pristine, then there was my little demon dog -- snarling away -- until she saw me. Then she was putty...just pure liquified putty - melting all over the place, trying to get to me. What a sweetie.

    I brought her home, but she was still pretty much feeling the drugs. Her tongue hung to the side, and she stared at me with crossed eyes. She fell asleep and has been next to me the entire evening - she did have a moment of upset belly and I called to verify that vomiting after surgery was normal; I knew it was, I can't help myself after I'm under the knife - - gross, but true. She's going to be out of it for the night and part of tomorrow for sure, and the drugs will last about a week, both painkillers and antibiotics. She's probably never going to trust me again when I take her for a joy ride, but the good news is, she won't be making any rowdy biting brats either -- nope, she's the last of her kind....sort of.

    Poor baby Kiah -- she'll be OK, but it's not easy being a puppy, obeying all the rules, and then having someone take your guts out when you expect to get an ice cream.  She's still staring at me, but I think it's because she wants me to give up my sock. I may have to do that. 

Doc Crosby said Kiah weighed 28.5 pounds and came out of the surgery like a champ—and she was not happy about it.

Photo Credit: Me (Kiah) 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Home Gym - - No Steroids!

 So, Laura and I were members of the YMCA right across the street from our apartment, but they closed. Since then, I have told myself that I'll walk the hood, the parking lots, etc., but then summer hit, and yeah, those 100+ temps (even the 90+ temps) kept me from doing that. I've grown a bit stiff, to say the least. I realized how bad it was recently, and though I know myself and know I won't drive to a gym and work out, I can go to Sam's and walk. I've done that a number of times. Laura and I got a little more serious about the situation, and here's what we did.

    First of all, we moved to a place that had more room. We each have our own bedrooms, but we also have another room for our individual offices. We bought gym equipment and stored it in various places around the house - it is truly a home gym! In my office, I have the mini-treadmill and the mini-vibration plate, but I also just bought a 40" round indoor trampoline with the "U" handle, so I don't accidentally fall over when I'm bouncing - - that wouldn't be too pretty; not at all. 

    Laura bought a workout bench, weights, and a power tower! We have those set up in what would have been the dining room, but neither of us really wanted to sit at the table and chat while we ate, so yeah, the table and chairs were given away, and we invited the power tower and the bench to take their place. She has the larger vibration plate in that room as well.  She also has a workout mat with smaller weights in her room; I have a smaller set, but I'm old, and she's bulking. I'm trying to stay fit and toned.

    I have a really cool thing that you use to strengthen your core and arms. It's a stick with a heavy-duty spring; we also have battle ropes outside. The entire thing, all of it, was about the same cost as our one-year membership at the YMCA! I'm not kidding. And we can keep these things here—we don't have the use of their other equipment, which we miss, but we can make due. When the weather cools down, which it's beginning to do, we'll walk more, use the ropes more, and find ourselves walking the hood to say hi to our old friends who live so very very far away - about a city block - - nearly a city block.

    We're both pretty excited about the new equipment. I have to be honest and say that I'm not good at it yet, but when I pass by the power tower, I get up on it, do a few leg lifts, and consider myself in training for the next time I try to outdo what I just did. Soon, maybe not too far down the road, I'll do 10-15 in a row instead of 3. I'll get there. I'll get there!! It will happen, and I'm sure I'll do the dance when it does happen.  I'll do another type of dance when the trampoline comes in this week. I will be honest; I'm much more of a mover than a lifter. I'd rather bounce and walk than lift - but I do see the benefits of both.

    We're not fancy - but we have fun, and we reward ourselves with compliments and encouragement. Like I said, she's bulking and going for a different body shape than I am. I want healthy, strong, good bones and a fit frame with the right amount of flesh to keep me healthy, and yeah, I want to feel like I've done something for myself. None of what we are trying to achieve is for anyone other than ourselves. We're not trying to compete or show off -- just be happy, fit, have fun, and know that our investment has paid off.  I think we've achieved all that.

Photo Credit: me

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Meet Mervin! (The Perfect Pet)

 My daughter Laura had just returned her newest bearded dragon to PetCo because it wasn't doing well. She had adopted it about three weeks ago, and over that time, we took the little thing back twice for an obvious respiratory issue.  I told her, and others have, too, that pet store chains such as PetSmart and PetCo don't usually have better animals; there are rumors about some of their vendors. I know I've had a couple of leopard geckos I've had to take back, and recently I returned a ball python, but not for illness. I just realized I wouldn't give her the attention she needed.

    When Laura took the dragon back, I knew she'd want to go to the more respectable pet and reptile store here in Oklahoma City with an excellent reputation; Exotic Pets on May Ave. They have a better track record of knowing exactly where their animals come from, and though it's not perfect, they try harder, and they have better-looking, healthier, and usually more vibrant animals to choose from. We went there - - Laura went through about ten different bearded dragons before choosing the leather-back lighter colored one; I was hoping she'd go for the brighter yellow and orange one that gave me the eye the entire time we were in the store.

    So, there I was, in the middle of the reptile store, a place I could stay in for a very long time. Something caught my eye and I immediately grabbed it -- I took it into my hands and decided right then, and right there, that no matter what it cost (I knew it wouldn't be too expensive)  I was going to take that puppy home with me - - it wasn't a puppy. I just call things puppies when they aren't actually puppies.  I saw a green, fully-grown Komodo dragon! MINE! That's right....I picked it up with one hand, knowing he would go home with me.

    I even had a name picked out for the guy—Mervin. I named him after the very patient and helpful (U.S. Army soldier) who helped us with Laura's bearded dragon decision. He told me that the Komodo dragon I held in my hands was the perfect pet—and he is. He was also only $10.99, and though he is 100% hard rubber-plastic, he is exactly what I need to sit on my mousepad to keep me and the wireless mouse company. He is amazing! 

    While I waited for Laura to pull out her credit card and buy Mervin for me, I found my right hand unoccupied. I decided to stick it wrist deep into a big bowl of blue-horned worms at the front of the store to entertain folks and give them something to look at and talk about. I asked permission before I picked them up, but you haven't lived until you let fifty to sixty big fat sticky-footed worms crawl all over your hand while you wait for someone you love to pay for the Komodo dragon in your other hand. That was my day.

    Mervin came home with me, He's now sitting on the mouse pad just giving me the eye like the live lizard did. He's not really hungry, but to make sure, I did offer him a french fry. He declined. He's very quiet, too; in fact, he's not made a sound since I brought him home. I guess he will be one of the best things I've ever let someone else spend money on. Don't think I'm all that bad, OK? I bought Laura's lunch in return for her generosity. It was the least I could do. 

    I wanted to take home a handful of blue-horned worms, but Laura wouldn't let me - - who raised her? I still can't figure out her problem; she's never been interested in millipedes or spiders, either. At least I managed to get her to wrap her mind around reptiles - I have that going for me.

Photo Credit: Me.